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Awards and the QSL Process. QSL Process Why QSL?  It ʼ s an all time new one  You want the card  You want to confirm a new band mode  The ham on.

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Presentation on theme: "Awards and the QSL Process. QSL Process Why QSL?  It ʼ s an all time new one  You want the card  You want to confirm a new band mode  The ham on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Awards and the QSL Process

2 QSL Process

3 Why QSL?  It ʼ s an all time new one  You want the card  You want to confirm a new band mode  The ham on the other end needs your QSL  It ʼ s a memorable QSO  Receive Awards

4 LOTW (Logbook of the World)  Service provided by ARRL  OK for DXCC  Secure and essentially free  You need to keep a computerized log  The DX station must also use Logbook  LOTW is a topic unto itself   There are no card exchanged

5 QSL’ing via the Buro  The BURO system is also very low cost  The service is also administered by ARRL  Many entities have a BURO  BURO cards often take  more than a year to return  Read instructions on ARRL web site  Minimum number of cards  Cost per pound

6 BURO Incoming QSLs are Easy  7 th Area QSL Buro  Willamemette Valley DX Club  Sign up and send a check for $25+  Do not send your own envelops  Indication Monthly, Quarterly or Annual mailings  Every few months you get a surprise package  BURO notifies you when $$$ run low  QSL’ing via BURO trades speed for cost!

7 Requesting QSLʼs using OQRS  OQRS - Online QSL Request System  Used mostly by major DXpeditions  Easy, convenient and avoids postal problems  Usually offers fast response  Reasonable cost  Navassa was $6 total  for all 10 of my QSO’s  Easy way to donate to DX op

8 Direct QSL’ing  The traditional method of QSL’ing  You must get your QSL to the DX station  Unless he uses a manager  this may be tougher than many people think

9 The QSO – the most important part  Be certain you really made the contact  The DX op said W7 Alpha Tango Echo 59  You said QSL 59 TU  You are W7 Alpha Tango Xray  There was no QSO unless  you plead with the DX  or his manager  and get very lucky

10 Log the QSO Correctly  Its easy to forget you just changed bands  Best to use a logging program  Talks to your Rig  The 8/7/8 problem  What is the Date  Use DD/MMM/YY  Always use UTC for both time & date  Set clock to WWV

11 Components of a QSL Package  Your properly completed QSL card  Either 2-3 Green Stamps (GS)  IRC’s not available from USPS  Optional donation to help cover  DX station  Manager’s costs  SASE – Self Addressed Stamped Envelope  The outer envelope

12 Filling In the QSL  Check everything against your log  Even if two stations have same manager  Always use one QSL for each DX call sign  Write clearly with a “no smudge” pen  Make sure your ink won ʼ t run if wet  Print Avery labels  Make NO corrections  Redo the card  Include a short personal note

13 QSL Sources  Ask Friends  US sources  W4MPY $83-$130 / 1000  Star Cards - $100-$180 / 1000  Ukraine  UX5UO  Gennady $76 / 1000  Fast service – high quality

14 An IRC

15 The Return Envelope  Address the envelope to yourself  Your Name and address (Include USA)  Use a printed non smear Avery label  Also include your return address  If the primary address is obscured  the QSL may still reach YOU  If addressee is a US station or manager  Don ʼ t forget US first class postage ($0.49)  Forever Stamps

16 The Outer Envelope  The DX station ʼ s name and address  Do NOT include his call sign  Make no mention of amateur radio  Don ʼ t forget his country  Address bottom line  Your own return address (Include USA)  Do NOT include your call sign  Call signs are a red flag  post office employee “Open me I contain $$$ ”

17 Total Cost of a Direct QSL  How do you want to confirm your QSOs  Your QSL card $0.10  The outer envelope $0.06  inner envelope $0.04  International postage $1.15  GS $2.00-$3.00 – Donation Optional  Total cost less donation $3.25-$4.25  100 direct cards can be quite pricey  A BURO card costs a dime

18 Donations  Most QSL managers really appreciate  a small donation with your QSL  Covers envelopes and gasoline to post office  The DXop depends on your donations  cover the cost of his trip  Be as generous  Never ask him if he has received your card  Unless 9 months to a year have gone by

19 Patience, Patience, Patience  Don ʼ t expect direct QSLs  4-6 months  Managers must wait for cards and logs  Don ʼ t expect BURO cards for  1 or 2 years or more  Don’t bug the QSL manager  A mad QSL manager is not a good thing

20 If You Do Everything Right  One of these may appear in the mail  North Korea #1 on most wanted list

21 Or One of These

22 Remember The final courtesy of a QSO is the QSL

23 Questions – Comments

24 Awards

25 Why Get Awards  Because that is what we are  Utah DX Association  What awards should I go after first  Everything you can  How do I do it  That is the presentation

26 Common Awards WAS 7QP Counties DXCC Challenge WAC WAZ WPX VUCC DX Marathon IOTA Grids

27 What are Entities  Currently 340  Why are some deleted  Why do some exist

28 Most Wanted Entities

29 DXCC Award  Your first DX award  100 Entities Confirmed  LoTW  QSL Cards  Authorized by a Card Checker  K7UT – Darryl  N5LZ – Don

30 Two US Awarding Groups  ARRL  LoTW  DXCC desk  CQ magazine  Card checkers  K7CU - Curt Wilber  WR7Q - Bob Carter  eQSL  Loosely affiliated

31 ARRL DXCC Award

32 CQ DX Award

33 ARRL 5BDXCC Award

34 ARRL Honor Roll 331 to 339 Entities Confirmed

35 #1 Honor Roll – 340 confirmed


37 CQ WAZ Map


39 CQ WAZ CW Award


41 CQ WAZ RTTY Award

42 CQ 5BWAZ Award





47 7QP Map

48 7QP Area Single County Award

49 ARRL 160 Utah Award

50 CQ USA-CA Award

51 ARRL 5BWAS Award


53 Thanks to John Eisenberg K6YP and Curt Wilbur K7CU for using part of their presentations Thanks and 73, Bob WR7Q

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