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Hoy es miercoles el once de febrero dos mil quince

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Presentation on theme: "Hoy es miercoles el once de febrero dos mil quince"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hoy es miercoles el once de febrero dos mil quince
Le plan! Vocabulario juegos Lluvia El gol! Los numeros entre 1 y 31

2 Spanish Level 1 Numbers

3 First Level Significant Aspects of Learning
Use language in a range of contexts and across learning Develop confidence and enthusiasm to communicate using the language being learnt Begin to develop an awareness of other countries, cultures and languages Listen and join in with simple songs, stories and rhymes Explore and recognise patterns and sounds of language through listening, watching and playing Understand, respond to and say simple greetings and personal information (e.g. name) Repeat and understand simple familiar language from a familiar source Actively take part in simple daily routine language Participate in familiar games including outdoor learning Begin to explore resources to support my learning e.g. picture dictionaries

4 Numbers 1 - 31 ¿Cuánto? How many? uno one dos two tres three
cuatro four cinco five seis six siete seven ocho eight nueve nine diez ten once eleven doce twelve trece thirteen catorce fourteen quince fifteen dieciseis sixteen diecisiete seventeen dieciocho eighteen diecinueve nineteen veinte twenty

5 Numbers 1 - 31 veintiuno twenty-one veintidos twenty-two
veintitres twenty-three veinticuatro twenty-four veinticinco twenty-five veintiseis twenty-six veintisiete twenty-seven veintiocho twenty-eight veintinueve twenty-nine treinta thirty treinta y uno thirty-one All numbers from zero to thirty are spell with one word only i.e. veintiocho

6 ¿Cuánto? How many?

7 uno

8 dos

9 tres

10 cuatro

11 cinco

12 seis How are you?

13 siete

14 ocho

15 nueve How are you?

16 diez

17 once

18 doce

19 trece

20 catorce

21 quince

22 dieciseis

23 diecisiete

24 dieciocho

25 diecinueve

26 veinte

27 ¿Quieren aprender los numeros con nosotros. ¿Quiero aprender mas
¿Quieren aprender los numeros con nosotros? ¿Quiero aprender mas? Do you want to learn more? Contemos Let’s count Listos? Ready Muy bien trabajo! Very good work!

28 veintiuno

29 veintidos

30 veintitres

31 veinticuatro

32 veinticinco

33 veintiseis

34 veintisiete

35 veintiocho

36 veintinueve

37 treinta

38 treinta y uno


40 Image links to Spanish Youtube song – Numbers 1 – 30 http://www


42 Embedding the language
You can use numbers to count things throughout your lessons. Cuantos challenge! Every time the teacher calls, “¿cúantos?” the pupils have to count whatever they have in front of them and then say it in Spanish. Once you have learnt the days of the week and the months, you can use the numbers for dates at the start of every day. I have explored numbers, understanding that they represent quantities, and I can use them to count, create sequences and describe order. MNU 0-02a

43 1 – 20 counting rhyme Listen to the counting rhyme and get the class to repeat in the gaps.

44 ¡Esconde, esconde, cuenta, cuenta!
Esconde, esconde, cuenta, cuenta means hide hide count count in Spanish. The teacher has an object which will then be hidden somewhere in the class. A teddy for example. One pupil leaves the class and another pupil hides the object somewhere in the room. The pupil who was outside now comes back in and must find the hidden object whilst the rest of the class count in Spanish, getting louder as they get nearer to the object and quieter as they get further away (like hot and cold). You can get them to count to whichever number you are working up to (e.g. 20) and then repeat it twice to give them enough time to look. Cuenta, cuentameans count count I have explored numbers, understanding that they represent quantities, and I can use them to count, create sequences and describe order. MNU 0-02a

45 Esconde, esconde, cuenta, cuenta
Una persona sale de la clase Una persona esconde el juguete One person leaves the class. One person hides the toy (or whatever object)

46 Esconde, esconde, cuenta, cuenta
La persona vuelve a la clase… ¡Y busca el juguete! The person comes back into the class and looks for the toy!

47 si la persona está cerca del juguete.
Contamos FUERTE Contamos suave We count loudly if the person is near the toy. We count quietly if the person is far from the toy. si la persona está cerca del juguete. si la persona está lejos del juguete.

48 Round class counting Give everyone in the class a number from 1 – 31 (or however high you are counting to at the time). You can double up numbers if this doesn’t work out with the number of pupils in the class. Ask them to each write their number (as a number) on a sheet of paper in front of them. Now go round the class with each pupil standing and shouting out their individual number as you count up. Once they get become more confident, you can time them doing this around the class and see if they can beat their own time. Shuffle pupils around so that they are in a different seat but with the same numbers and repeat the activity. Shuffle pupils again so that they get a new number. This activity could be done in a circle to make it easier to organise.

49 ¡Once! Pupils stand in a circle
They will then count to 11 with each person saying either 1, 2 or 3 numbers e.g. Sophie 1, 2 – Tom – 3,4,5 – Danny – 6, 7 etc. Whoever lands on the number 11 is then out and sits down. The winner is the last person standing.

50 ¡Once! ¡La última persona gana! La persona que diga, “11” está
eliminada! Haced un circolo en el centro de la clase Contad uno, dos o tres números Por ejemplo… Persona a: 1, 2 Persona b: 3,4,5 Persona c: 6 Form a circle in the centre of the class. Count 1, 2 or 3 numbers. For example. Person A: 1,2. Person b: 3,4,5 and Person C: 6. The person who says the number 11 is out and should sit down. The last person standing wins! ¡La última persona gana!

51 El mago Reading activity In this trick “el mago” pupils need to listen to simple instructions for a maths calculation in Spanish. Each pupils chooses his/her own starting number lower than ten. Magically, everyone ends up with the same answer… I can read and demonstrate understanding of words, signs, phrases and simple texts containing mainly familiar language. MLAN 2-08b

52 El número es un secreto…
El mago Pensad en un número de CERO(0) a DIEZ (10). SSSSSH! El número es un secreto… guardadlo! Think of a number up to 10. SSSH! The number is a secret…keep it safe!

53 El mago Doblad el número Double the number

54 El mago Sumad seis más Add six more

55 El mago Dividid el número por 2. Divide the number by 2.

56 El mago Menos el número secreto Think of a number up to 10.

57 El mago Y la repuesta es… Think of a number up to 10. El numero tres

58 ¿Cuántos hay? Teacher shows the following pictures and pupils have to count them up and say how many there are. Each time teacher asks the class – ¿Cuántos hay? (how many are there?). As you move through the images, get the class to join in with the question. Following on from this you can do a paired/group activity with different objects on each table. Pupils ask their partners/groups to cerrad los ojos (close your eyes) and they take away or add objects to those in the centre. They then ask their partner/group to abrid los ojos (open your eyes) and ask the question, ¿Cuántos hay? They then answer hay ___ and how ever many there are. Compter, Compter means count count

59 ¿Cuántos hay?

60 ¿Cuántos hay?

61 ¿Cuántos hay?

62 ¿Cuántos hay?

63 ¿Cuántos hay?

64 ¿Cuántos hay?

65 Escoged y escribid seis números entre 1 y 20.
¡Lotería! Dibujad seis cajas 12 6 5 4 20 1 Draw 6 boxes. Choose and write 6 numbers between 1 and 20. Escoged y escribid seis números entre 1 y 20.

66 Escoged y escribid seis números entre 10 y 20.
¡Lotería! Dibujad seis cajas 12 16 15 14 20 11 Draw 6 boxes. Choose and write 6 numbers between 10 and 20. Escoged y escribid seis números entre 10 y 20.

67 Escoged y escribid seis números entre 10 y 31.
¡Lotería! Dibujad seis cajas 12 6 5 4 20 1 Draw 6 boxes. Choose and write 6 numbers between 1 and 20. Escoged y escribid seis números entre 10 y 31.

68 ¿Cuántos objetos hay? Hay…objetos.
Work with a partner, put 31 objects on your table. Partner closes their eyes, closes their eyes, counts how many objects there are. Hay…objetos.

69 Cierra los ojos Work with a partner, put 31 objects on your table. Partner closes their eyes, closes their eyes, counts how many objects there are.

70 Abra los ojos ¿Cuántos objetos hay? Hay…objetos.
Five dice in a pot, take turns to shake and then empty them onto the table. Count the dice in Spanish. Whoever gets the highest number, gets the point! Hay…objetos.

71 Chinese dice game! Five dice in a pot, take turns to shake and then empty them onto the table. Count the dice in Spanish. Whoever gets the highest number, gets the point!

72 Yo gano! /tu ganas / (Paul) gana!
¡Te toca a tí! ¡Mi toca a mí! ¡Uno, dos, tres! ¡Cuenta! It’s your turn/my turn – one, two, three - count - I win/you win/ (Paul) wins Yo gano! /tu ganas / (Paul) gana!

73 Large numbers cuarenta forty cuarenta y uno forty-one Cincuenta fifty
Cincuenta y uno fifty-one Sesenta Sixty Sesenta y uno Sixty-one Setenta Seventy Setenta y uno Seventy-one Ochenta Eighty Noventa Ninety Cien One Hundred Doscientos two hundred Quinientos Setesientos Novecientos Mil All numbers from zero to thirty are spell with one word only i.e. veintiocho


75 ¿Cómo se dice…?

76 Ochenta y dos

77 ¿Cómo se dice…?

78 Setenta y dos

79 ¿Cómo se dice…?

80 Sesenta y cinco

81 ¿Cómo se dice…?

82 Noventa y tres

83 ¿Cómo se dice…?

84 ¿Cómo se dice…?

85 Cuarenta y cuatro

86 ¿Cómo se dice…?

87 Cincuenta y uno

88 The object: to be the first to score 100 points or more.
Cien The object: to be the first to score 100 points or more. How to play: Players take turns rolling two dice and following these rules: 1. On a turn, a player may roll the dice as many times as he or she wants, mentally keeping a running total of the sums that come up. When the player stops rolling, he or she records the total and writes it in Spanish and adds it to the scores from previous rounds. 2. But, if a 1 comes up on one of the dice before the player decides to stop rolling, the player scores 0 for that round and it's the next player's turn. 3. Even worse, if a 1 comes up on both dice, not only does the turn end, but the player's entire accumulated total returns to 0. I can participate in familiar collaborative activities including games, paired speaking and short role plays. MLAN 2-05b

89 ¿Cómo se escribe? Se escribe…
Work with a partner, choose a number between 1 and 31, show them the number and ask them the question How do you spell it? One point every time you get it right! Se escribe…

90 Songs! You will find a bank of sample songs which you can use to practice the vocabulary in the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of songs and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class.

91 Es muy facil = It’s very easy Vamos otra vez = let’s go again


93 ICT Resources online You will find a bank of sample ICT activities which you can use to practice the vocabulary in the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of activities and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class. You will find a set of more supported activities in Early Feelings and more challenging activities in Level 2 Feelings. Each of the slides contains an image of the website page. If you click on the image it will take you to the page. Alternatively you can use a link address which you will find in the slide notes.

94 Languages Online On the languages online site, click games on the left hand side and you will see a list of Spanish vocabulary games below. There are set of games for numbers 1 – 20 and 20 – Once you’ve clicked on the set you would like, 4 links to games will appear along the top of the screen Jigsaw, Pairs, Speedword and Wordweb. Pairs and Jigsaw would work best at 1st level.

95 Languages Online Australia
There are various sets of games and activities within this site for numbers 1 – 20


97 ¡Adiós!

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