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Macbeth Act II
Brief Synopsis - Act II Banquo resists any thoughts that might hasten the witches’ prophecy that his children will be kings. Elsewhere in the castle, however, lady Macbeth is steeling her husband to kill the king. She drugs the grooms in the king’s bedchamber, and Macbeth stabs the sleeping Duncan, killing him. In the morning, when the murder is discovered. Macbeth, in pretended fury and grief, kills the grooms.
Brief Synopsis – Act II continued …
The king’s son’s, Malcolm and Donalbain, seeing a similar fate for themselves, flee Scotland. Macbeth proceeds to Scone, where he is crowned as Duncan’s successor to the throne.
Act II - Quotes “There’s husbandry in heaven. Their candles are all out.” Speaker______________________ Explanation________________________________________ “Hear it not, Duncan, for it is a knell that summons thee to heaven, or to hell.” Speaker___________________________________ Explanation______________ Banquo Everyone’s in bed, the candles are out . This is foreshadowing evil. Macbeth He does not want Duncan to wake up.
Act II Quotes continued …
“He could not miss ‘em. Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had done’t.” Speaker _______________________________ Explanation______________________________________________ “Still it cried, ‘Sleep no more!’ to all the house. ‘Glamis hath murdered sleep, and therefore Cawdor shall sleep no more: Macbeth shall sleep no more.’” Speaker_____________________ Explanation___________________________________________ Lady Macbeth She couldn’t do it, because Duncan looked like her father Macbeth He won’t be able to sleep anymore because of his guilt and no one is safe around him anymore because of his ambition and covering up his sins.
Act II Quotes continued …
“A little water clears us of this deed: how easy is it then! Your constancy hath left you unattended.” Speaker____________________________________ Explanation___________________________________________ “Wake Duncan with thy knocking!! I would thou couldst!” Speaker________________________ Lady Macbeth Washing will clean away the sin. She is trivializing the murder. Macbeth He regrets his murder and wishes that the upon the door would wake Duncan up.
Act II Quotes continued …
“Had I but died an hour before this chance, I had lived a blessed time; for from this instant there’s nothing serious in mortality; All is but toys. Renown and grace is dead, the wine of life is drawn, and the mere lees is left this vault to brag of.” Speaker_____________________________ Explanation___________________________________________ “O, yet I do repent me of my fury, that I did kill them.” Speaker:______________________________________________ Macbeth He wishes that he could take back the murder, and that he had died before it had happened. Life no longer has meaning. He has lost his soul. Macbeth He killed the grooms to cover up his murder; he does this to show his outrage at the king’s death and to further cover his dastardly deed.
Act II Study Guide Questions
Study Guide Questions 1-2
In Scene 1, Macbeth asks Banquo to meet him later for “some words.” What incentive does he offer Banquo? How does Banquo reply? _____________________________________________________ Describe the vision that Macbeth has at the end of Scene 1. What details foreshadow the action to come? Macbeth tells Banquo that it shall make honor for him. Banquo agrees to the meeting as long as Macbeth understands that he will remain free from guilt and remain loyal. Macbeth sees 2 daggers. He will kill Duncan with two daggers taken from the grooms men.
Study Guide Questions 3-4
In Scene 2, as Macbeth kills Duncan, what does Lady Macbeth hear? What does Macbeth hear? _____________________________________________________ Why, according to Lady Macbeth, was she unable to kill Duncan herself? Which tasks related to the murder does she perform? _________________________________________________ Lady Macbeth hears an owl screech. Macbeth hears “Murder!” “God bless us!” “Amen”. “Sleep no more!” “Glamis hath murdered sleep, and therefore Cawdor shall sleep no more: Macbeth shall sleep no more.” Duncan looked too much like her father as he slept.
Study Guide Questions 5-6
In Scene 2, Lady Macbeth sensibly suggests that Macbeth go wash the “filthy witness” from his hands after the murder. How does Macbeth respond? ______________________________________________________ In Scene 3, what is the porter pretending as he goes to open the gate? “Will a great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood clean from my hand? No; this my hand will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine, making the green one red.” The porter is pretending to be the porter of hell; the devils servant. He describing Macbeth’s castle as hell underscoring the horrible deed that has taken place. It is also used for comic relief and a point to build the suspense and ask the questions “will Macbeth be caught?”
Study Guide Questions 7-9
Why has Macduff come? ______________________________________________________ What reason does Macbeth give for killing Duncan’s two guards? Where do Duncan’s two sons decide to go? Why? _____________________________________________________ Macduff’s comes to Macbeth’s home to collect the king. Duncan had instructed him to call for him in a timely manner. Macbeth’s to have killed the two guards because they had killed the king. Malcolm goes to England and Donalbain goes to Ireland. For their own safety as heirs to the throne.
Study Guide Question 10-11 In Scene 4, whom does Macduff suspect of Duncan’s murder? ____________________________________________________ Though Macbeth encounters no actual opposition until long after Duncan is murdered, Shakespeare must foreshadow some trouble for him and, to build up suspense, must start one character edging toward suspicion of Macbeth. Who is this character, and what inkling does he give of his dissatisfaction with Macbeth? Macduff suspects Malcolm and Donalbain, the king’s two sons, because they fled. Macduff suspects they were bribed. Banquo would be the logical choice. However, Macduff does not attend Macbeth’s coronation as he voices his doubts about the new king’s reign.
Study Guide Question 12 In Act I, Scene 7, Lady Macbeth seemed to be planning to murder Duncan herself. However, at the last moment, in Act II, Scene 2, she is unable to wield her dagger. Consider the reason she gives, and decide what her actions and explanation reveal about her character. ______________________________________________________ Lady Macbeth’s heart is “whiter” than she would like. Her conscience is battling the evil that is trying to take root.
Study Guide Question 13 Many people are killed onstage in Shakespeare’s plays. Why, then, do you suppose he decided to have the murder of Duncan and his guards take place offstage? _____________________________________________________ In the movie both are killed for the audience to somewhat observe. However, in the play the actual act is omitted and the audience see’s only the dead body. This is done so the audience can continue to feel a “sympathy of comprehension” for Macbeth and Lady Macbeth in order for the play to be effective. When the porter answers the door, this brings the audience back to the reality of Macbeth’s evil deed.
Study Guide Question 14 In Scene 4, when Duncan’s corpse is discovered, Macbeth utters a hypocritical lament beginning, “Had I but died…” But is it really hypocritical? The critic, A.C. Bradley argued that, although the speech is meant to be a lie, it actually contains “Macbeth’s profoundest feelings.” Explain this apparent contradiction. How does Macbeth feel about having murdered Duncan? What clues tell you how he feels? _____________________________________________________ Macbeth feels a tremendous guilt for murdering Duncan. His actions after the murder and conversation with his wife indicate his regret.
Study Guide Question 15-16 Lady Macbeth’s fainting spell, like everything else she had done so far, has a purpose. What message do you think she wants her fainting spell to convey? ______________________________________________________ Malcolm and Donalbain are little more then boys, yet they already know enough about life to keep their mouths shut. What is in their minds, but left unsaid? How do they hint about it to each other? Lady Macbeth faints to take the attention from Macbeth. Malcolm asked why do we hold our tongues, Donalbain answers that it doesn’t matter what they say; they are probably next to be murdered.
Study Guide Questions 17-18
Macduff is an important character in the three remaining acts. Describe how Shakespeare characterizes Macduff in Scenes 3 and 4. ____________________________________________________ What do you say is the mood of Act II? What images and actions help to create this mood? ______________________________________________________ Macduff is characterized as suspicious and loyal to the king. The mood is one of evil. The weather, the owls, the horses all act strangely.
Act II How does King Duncan die? Be specific.
_____________________________________________________ Why doesn’t Lady Macbeth kill him herself? Who smears blood on Duncan’s servants and puts the daggers back? King Duncan is stabbed to death by Macbeth. Duncan resembles her father. Lady Macbeth smears the blood on the grooms men.
Act II continued… Why does Macbeth refuse to go put the daggers back in the king’s chamber? _____________________________________________________ Right after Duncan dies, Macbeth hears a voice cry out. What does it say Macbeth has murdered? ______________________________________________________ When they heard the knocking at the castle gate, what does Lady Macbeth instruct Macbeth to do? He cannot go back and face what he has done. The voice says Macbeth has murdered sleep. Lady Macbeth advices Macbeth to get ready for bed so they are not found awake and in the courtyard.
Act II continued… Where does the drunken porter think he is?
______________________________________________________ Who has come to the castle to meet with the king but discovers his murder instead? What does Macbeth do to the grooms out of pretended fury over their “killing” of the king? The drunken porter acts and speaks as if he is in hell. Macduff comes to the castle to collect the king. Macbeth kills the grooms.
Act II continued … What two young men flee Macbeth’s castle out of fear for their lives? ______________________________________________________ Malcolm and Donalbain, the king’s sons, flee for their lives. Malcolm goes to England and Donalbain go to Ireland.
Act II Study Questions
Questions 1-5 True/False/WHY
The dagger that Macbeth sees in his Scene 1 soliloquy is part of a hallucination? __________ When Macbeth talks agitatedly about the murders, Lady Macbeth urges him to kill the witnesses? _____________ When Lennox and Macduff arrive at Macbeth’s castle in the morning, Macduff wonders if Macbeth is lying to them? _______________ As soon as the murder becomes known, Malcolm and Donalbain flee Scotland because they have lost their inheritance? ______________ Banquo wants to meet with the other nobles in order to discover the purpose of the murder?_____________ TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE
Questions 6-10 Characters
Who is fearful of divine punishment because he cannot say “amen”?__________________ Who is frightened that the bloody daggers will reveal who killed the King?__________________ Who is afraid of “daggers in men’s smiles” and of being killed?_________________ Who speaks of strange natural occurrences?______________ Macbeth Lady Macbeth Donalbain Ross
Macbeth Act II Quiz
Question 1 ____ 1. The dagger that Macbeth sees in his Scene 1 soliloquy a. was given to him by his wife b. is part of a hallucination c. has already been used to kill Duncan d. is lost in the confusion B
Question 2 ____2. When Macbeth talks agitatedly about the murders, Lady Macbeth urges him to a. run away immediately b. kill the witnesses c. try not to dwell on it d. pray for his salvation C
Question 3 ____ 3. The porter’s cursing is ironic because a. he invokes the devil without knowing about the crime b. he conveys that nothing is amiss c. he takes so long to answer the door that Macbeth escapes unnoticed d. Macbeth does not expect the royal visitors A
Question 4 ___ 4. When Lennox and Macduff arrive at Macbeth’s castle in the morning, Macduff wonders if a. something is terribly wrong b. the porter has stayed up late and slept in c. the porter is keeping something from them d. Macbeth is lying to them B
Question 5 ___ 5. As soon as the murder becomes known, Malcolm and Donalbain flee Scotland because they a. have lost their inheritance b. are guilty of the murder c. believe the country will probably become unstable d. fear for their lives D
Question 6 ___ 6. Banquo wants to meet with the other nobles in order to a. discover the purpose of the murder b. ensure that Macbeth will become king c. protect his son from the murderer d. talk to Macbeth about the witches A
Question 7 ___ 7. The natural disturbances that continue all night— including the screaming and murderous owl, chimneys being blown down, and Duncan’s horses turning wild—symbolize a. the inevitable chaos of a terrible storm b. a coming war with a neighboring country c. the evil of Macbeth’s deeds d. the imminent flight of the king’s sons C
Questions 8-12 ____ 8. is fearful of divine punishment a. Lady Macbeth because he cannot say “amen” b. Donalbain ____ 9. is frightened that the bloody c. Banquo daggers will reveal who killed d. Macbeth the King e. Lennox ___ 10. is afraid of “daggers in men’s smiles” and of being killed ___ 11. is alarmed about the dreams he might have if he sleeps ___ 12. is terrified by “strange screams of death” and other disturbances heard in the night D A B C E
Question 13 13. Choose one of the following quotations from Act II. On the lines provided, name the speaker and discuss how the quotation reveals the speaker’s character. Use at least one example from the selection to support your ideas. a. “These deeds must not be thought / After these ways; so, it will make us mad.” b. “Hear [the bell] not, Duncan, for it is a knell / That summons thee to heaven, or to hell.” c. “Why, worthy thane, / You do unbend your noble strength, to think / So brainsickly of things.” d. “O horror, horror, horror! Tongue nor heart / Cannot conceive nor name thee.”
Answers to Question 13 Speaker: Lady Macbeth. She is cold and calculating—she has no interest in contemplating the murders because she believes such thoughts would make her insane. b. Speaker: Macbeth. He is humorous, almost indifferent, in his warning to Duncan to get his spiritual house in order. However, he is also well aware of heaven and hell—this foreshadows his later torment. c. Speaker: Lady Macbeth. She is neither compassionate nor sympathetic. She cruelly alerts Macbeth that his tortured thoughts of the murders are dishonorable. d. Speaker: Macduff. He is a good man who is genuinely appalled by the king’s death. He is so shocked that he cannot speak or think about what has happened.
Question 14 On a separate sheet of paper, write a paragraph describing the mood of Act II. Explain why this mood is appropriate, and discuss why it will likely prevail in the rest of the play. Use at least two examples from Act II to support your ideas. Demonstrate understanding of the prompt Describe the malevolent and violent mood of Act II provide reasons for the mood. For example: The king and the guards have been murdered. Macbeth is suffering inner torment. Macbeth has been deceiving others. 4) Discuss why the mood is likely to prevail The murders set in motion events that cnot have happy endings. The foreshadowing, such as the many references to madness, is ominous.
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