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FACEBOOK Security & Privacy. What are the dangers of not knowing about privacy and security in your online sites?

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Presentation on theme: "FACEBOOK Security & Privacy. What are the dangers of not knowing about privacy and security in your online sites?"— Presentation transcript:

1 FACEBOOK Security & Privacy

2 What are the dangers of not knowing about privacy and security in your online sites?

3 Can we read your mind? qSXC4 qSXC4

4 What do you know How many of you have a facebook account? How many know it is illegal to be on facebook if you are under the age of 13? How often do you change your password? What makes a secure password? How many of you have “friended” someone you don’t know? How many of you use facebook apps like farmville? How many of you check your privacy settings carefully?

5 How many know it is illegal to be on facebook if you are under the age of 13? COPPA – Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act Children under 13 are not permitted to have accounts with online site that share information. Giving a fake age to get an account is against the law Facebook regularly checks and deletes these accounts Your age cannot be changed later, so you will be stuck with your lie for the rest of your life on facebook.

6 Passwords How often do you change your password? – Passwords should be changed monthly – Passwords should be shared with parents What makes a secure password? – Secure passwords are at least 8 characters – Include letters (caps & lower case), numbers, symbols – Are something you remember, but others don’t – Funny phrases or combining things you like are helpful

7 How many of you have “friended” someone you don’t know? Friending someone you aren’t really friends with brings potential danger Your information should be only for those you truly have relationships with Use the rule of 1 year – if you haven’t talked to them or interacted with them in 1 year, then remove them as a friend Did you know there are varying levels of friends settings, so that certain groups can’t see certain things? If someone is a problem, you can BLOCK them with the block settings.

8 What can people learn about you from your Public Profile Think about these questions while you watch this video What do you want people who have never met you to know about you? What features of a public profile can make you “trackable”? What do you need to change about your public profile?

9 Apps on Facebook App are the easiest way for companies to collect your information Ever wonder why Facebook is free to use, but worth billions of dollars? Companies pay facebook to advertise on the site They also use apps to collect your information and market to you for buying things. It is called Target Markets Apps can also be malicious software that spam, send you to viruses, or are phishing for additional information

10 Privacy Watch this video to learn more What are the dangers of not knowing about privacy and security in your online sites?

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