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Deltion College Engels B2 Gesprekken voeren [Edu/003] thema: ‘but WHY can’t you….???’ can-do : kan in een telefoongesprek een probleem oplossen of toelichten.

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Presentation on theme: "Deltion College Engels B2 Gesprekken voeren [Edu/003] thema: ‘but WHY can’t you….???’ can-do : kan in een telefoongesprek een probleem oplossen of toelichten."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deltion College Engels B2 Gesprekken voeren [Edu/003] thema: ‘but WHY can’t you….???’ can-do : kan in een telefoongesprek een probleem oplossen of toelichten © Anne Beeker Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets van dit programma mag worden verveelvoudigd, opgeslagen in een geautomatiseerd gegevensbestand, of openbaar gemaakt, in enige vorm of op enige wijze, hetzij ektronisch, etc.etc. zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de auteursrechthebbende.

2 SBU: 2 End products: a. Recorded conversation b. word web on ‘complaint’ c. 3 practice ‘runs’ with American English (see final page) Needed: internet, computer with sound card, headphone, cassette recorder or digilab

3 Je hebt deze opdracht naar behoren uitgevoerd als je je probleem vlot kunt uitleggen en met de desbetreffende instantie kunt onderhandelen over een oplossing voor de ontstane onenigheid zonder dat dit leidt tot irritatie of misverstanden.

4 Situation You and some friends are going to travel around the world in a gap year programme, starting in New York. You are going to do some bar work in Brooklyn to save up money for the remainder of your trip. You had applied for a visa with the American embassy. Your flight is scheduled to leave within a week, but you have not yet received your visa. You decide to phone to try and sort this out.

5 Assignment for 2 students teamwork roleplay Tip: first click here to find out about applying for a visahere

6 1Together with your partner(s) draw up a list of expressions on the theme – “how to complain” 2Now make a word web on the theme: complaint. The following link may be useful: Http:// This is an English – English dictionary. Build a Word Web of 15 words around the concept ‘complaint’. What collocations* can you find for the word ‘complaint’? Http:// *collocation = fixed combinations (e.g. you always complain about something) complaint

7 As you only decided to go on this world trip some three weeks ago, instead of the required three months, it is quite logical that you have not received your visa yet. Now think of a possible way to approach the Consulate: Make a list of arguments why they should treat your request as top priority. Think up an itinerary; how long are you planning to stay in New York? And where will you go from there? Etc. Construct how much money you will have in the bank Think of possible counter-arguments – prepare yourself to convince the other side that your case is unique (already bought a low-fare ticket, etc. etc.) Offer to pay extra money if necessary Divide roles: one of you is to be an employee working at the Consulate, one of you has the role of visa applicant. Make a (video-)recording of the phone-call – try to make it as realistic as possible.

8 Click here for The Avellars of Belo Horizonte complain of rude treatment at the American consulate after paying almost $700 to apply for tourist visas. (Staff photo by VINCENT DeWITT)

9 -Finally:you may find it useful to practise with the following (free) lesson on making a phone call in American English: Click here –here (there are 8 fragments you can practise with.) Click here to go back to the beginning

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