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Information Project on HE Reform (II) (Lisbon Strategy and Bologna Process) Service Contract signed with the European Commission DG EAC on 6 December 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Information Project on HE Reform (II) (Lisbon Strategy and Bologna Process) Service Contract signed with the European Commission DG EAC on 6 December 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Project on HE Reform (II) (Lisbon Strategy and Bologna Process) Service Contract signed with the European Commission DG EAC on 6 December 2007 Contract duration: 12 months 7th Bologna Lab meeting- Zagreb- December 2007

2 Contract Outcomes General, perceptible awareness-raising about the Bologna Process and Lisbon Strategy amongst stakeholders in the 27 EU member states, the EEA countries and one candidate country. Maintaining mechanisms of information, communication and coordination ensuring a smooth functioning of the National Teams of Bologna Experts.

3 Contract Activities Upgrading and further development of the web pages on HE Reforms on the Commission’s official site. Two training seminars for Bologna Experts in the run of 2008: “Contributions of HEI to the Lifelong Learning Agenda” and “The Introduction of the European Qualification Framework in Higher Education”. (Dates and Locations will be communicated soon!) Networking Activities through the promotion of the Bologna Promoters’ Virtual Community.

4 Contract Consortium UNICA – European Network of Universities from the Capitals in Europe ( ) Brussels Education Services ( ACA – Academic Cooperation Association (

5 Contract Steering Committee Prof. Dr. Arthur Mettinger (UNICA) Ms. Jolanta Urbanik (UNICA) Ms. Kris Dejonckheere (UNICA) Mr. Bernd Wächter (ACA) Ms. Noelia Cantero (Brussels Education Services) Mr. Koen Delaere (Brussels Education Services)

6 Added Value for UNICA Regular Direct Contact with EU Officials DG EAC Direct contact with the Bologna Promoters Community Activities in line with the UNICA Mission Statement Identification of and contact with Experts in specific areas (both from within and outside the Network) Publication of 10 Bologna Papers (by selected experts) Revision of the Virtual Community of Bologna Promoters (in dialogue with the Bologna Lab) Great VISIBILITY for UNICA and its Members! Extra Full Time Assistance in the Brussels Office for the entire contract duration!

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