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WHAT IS THIS CHANGE COMPOSED OF?:  It’s composed of 5 dimensional system shifts in the ways Humankind approaches life without the limits of fear. WHAT.

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Presentation on theme: "WHAT IS THIS CHANGE COMPOSED OF?:  It’s composed of 5 dimensional system shifts in the ways Humankind approaches life without the limits of fear. WHAT."— Presentation transcript:


2 WHAT IS THIS CHANGE COMPOSED OF?:  It’s composed of 5 dimensional system shifts in the ways Humankind approaches life without the limits of fear. WHAT DOES THIS “NEW WAY OF BE-ING” MEAN?  It means survival or fear based systems are replaced by abundant (Love) based systems…or  “Finite” mentality (lack and limitation) systems are replaced by the “Infinite” mentalities (Infinite possibilities)…or  “Man’s Way” (historical references) are replaced with New Thoughts of Perfect Love (present moment knowledge)

3 5 DIMENSIONS OF GLOBAL TRANSFORMATION 1. Educational Systems Talent Discovery, & Development 2. Health & Healing Systems Alternative Medicines, Foods, Wellness 3. Financial- Monetary Systems New Banking & Green Systems/ Technologies 4. Political Systems New Awareness In Service To Freedoms 5. Religious Systems New Awareness in Acceptance - Appreciation

4 #1 - EDUCATION Transformation Matrix A. Talent Discovery Education (K-12 and Beyond) Finding Passion & Purpose Talents B. Positive Multi- Media Education New technologies, New Understandings C. Higher Education Avocational Focused Aims To Fulfill Student’s Calling

5 #2 – Health & Healing Systems Spiritual Health Emphasis Auric, Light, Emotional Body Natural Medicines, Holistic Natural, Organic Remedies Education Multi-Media of Body, Mind and Soul. Shares The Truth

6 #3 – Financial/ Monetary Systems Green Conscious Investments Free Energy, Earth Harmony Replaces Old Paradigms People Owned Global Banking Fair, Equity, Universal, Dividends Paid To All Abundance For All People Everyone Wins!

7 #4 – Political/ Governance Systems Perfect Integrity Truly Aligned With People’s Wishes Transparent Legislation

8 #5 – Religious/ Belief Systems A. Perfect Integrity & All Secrets Revealed B. Perfect Love Is Only Path Embraced C. Perfect Acceptance of Choice Embraced

9 5 DIMENSIONS OF GLOBAL TRANSFORMATION 1. Educational Systems Talent Discovery, & Development New Earth PROJECTS 2. Health & Healing Systems Alternative Medicines, Foods, Wellness New Earth PROJECTS 3. Financial- Monetary Systems New Banking & Green Systems/ Technologies New Earth PROJECTS 4. Political/ Governance Systems New Awareness In Service To Freedoms New Earth PROJECTS 5. Religious /Belief Systems New Awareness in Acceptance - Appreciation New Earth PROJECTS


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