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Published byKadin Atwill Modified over 10 years ago
1. Erasmus Mundus 2. Jean Monnet 3. Industrialised Countries Initiative - Education Cooperation Programme 2 Outline of the presentation
1.Erasmus Mundus
Erasmus Mundus - objectives Enhance the quality of European HE through international co-operation Improve the development of human resources Promote dialogue and understanding between peoples and cultures Promote Europe as a centre of excellence in learning around the world
5 Action 1 Joint Masters and Doctoral Programmes implemented by EU and non- EU HEIs full-study scholarships for students; grants for visiting scholars Action 2 Partnerships EU and non-EU HEIs scholarships for short-term or degree- seeking student mobility at a range of levels, and for staff Action 3 Promotional projects raise profile of European higher education tackle challenges of international higher education cooperation
Action 1 Joint Programmes An EM Masters Course or Joint Doctorate… is developed and delivered by a consortium of HEIs (with study in at least two HEIs) must involve at least three European HEIs and may involve non-EU HEIs awards full-study scholarships + scholar grants provides a joint degree/multiple degrees
Action 1 Joint Programmes In 2013: 138 Masters Courses and 43 Joint Doctorates will offer: 1,500 + Masters scholarships, 300 doctoral fellowships, 450 scholar scholarships Instances of participation:745 EU, 240 non-EU 2004-2012: Scholarships for over 14,000 masters students, 2,000 scholars and 640 doctoral candidates
Action 1 Joint Programmes Annual flat rate for consortium management EUR 30,000 (EMMC); EUR 50,000 (EMJD) Scholarships: EMMC scholarships for students and researchers EMJD fellowships for doctoral candidates Cover participation costs (fees), living costs, travel, insurance
Action 2 Partnerships Partnerships between HEIs from EU + non-EU HEIs from a specific region All Tempus countries are covered Emphasise co-operation, transfer of know-how Scholarships of varying length (3m to 3 yr) Bachelor, master, doctorate, post-doctorate students + HE staff (training, teaching, research) Mobility for academic disciplines offered by HEIs in the partnership
Action 2 Partnerships At least 5 European HEIs from at least 3 EU countries At least 1 HEI from each country in geographic lot Maximum size partnership: 20 partners € 10,000 per partner flat rate for partnership management (max € 200,000) Scholarships cover costs of travel, subsistence, participation (fees), insurance and visa
An Action 2 Partnerships 11 universities from Eastern Partnership countries 4 Belarus 4 Ukraine 1 Moldova 1 Armenia 1 Georgia 9 European universities FI (Turku, coordinator) GR DE PO IT FR ES PL LT MID: Target Group I Target Group II & III
Action 2 Partnerships, 2007-2012 215 partnerships worldwide 3915 instances of participation: 1752 EU, 2163 non-EU Around 34,000 mobility flows implemented or planned
Action 2 Partnerships, 2012-2013 53 partnerships selected in 2012. All offering mobility in 2012 and/or 2013 Over 8,000 scholarships planned 46 partnerships selected in 2011. Many will still be offering mobility in 2012/2013 Almost all regions of the world covered 2013 Call aims to select 62 partnerships
Proposed shape of lots: Action 2 Call 2013 (Tempus countries) Proposed n° of partnerships: Lot 4 Russia Lot 1 Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt Lot 2 Jordan, Lebanon, OPT, Syria Lot 3 Israel Lot 5 Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia Lot 7 Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina FYROM, Kosovo*, Montenegro, Serbia Lot 9 Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan NEW! Lot 10 Uzbekistan country lot x x 2 2 4 4 4 4 3 3 9 9 1 1 1 1 4 4 NEW! Lot 6 Tunisia country lot 2 2 *This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence
Student selection All students are selected by consortia / partnerships 1.Students review: the EMMCs/EMJDs on offer (Action 1) the partnerships for which they are eligible (based on their nationality) and the study opportunities they offer (Action 2) 2.Students apply directly to the course or partnership
Action 3 Promotional projects Supports transnational initiatives, events, studies, and other projects that: promote European higher education tackle issues of international higher education cooperation: - in specific geographical areas - in particular academic disciplines - relating to higher education management
17 Erasmus Mundus - Action 3 to date Erasmus Mundus - Action 3 to date (Ex-Action 4, 2004-2008) 9 promotion projects selected in 2012 75 promotion projects 2004-2012 577 instances of participation by 433 different HE organisations (221 from Europe, 212 from third countries) 10 information projects managed by National Structures (2010-2012) 5 Clusters of existing Erasmus Mundus projects (2010-2012)
Benefits for HE institutions Establish lasting links between institutions Improve quality of teaching and students Put in place mechanisms to facilitate mobility and degree recognition Increase university visibility, attractiveness worldwide Enhance reputation through involvement in excellence programmes
Benefits for individuals Participate in high-level masters/doctoral courses Receive double/multiple/joint degree from consortium of excellent universities Acquire in-depth knowledge of Europe + European HE Improve linguistic skills, intercultural experience Improve employability through recognition of qualifications and study periods abroad Academic exchange of knowledge, ideas, contacts
What’s new in the 2013 Call? New country lot for Tunisia (on top of the regional lot for Maghreb countries) A new country lot for Uzbekistan (on top of the regional lot for Central Asian republics Regional Central Asian partnerships will be able to fund mobility for Europeans to Asia
Check the Call documents & guidance Check the official Call documents published on the Agency website: _mundus/funding/2013/call_eacea _38_12_en.php Guidance for applicants
22 Programme Guide Calls for Proposals How to apply for scholarships Selected projects HEI partner search FAQs
2. Jean Monnet Programme
THE JEAN MONNET PROGRAMME Aims at stimulating teaching, research and reflection in the field of European integration studies at the level of higher education institutions within and outside the European Community. Present in 76 countries throughout the world. More than 750 universities offer Jean Monnet courses as part of their curricula. Between 1990 and 2012: has helped to set up approximately 4, 000 projects in the field of European integration studies, including 176 Jean Monnet European Centres of Excellence, 956 Chairs and 2,178 permanent courses and European modules. The Jean Monnet Action brings together a network of 1,500 professors, reaching audiences in excess of 250,000 students every year.
THREE KEY ACTVITIES Key activity 1: Jean Monnet Action (call for proposals) Key activity 2: Support for specified institutions dealing with issues relating to European integration Key activity 3: European associations active at European level in the field of education and training (call for proposals)
KEY ACTIVITY 1: JEAN MONNET ACTION KEY ACTIVITY 1: JEAN MONNET ACTION (support for University-level projects on European integration) Includes the creation of Jean Monnet Chairs, Centres of Excellence, Modules, Information and Research activities as well as support for academic associations of professors and researchers in European integration and multilateral research groups.
KEY ACTIVITY 1: JEAN MONNET ACTION Teaching activities European Module: short programme of European integration study, minimum 40 teaching hours per academic year, may be multi- disciplinary. Jean Monnet Chair: teaching post with a specialization in European integration studies for a minimum of 90 hours per academic year. “Ad personam" Jean Monnet Chair: former Jean Monnet Chair holders with evidence of high-level international teaching and publication record and/or professors with a distinguished background as former high-level practitioners in the field of European integration. Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence: multi-disciplinary structure pooling scientific, human and documentary resources for European integration studies and research within one or more universities.
KEY ACTIVITY 1: JEAN MONNET ACTION Academic and research activities Association of professors and researchers, whose explicit purpose is to contribute to the study of the European integration process and whose aim is to enhance the visibility of regional or national scientific and physical resources in this domain. Information and research activities, aiming to promote discussion, reflection and knowledge about the European integration process through conferences and seminars. In 2011, a new action was introduced named “Learning EU at School” that aims to promote EU knowledge at primary and secondary schools. Jean Monnet multilateral research groups, research partnership leading to an integrated academic network with a joint research plan and multi-disciplinary synergies in the field of EU studies.
Finance ActivityCeiling (in EUR) Budget available (in EUR) Minimum countries Duration Jean Monnet Chairs45,000 4,500,00013 years Centres of Excellence75,000 Modules21,000 Associations of Professors and Researchers 25,00067,02113 years Information and Research Activities40,0001,135,40011 year Learning EU at School60,0002,000,00011 year Multilateral Research Groups80,000231,40032 years Total available budget in 2012 for Key Activity 1: €7,933,821 Maximum Community grant (per activity type): Maximum Community contribution (to total eligible cost): 75%
KEY ACTIVITY 1: JEAN MONNET ACTION New flat-rate financing system Since 2010 grants for certain activities i.e. Chairs, Modules and Information and Research Activities are calculated according to pre- determined flat-rate amounts and scales of unit costs. Jean Monnet Chairs and Teaching Modules Flat-rate grant amount determined on the basis of the number of teaching hours (with reference to national teaching cost per hour) Information and Research Activities Flat-rate grant amount determined on the basis of the number of participants involved in the events (with reference to the national allowance scale per participant) NO NEEDS TO JUSTIFY EXPENSES INCURRED!! FOCUS ON THE CONTENT
KEY ACTIVITY 2: SUPPORT FOR SPECIFIED INSTITUTIONS DEALING WITH ISSUES RELATING TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION Support for six specific academic institutions pursuing an aim of European interest: College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium European University Institute, San Domenico di Fiesole, Italy European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, The Netherlands Academy of European Law, Trier, Germany International Centre for European Training, Nice, France European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education, Odense, Denmark
KEY ACTIVITY 3: EUROPEAN ASSOCIATIONS ACTIVE AT EUROPEAN LEVEL IN THE FIELD OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING Provides operating grants to support certain operational and administrative costs of European associations active in the fields of education and training. These European associations must be present in at least 9 EU Member States.
NEXT CALL FOR PROPOSALS Deadline for proposal submission: 15 February 2013 ean_monnet_action_ka1_2013_en.php Contact:
35 3. ICI ECP Industrialised Countries Initiative Education Cooperation Programme
36 Three Bilateral cooperation programmes ICI-ECP (Industrialised Countries Instrument-Education Cooperation Programme): EU-Australia/Japan/New Zealand /Republic of Korea EU-US ATLANTIS (no more calls foreseen) EU-CANADA (no more calls foreseen)
Common Characteristics Development of common study programmes + mobility (Double/Joint Degree and/or Joint Study programmes) Bachelor or Master degree, or VET, but no PhD Lump sum for administration and development work Flat rate grants for Student and Staff Mobility Balanced activities and shared responsibility Co-funding by the EU and the partner country 50% + 50% 37
ICI – ECP 2012 Call ?? To be confirmed New call is foreseen to be published in November 2012 Planned deadline for applications 15/05/2013 Budget : from EU side approximately 2.45 M€ Plan to fund 5-9 cooperation projects Negotiations with Partner Countries under way (Australia, Japan, New Zealand or Republic of Korea) Cooperation projects to be developed btw EU and one of the Partner Countries Two types of projects: Joint Mobility projects Joint Degree projects 38
Preference is planned to be given to: Double or Joint Degree projects Mobility projects in the area of VET and to projects offering work placements or training experience Projects planned to start October 2013 More information will be published shortly: php 39
FUNDING LUMPSUM FOR ADMINISTRATION: max 7500... 15000€/year/partner depending on the action STUDENT MOBILITY Flat rate for mobility1.000€ per month Travel grant1.500€ per student FACULTY MOBILITY Flat rate for mobility1.000€ per week Travel grant1.500€ per faculty 40
Draft Outline of Joint Mobility Projects 41
42 DurationProjects are planned to begin in October 201348 months Partner ship Minimum 2 HE institutions from 2 different EU countries and 2 such institutions from the Partner Country The priority will be given to partnerships focusing to Joint degrees Activity Development of joint /shared curricula, joint study / training programmes Student Mobility ( one academic year ~10 months ) in Partner Country Faculty Mobility (1-4 weeks) Intra European mobility is encouraged but not obligatory Student Mobility EU students:Flat rate 1.000€ / month grant for mobility stay Travel grant 1.500 €/student Studies, internship, transfer of credits Faculty Mobility EU faculty: Flat rate 1.000€ / week grant for mobility stay Travel grant 1.500 €/faculty Structured visits Teaching, research... DRAFT Outline of Joint Degree Projects
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