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Save your planet!!! The earth has fever!. What is climate change The Greenhouse Effect changes the Climate The Greenhouse Effect changes the Climate 

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Presentation on theme: "Save your planet!!! The earth has fever!. What is climate change The Greenhouse Effect changes the Climate The Greenhouse Effect changes the Climate "— Presentation transcript:

1 Save your planet!!! The earth has fever!

2 What is climate change The Greenhouse Effect changes the Climate The Greenhouse Effect changes the Climate  The sunlight hits the earth and reflect.  The earth becomes hot and the the atmosphere reflects warm air.  More CO² and other gases in the atmosphere, the air becomes warmer.

3 Tipps at home Take the bike Fewer petrolcosts Radiator and windows not open or wear the same time Fewer heating costs Use hot water to boil Fewer electricity consumption Turn off devices overnight Fewer electricity consumption

4 Tipps at home Don’t use the dryer Fewer electricity consumption Take the

5 Renewable Energies Wind Energy Wind Energy Photovoltaic Energy Photovoltaic Energy Water Energy Water Energy Solar Energy Solar Energy  This are progresses of humanity, but isn‘t enough to save the earth.

6 These are consequences Flood Forest Fire Ice Melt Drought

7 Video

8 Thank you for your interest!!!

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