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St Petersburg - ICTP 20081 Third International Conference on Teaching of Psychology (ICTP-2008). St.-Petersburg Psychological Society, St-Petersburg State.

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Presentation on theme: "St Petersburg - ICTP 20081 Third International Conference on Teaching of Psychology (ICTP-2008). St.-Petersburg Psychological Society, St-Petersburg State."— Presentation transcript:

1 St Petersburg - ICTP 20081 Third International Conference on Teaching of Psychology (ICTP-2008). St.-Petersburg Psychological Society, St-Petersburg State University, July 12-16, 2008. Training for psychologists in French universities: an introduction and a look at the current debates in this area Benoît Schneider President of the AEPU Association des Enseignants-chercheurs en Psychologie des Universités, Catherine Wieder Secretaire of the AEPU

2 St Petersburg - ICTP 20082 Introduction: Training in psychology and university training for psychologists, in France

3 St Petersburg - ICTP 20083 1.Introduction: training in psychology and university training for psychologists, in France  Main characteristics of the model used in training future psychologists

4 St Petersburg - ICTP 20084 1.Introduction: training in psychology and university training for psychologists, in France  Main characteristics of the model used in training future psychologists  Assets and weaknesses

5 St Petersburg - ICTP 20085 1.Introduction: training in psychology and university training for psychologists,in France  Main characteristics of the university model used in training future psychologists  Assets and weaknesses  Evolution factors

6 St Petersburg - ICTP 20086 1.Characteristics of the university model used in training for psychology and future psychologists

7 St Petersburg - ICTP 20087 1.Characteristics of the university model used in training for psychology and future psychologists  Specifications of the training for psychologists within and via university education  One of the most attractive subjects in higher education  Studying psychology or becoming a psychologist?  At Master level: a late selection

8 St Petersburg - ICTP 20088 1.Characteristics of the university model used in training for psychology and future psychologists ( 1) Specifications of the training for psychologists within and via university education  The 25 july 1985 law: a protected title  Degree + Master + stage  No selective entry for admission

9 St Petersburg - ICTP 20089 1.Characteristics of the university model used in training for psychology and future psychologists (2) One of the most attractive subjects in higher education  More than 65.000 students - 1997 : 57.500 - 2001: 62.500 - 2006: 67.200 - 2007: 64.400  25% of the European students of psychology

10 St Petersburg - ICTP 200810 1.Characteristics of the university model used in training for psychology and future psychologists (3) Studying psychology or becoming a psychologist?  At bachelor’s degree (licence) level: - a « weakened » specialization - diversified expectations poorly taken into account

11 St Petersburg - ICTP 200811 1.Characteristics of the university model used in training for psychology and future psychologists (4) At Master level: a late selection  Restricted intake at M2 entrance only

12 St Petersburg - ICTP 200812 2. Assets and weaknesses

13 St Petersburg - ICTP 200813 Assets and weaknesses (+)  A high level requirement: a research training using research  A flexible and reactive vocational training system

14 St Petersburg - ICTP 200814 Assets and weaknesses (+) (1) A high level requirement: a practical training coupled with a research training based on research  Diplôme national de Master, Arrêté du 25-04-02, art.6. « La formation comprend (…) une initiation à la recherche et notamment la rédaction d’un mémoire (…). » « The training includes (…) an initiation to research and a dissertation (…). »  Arrêté du 19-05-2006 relatif aux modalités d’organisation du stage professionnel [en vue de l’obtention] du titre de psychologue, art.2. « Le stage professionnel est d’une durée minimale de 500 heures (…) » « A more than 500 hours long vocational training course (…) »

15 St Petersburg - ICTP 200815 Assets and weaknesses (+) ( 2) A flexible and reactive vocational training system : From DESS to Masters Pro, from DEA to Masters Recherche DESS/Master Pro 19942007 if optional subjects Health / clinical 265171 Social and work psychology 253645 Educational and developmental 132631 64113147 DEA/Master Research 334961

16 St Petersburg - ICTP 200816 Assets and weaknesses (-)  A flexible training system… but with a lack of visibility for the employers  An excess quantity of degrees and/or graduates?  A selection applied too late  A lack of trainers  A too strict status of the occupation of Professor- Researcher  Wrong relations between training and teaching  A subject facing strong theoretical and ideological divergences  An overall university context little suitable for evolution

17 St Petersburg - ICTP 200817 Assets and weaknesses (-) (1)A flexible training system… but with a lack of visibility for the employers  Complicated titles  Unclear degree listings  Badly identified training courses and competences

18 St Petersburg - ICTP 200818 Assets and weaknesses (-) (2) An excess quantity of degrees and/or graduates? Nb of registered students in total all levelsin M1in M2 Nb of places in M2 1996574861075032782810 2006671971204846095381

19 St Petersburg - ICTP 200819 Assets and weaknesses (-) (3) A too late applied selection  Two times more students in M1 than in M2  Systematized strategies in holding back or repeating years  Years of studies without any valuable degree  A major problem in degrees educational consistency  Integration difficulties  A deskilling of the profession

20 St Petersburg - ICTP 200820 Assets and weaknesses (-) (4) A lack of trainers  2004 facts  One trainer for 67 students SubjectsNb=% Clinical/ Psychopathology 28129 Child and Developmental 15816 Cognitive13013,5 Social19620 Vocational394 Psychophysiology and Ethology 222 Statistics131,5 Miscellaneous12913,5 Total968100

21 St Petersburg - ICTP 200821 Assets and weaknesses (-) (5) A too strict and too lenient status of the occupation of Professor-Researcher  Dispensatory status of the Professor- researcher  Not well known practice  No contractual agreement

22 St Petersburg - ICTP 200822 Assets and weaknesses (-) (6) Wrong relations between research and teaching  Vocational degrees based on research?  A loose link between research and professionalization

23 St Petersburg - ICTP 200823 Assets and weaknesses (-) (7) Psychology: a subject facing strong theoretical and ideological divergences  Organisations and decision making processes

24 St Petersburg - ICTP 200824 Assets and weaknesses (-) (8) An overall university context little suitable for evolution  Exemple : the selection process

25 St Petersburg - ICTP 200825 3. A few potential factors for change

26 St Petersburg - ICTP 200826 3. A few potential factors for change  A progressive clarification of the training plan  External pressures compel to define the required competences  The enrolment of professionals in the training course has started  The control of the integration into the world of work and the employment must be supported  The beginning of work among professional organizations

27 St Petersburg - ICTP 200827 3. A few potential factors for change (1)A progressive clarification of the training system  Bachelor’s degrees and vocational degrees  Restricted admission at M1 entrance  The « Master unique » (merging of master pro and research)

28 St Petersburg - ICTP 200828 3. A few potential factors for change (2) External pressures compel to define the required competences  The national committee for authentification of foreign degrees in psychology (« Commission nationale chargée d’évaluer le niveau des diplômes étrangers en psychologie ») 2007: 194 applications (92 in UE ; 102 out UE) 138 accepted  Authentification of Skills and Experiences (VAE : « Validation des acquis de l’expérience »)  Europsy

29 St Petersburg - ICTP 200829 3. A few potential factors for change ( 3) The enrolment of professionals in the training course has started:  The May 19th 2006 decree  This enrolment is to become institutionalized and vocational

30 St Petersburg - ICTP 200830 3. A few potential factors for change (4) The control of the integration into the world of work and the employment must be supported  The observers of student paths and their integration into the world of work  Number of psychologists in France?

31 St Petersburg - ICTP 200831 3. A few potential factors for change (5) The beginning of work among professional organizations

32 St Petersburg - ICTP 200832 4. Conclusions Nbr Étud inscrits Nbr Stud dipl Dipl/ étud Nbr praticiens Durée de vie prat Salaire Début euros Nbr psy/ hab B 5.0009001/5,520.00022 ans1.8001/525 S 8.000 1/912.00015 ans2.8001/625 F 65.00036001/1830.0007,5 ans 1.4001/1333

33 St Petersburg - ICTP 200833 Thank you for your attention!

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