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LET’S PLAY JEOPARDY!! Acts CommentaryPreparationChurchEstablished Church in Jerusalem Who am I? $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Final Jeopardy $$$

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3 CommentaryPreparationChurchEstablished Church in Jerusalem Who am I? $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Final Jeopardy $$$

4 Category 1: $100 True or False – Acts of the Apostles is the original title of the book False. In the earliest copy it is simply “Acts” Get Answer

5 Category 1: $200 True or False – the author of the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts are the same True. Luke is the author of both Get Answer

6 Category 1: $300 Name the 4 Roman emperors that ruled during the period covered by the book of Acts Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero Get Answer

7 Category 1: $400 DOUBLE JEOPARDY What text serves as the theme around which the Acts of the Apostles are developed? Acts 1:8 Get Answer

8 Category 1: $500 Why was Luke particularly fitted to record the history of Christianity becoming largely a Gentile religion? he was a gentile Get Answer

9 Category 2: $100 In Acts 1:1, who is the book written to? Theophilus Get Answer

10 Category 2: $200 In Acts 1:3, how many days was Jesus seen alive after His suffering? 40 days Get Answer

11 Category 2: $300 According to Acts 1:8, after the apostles receive power from the Holy Spirit, they be witnesses to Jesus where? Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, the end of the earth Get Answer

12 Category 2: $400 According to Acts 1:10, who stood by the apostles as they watched Jesus going up into heaven? Two men in white apparel (clothes) Get Answer

13 Category 2: $500 According to Acts 1:25 – 26, who did the lot fall on to take Judas place with the apostles? Matthias Get Answer

14 Category 3: $100 DOUBLE JEOPARDY According to Acts 2:1, the apostles were with one accord in one place on what day? The Day of Pentecost Get Answer

15 Category 3: $200 According to Acts 2:6, what was the reaction of the people when they heard the apostles speaking in their own languages? They were confused Get Answer

16 Category 3: $300 In Acts 2:14 – 15, Peter told the people that the apostles were not what as they supposed? Drunk Get Answer

17 Category 3: $400 In Acts 2:38, what did Peter tell the people to do? Repent, be baptized Get Answer

18 Category 3: $500 According to Acts 2:41, how many souls were added? 3,000 Get Answer

19 Category 4: $100 According to Acts 3:8, what was the lame man doing as he entered the temple with Peter and John? Walking, leaping and praising God Get Answer

20 Category 4: $200 DOUBLE JEOPARDY According to Acts 4:21, what did the high priest, scribes and rulers do to Peter and John before letting them go? Threaten them Get Answer

21 Category 4: $300 According to Acts 5:19, what did the angel of the LORD do to the prison doors? Open them Get Answer

22 Category 4: $400 In Acts 6:1, who complained against the Hebrews? The Hellenists Get Answer

23 Category 4: $500 According to Acts 7:58-59, at whose feet did the witnesses who stoned Stephen lay their clothes? Saul Get Answer

24 Category 5: $100 In Acts 3:6, who said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you …” Peter Get Answer

25 Category 5: $200 In Acts 5:1-2, this man and his wife sold a possession and kept part of the proceeds. Who are they? Ananias and Sapphira Get Answer

26 Category 5: $300 In Acts 6:5, who is described as a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit? Stephen Get Answer

27 Category 5: $400 According to Acts 8:1, who consented to the death of Stephen? Saul Get Answer

28 Category 5: $500 DOUBLE JEOPARDY According to Acts 1:11, who will come in like manner as He was seen going into heaven? Jesus Get Answer

29 Final Jeopardy Name the 7 men chosen in Acts 6:5 Get Answer Stephen, Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, Nicolas

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