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By: Ranie Olorenshaw Stacey Loski Lisa Willis. Pulls objects back toward Earth. Is always working. A constant force, which means it never stops! Can work.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Ranie Olorenshaw Stacey Loski Lisa Willis. Pulls objects back toward Earth. Is always working. A constant force, which means it never stops! Can work."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Ranie Olorenshaw Stacey Loski Lisa Willis

2 Pulls objects back toward Earth. Is always working. A constant force, which means it never stops! Can work for us (Riding a bike down a hill). Can work against us (Riding a bike up a hill). What is Gravity?

3 1.Why Thing Fall? 2.Falling Objects. 3.How High Can You Jump? What we’re learning today.

4 Bill Nye On Gravity

5 Why Things Fall?

6 What will happen if you drop it? -It falls to the ground

7 Gravity Page What happened when we dropped the pencil? Why did it happen? What is gravity? (record your answer on the gravity page) If gravity is pulling us toward Earth, why can we still walk around and jump in the air? On the gravity page make a list of things that can fall to the Earth. RainStars SnowA ball thrown in the air LeavesPencils Nye Tunes Gravity Video Assignment: Watch for falling objects in the world. Name that item and what you saw when the item was falling. Was there anything that kept the item from reaching the ground? Did it fall fast or slow? Falling Activity

8 Light objects seem to float in the air. Air can slow an object but cant stop gravity. Falling Objects

9 Different weights fall at the the same rate Different shapes fall at different rates The WEIGHT of an object does not effect the rate things fall, SHAPE does!

10 - ( Follow the link and click falling objects paper under materials for a fun activity.) A common misconception about gravity is that the larger and heavier an item is, the faster it will fall


12 How high do you think you can jump? Do you think holding a weight will affect how high you can jump? Just some questions… Who do you think will jump higher?

13 Grab a partner! Now, let’s watch each other jump! Jumping Activity First Jump: Jump 3 times. Have your partner record each jump. What was your highest? Second Jump: Jump 3 times This time, holding weights! Have your partner record each jump What was your highest? What was the difference between the two different jumps? Did jumping with the weight make a difference? In which jump did you jump higher? Why? how-high-2.pdf

14 WWhat would happen if you woke up to find that the Earth had no gravity? WWhat would you do? WWhat tasks would be easier? WWhat would be harder? “A Day Without Gravity”

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