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DISD 2011.  Get to know the Google Earth Tool.  Learn about KML and KMZ files to show information on your activities.  Making your own information.

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Presentation on theme: "DISD 2011.  Get to know the Google Earth Tool.  Learn about KML and KMZ files to show information on your activities.  Making your own information."— Presentation transcript:

1 DISD 2011

2  Get to know the Google Earth Tool.  Learn about KML and KMZ files to show information on your activities.  Making your own information for sharing.  Export KML/Z.  Cache for offline use.  Research to find lessons to use next school year.

3   How have you used google earth? What would you like to learn today?

4 ◦ Zoom  Zoom In – SCROLL + UP  Zoom Out – SCROLL + DOWN ◦ Pan – LEFT RIGHT UP DOWN ◦ Tilt  Tilt to Horizontal _ SHIFT + DOWN  Tilt to Vertical – SHIFT+UP ◦ Rotate  Clockwise - SHIFT and RIGHT  Anticlockwise – SHIFT and LEFT Rotate Tilt Pan Zoom

5  Fly to  Name of Place (Need to be online)  Latitude or Longitude  51.199000, -0.535150  Directions – get directions from:  - Dublin, Ireland  - to Dublin, Texas  Now fly it!

6  Measurement Tool  Historical Imagery: Back to 1950  Placemarks and Tours  Exploring Moon, Mars, and Sky

7 Information which you add to the map is organised into layers Some of these are within folders Needs good data management

8 1.Toggle menus 2.Add placemark 3.Add an area 4.Add a line 5.Add an image 6.Record a tour 7.Show historical imagery 8.Dark/Light 9.Switch between earth, sky and other planets 10.Ruler 11.Print 12.Email 13.Publish in Google Maps

9 Click to create a new placemark Enter a sensible Name You can add more details in the description You can change the Symbol, Style, Colour. Don’t forget to press OK to save it  Make a placemark to represent a building. Choose an appropriate symbol.

10 Similar to Placemarks Multiple clicks to mark each vertex of the area Give the area a name Add a description Can set style, colour and Outline and Opacity (for area) Don’t forget to press OK to save it

11  Allows you to switch between different ages of imagery  What has been the biggest change to these grounds which you can spot from the available imagery?

12  KML is a form of XML. Very simple language  KMZ is just a zipped form of KML  You can export a single feature, groups of features, features stored in folders  Right Click on the feature/folder to export and go to Save Place As  Create a folder, put your point and area into it, and export the folder.


14 First connect to the internet, launch GE, and clear its disk cache: tools > options > cache > clear disk cache > OK ◦ In GE, make sure that the borders and roads layers are switched on; zoom to the affected area; and systematically ‘sweep’ it at an appropriate level of resolution. As you do this, the background imagery is cached to disk. ◦ Next time you open your computer, the imagery will still show, even if you are offline


16  English Language Arts: Map an autobiography, Google Lit Trips  Math: Measure distances, angles, depths, elevations  Social Studies: Create you own military campaigns, Compare Contrast views of cities today to past, Go on a virtual field trip. 2&col=2008& 2&col=2008&

17  Science: Space Exploration, Sky Mode, Moon Mode, Analyze Earthquake Data, Look at Endangered Species habits.  Health and Physical Education: Virtual climb of Mount Everest,

18  earth-for-educators/ earth-for-educators/

19  Your turn…………………………

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