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O RIENTATION FOR G RADE 9 Welcome to the Parent Orientation Meeting! Please sign in at the back and have a seat…

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Presentation on theme: "O RIENTATION FOR G RADE 9 Welcome to the Parent Orientation Meeting! Please sign in at the back and have a seat…"— Presentation transcript:

1 O RIENTATION FOR G RADE 9 Welcome to the Parent Orientation Meeting! Please sign in at the back and have a seat…

2 F AITH F ORMATION C LASS 2014-2015 S UNDAYS 6-7:30 PM 1. September 7 2. September 14 3. September 21 4. September 28 5. October 5 6. October 19 7. October 26 8. November 2 9. November 9 10. November 16 11. November 23 12. December 7 (Penance Service) 1. January 11 2. January 25 3. February 1 (3:30-4:45pm) 4. February 8 5. February 22 6. March 1 (Penance Service) 7. March 8 8. March 15 9. March 29 10. April 19 11. April 26 12. May 3 Fall SemesterSpring Semester

3 F AITH F ORMATION O NLINE SSPP Faith Formation Website Click “Faith Formation” to take you to the main page The website has the following… Files/forms for download (registration forms, service hours and other Confirmation forms) News & upcoming events in the program Please be sure that we have an updated email address(es) to make sure you’re receiving the latest news and updates

4 S ERVICE H OURS Must complete 10 hours of volunteer service 5 hours completed on campus; 5 hours completed off campus What are some good ways to get hours? Servant for a Day Friends of the Night People SABAH St. Luke’s Mission of Mercy Response to Love Center Volunteer teach/aide religious education classes for younger grades As different service opportunities become available, we will notify you via email and the parish bulletin

5 M ASS R EFLECTION S HEET Mass Reflection Sheets are to be turned in each month from the fall or spring semester. It should have a record of at least four Masses (in an average month with four weekends). Some months will have five weekends, and some months will have a non-Sunday Holy Day of Obligation. When these occur, record them on the back of the sheet. Mass Reflection Sheets are due at the end of each month.

6 A BSENCE P OLICY My child will not be able to make class on Sunday because of ‘excuse X’. What should I do? If your child can’t make to class on Sunday, we will allow a parent to attend the class in your child’s absence; the parent will be expected to review the material in the class with their child afterwards

7 W EATHER C ANCELLATIONS In the event of bad weather, we will use TV-channels 2, 4, & 7, the website, and radio WBEN 930AM to announce cancellations of classes Do not call the rectory!

8 C HOSEN : C ONFIRMATION P ROGRAM Grade 9 will be year one of a two year Confirmation prep program Year one will cover lessons 1-12; year two will cover lessons 13- 24 Parents can follow along with the material their children will be taught with the parent’s guide.

9 C HOSEN : C ONFIRMATION P ROGRAM Lesson1: “Why am I here?” Segment 1 – What Are You Looking For? Segment 2 – Beginning the Journey Lesson 2: “What makes me happy?” Segment 1 – The Goal of Life Segment 2 – Is There Something More? Segment 3 – Are We on Our Own? Lesson 3: “What’s your story, God?” Segment 1 – Creation and the Fall Segment 2 – Jesus’ Divine Rescue Mission Segment 3 – A Kingdom on Earth Lesson 4: “How do I know God is real?” Segment 1 – Evidence for God Segment 2 – Scripture and Tradition Segment 3 – Our Response to God Lesson 5: “Who is Jesus?” Segment 1 – “Who Do You Say That I Am?” Segment 2 – Evidence for Jesus Segment 3 – Why Did Jesus Come to Us? Lesson 6: “Why be Catholic?” Segment 1 – The One True Church Segment 2 – Apostolic and Catholic Segment 3 – The Church Is Holy

10 C HOSEN : C ONFIRMATION P ROGRAM Lesson 7: “Where am I going?” Segment 1 – Death and Judgment Segment 2 – Heaven and Hell Segment 3 – Purgatory Lesson 8: “How do I get there?” Segment 1 – The Gift of Grace Segment 2 – What Is a Sacrament? Segment 3 – The Seven Sacraments Lesson 9: “When did my journey begin?” Segment 1 – Actions Have Consequences Segment 2 – What Is Baptism? Segment 3 – The Symbols of Baptism Lesson 10: “Why tell my sins to a priest?” Segment 1 – Hitting the Goal Segment 2 – What Is Sin Segment 3 – The Power of Confession Lesson 11: “How does God help when it hurts?” Segment 1 – The Problem of Suffering Segment 2 – God Is with Us Segment 3 – The Anointing of the Sick Lesson 12: “Who is the Holy Spirit?” Segment 1 – Symbols of the Holy Spirit Segment 2 – Our Guide & Map Segment 3 – The Holy Spirit in Your Life Learn More About Chosen @

11 C ONSIDER V OLUNTEER T EACHING Have you thought about wanting to volunteer or be involved with teaching or staying more connected to your child’s religious instruction? The teachers and office help in the Faith Formation program are dedicated volunteers This program can not operate without your support If you want to help in any way, please call the office at 649-0231 or email the office


13 C LOSING P RAYER : P ETITIONS TO S AINTS P ETER & P AUL O Holy Apostles, Peter and Paul, I choose you this day and forever to be my special patrons and advocates, you, St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles, because you are the Rock upon which almighty God has built His Church. You, St. Paul because you were forechosen by God as the vessel of election and the preacher of truth to the whole world. Obtain for me, I pray you, lively faith, firm hope and burning love.

14 C LOSING P RAYER : P ETITIONS TO S AINTS P ETER & P AUL Complete detachment from myself, contempt of the world, patience in adversity, humility in prosperity, attention in prayer, purity of diligence in fulfilling the duties of my state of life, constancy in my resolutions, resignation to the will of God and perseverance in the grace of God even to death. So that, by means of your intercession and your glorious merits, I may be able to overcome the devil, and may I be made worthy of the Promises of Christ and enjoy His presence and love Him forever. AMEN

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