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Contribution of Space Earth Observation to the GeoHazard Scientific Community Salvatore Stramondo Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Contribution of Space Earth Observation to the GeoHazard Scientific Community Salvatore Stramondo Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Contribution of Space Earth Observation to the GeoHazard Scientific Community Salvatore Stramondo Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia Workshop Models for scientific exploitation of EO Data ESA-ESRIN October 11-12, 2012

2 - The “need” of satellite data from the GeoHazard Community - The International Forum on EO and Geohazard - EPOS - The Geohazard Supersites - Conclusions Overview

3 - Satellite Earth observation (EO) has a major role to play in contributing to the understanding, mitigation, preparedness and management of geophysical risks. - In the recent years a range of projects looking at risk assessment to better characterize hazards and risks has been initiated and/or completed. - Most of such projects have been driven by user requirements and have fostered the combined use of satellite and in situ data The “need” of satellite data from the GeoHazard Community

4 1- Coordination of space and in-situ data providers for selected sites (i.e. Geohazard Supersites) and regions (natural laboratories for geohazards) 2- E-infrastructures virtually connecting the data providers and users 3- Open access to all relevant data sets according to the GEO data sharing principles (seismic, GPS and interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR)).

5 The International Forum on EO and Geohazard

6 - Event attendance has been opened to geo-science users and experts working in the field of geohazard risk assessment and management. This means: representatives from space agencies, EO mission owners/operators, the EO Value Adding sector and users such as risk management authorities, land planning and risk prevention services, infrastructure managers, etc. - Invited speakers have presented their experience and expertise concerning the use of Satellite Earth Observation within the domain of risk assessment and with the aim of contributing to the understanding, mitigation, preparedness and management of geophysical risks and launching discussions with the participants to be included in community white papers.

7 - The Santorini Int. Forum provided the geohazard community with the opportunity to forge a vision and concrete objectives that will serve as the basis for agency planning in relation to investment on further use of EO. - The Santorini Int. Forum demonstrated ample evidence of the high level of knowledge within the communities of the specific geohazards: seismic hazards, volcanic hazards, landslide hazards, inactive mine hazards and coastal lowland subsidence hazards. The International Forum on EO and Geohazard

8 Each GeoHazard Community has set out a vision of the EO contribution to an operational risk program. Example: Seismic Community Objectives: 1)Development of a high resolution global strain rate model incorporating deformation constraints from GNSS and InSAR. 2)New regional or global maps of active visible faults, incorporating the latest results from the geomorphological analysis of high res. optical imagery and digital topography. 3)The creation of a new global seismic hazard map. 4)Precise measurements, including frequent acquisitions with multiple SAR sensors, over geographically focused areas to ensure strain rate measurements of unprecedented accuracy. The International Forum on EO and Geohazard

9 5) Rapid response to earthquakes, including: (a)Automatic rapid estimation of earthquake damage using hres optical and radar imagery. (b) Automatic rapid creation and web-publication of co-seismic interferograms from all available sensors. (c) (Semi-) automatic fault modelling – rapid production and web-publication of fault parameters using simple, consistent techniques. (d) Prediction of damage distribution using fault model. (e) Rapid calculation of Coulomb Stress changes to assess likely locations of aftershocks or triggered earthquakes. (f) Collection of InSAR data to support fundamental research on earthquake fault mechanics using observations of the early postseismic phase. The International Forum on EO and Geohazard

10 The European Plate Observing System (EPOS) is a long-term integrated research infrastructure plan to promote innovative approaches for a better understanding of the physical processes controlling earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, unrest episodes and tsunamis as well as those driving tectonics and Earth surface dynamics The EPOS plan aims at integrating the currently scattered, but highly advanced European facilities into one, distributed, but coherent multidisciplinary Research Infrastructure (RI) taking full advantage of new e-science opportunities EPOS PP Timeline EPOS

11 EPOS Components EPOS

12 They represent the major novel e- science contribution of EPOS They are the ICT toolset to integrate RIs (the data-oriented layer) They represent the solution to open data infrastructures to other stakeholders They will link our data infrastructures with HPC-GRID and Cloud resources EPOS Core Services

13 EPOS WG8 Aim of EPOS WG8 Satellite Information Data - To ensure the availability of EO data and softwares/tools for data processing and handling -To define clear and shared data formats to facilitate the delivery and data exchange with the other communities -To discuss the data policies of data providers (Space Agencies and Private Companies) - To define the requirements of the user communities - To enforce the link of Satellite EO Community and the Earth Science community

14 EPOS WG8 WG8 will propose a satellite observation strategy to serve EPOS Community needs, define requirements on data access, define product content and format, and define requirements on user licenses (from WG8 Meeting, September 2012, Prague).

15 WG8 Satellite data information Short-Term Strategy and organization: Use the supersites initiative (Istanbul, Italian Volcanoes and Icelandic Volcanoes) as the demonstrators & initiators for integrating satellite and in-situ observations and for providing integrated access to data (local e-infrastructures) Link European efforts to GEO(SS) initiatives (contributing to implement the Supersite Forum to share data and information immediately after a relevant event) Define the IT requirements for data storage, data products, processing and visualisation tools.

16 WG8 Satellite data information Long-Term Strategy and organization: Promoting a satellite observation strategy aiming at the acquisition of data from the national space agencies (CNES, DLR, ASI, …) Discussing a solution for data repositories. Example: Terrafirma repository to be stored in ONEGEOLOGY and/or Helix Nebula or PANGEO Promoting coordination with other initiatives EPOS-like in other Continents

17 4.1 Collaboration of space and in-situ data providers The principal achievement of the last years was successful collaboration between space- and in-situ data provider for the common goal of improving geohazard monitoring. Under coordination of CEOS, nearly all satellite data providers have established procedures and means for data provision. The European in-situ data provider under the coordination of the European Plate Observatory System (EPOS) and the U.S. institutions (U.S. Geological Survey and Unavco/Earthscope) are now teaming up to support the initiative. 4.5 European Union advances sharing of in-situ data To make a contribution to the GEO 2012-2015 Work Plan the European Commission issued a call for proposals for long-term monitoring of geologically active regions following the Supersites concept. Each selected project will receive up to 6 million Euro for in-situ instrumentation. The European Plate Boundary Observatory (EPOS), which also serves as the task co-lead of the Geohazard Supersites, will assist the call in the implementation of the data sharing and CEOS will provide the space-based data.

18 6 MOBILIZING AND INTERCONNECTING IN-SITU DATA PROVIDER – In the absence of a strong coordinating body such as the Committee of Earth Observations Satellites (CEOS) for Space Agencies, the participation of in-situ data provider can’t progress as rapidly as for the satellite data provider. There are West-East differences inthe sharing of in-situ data to be overcome. Data sharing is well established in the U.S. and Canada but limited to non-existent in parts of Asia. Governments should encourage national monitoring agencies to contribute data to, and take advantage of, the Geohazard Supersites. 6.1 Proposed pilot project for in-situ data sharing – Key measurements for understanding geohazards are the in-situ GPS networks in Japan (~1200 stations), North America (~1500 stations) and Europe (~2200 stations). Some of these data are not yet openly available. Japan, USA and the European Commission are encouraged to implement a pilot project on sharing of GPS data.

19 The Geohazard Supersites The aim of the Geohazard Supersites is “To enrich our knowledge about geohazards by empowering the global scientific community through collaboration of space and in-situ data providers and cross-domain sharing of data knowledge. Policy makers and national agencies will benefit from the new scientific knowledge for the assessment and mitigation of geological risks.“ (GEO-VIII Plenary – 16-17 November 2011, Istanbul)


21 FUTUREVOLC "A European volcanological supersite in Iceland The Geohazard Supersites

22 MARmara SuperSITE (MARSIT E) TerraSAR- X for Turkey Natural Laboratory The Geohazard Supersites

23 The project is focused on the Supersites of Southern Italy (Mt. Etna and Campi Flegrei / Vesuvius volcanoes) They are located in populate regions and encompass almost the whole spectrum of the threatening volcanic phenomena producing high local/regional/continental risks MEDiterranean SUpersite Volcanoes (MEDSUV) The Geohazard Supersites

24 Conclusions Several efforts have been performed to address the “need” of Satellite Earth observation (EO) and in situ data. The Santorini Int. Forum demonstrated the high level of knowledge of Satellite EO data within the communities of each specific geohazards EPOS initiative promoted the integration of different data sources (satellite and in situ) within the Community of Users. EPOS is fostering science across domains through novel e-infrastructures and ICT platforms for collaborative research and communication A collaboration between space- and in-situ data providers in order to achieve the common goal of improving geohazard monitoring is a key issue Sharing and coordinating activities to delineate a short- & mid-term roadmap to promote synergies between till existing initiatives (CEOS-EPOS- GEOSupersites).

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