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Mrs. Cingcade Mrs. Horn Mrs. Miller.  Copy down this sentence on your handout:  The car was parked by the house.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Cingcade Mrs. Horn Mrs. Miller.  Copy down this sentence on your handout:  The car was parked by the house."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Cingcade Mrs. Horn Mrs. Miller

2  Copy down this sentence on your handout:  The car was parked by the house.

3  Now, copy this sentence down in your handout:  Two shiny green cars were parked outside the two story, red house.

4  Which sentence was easier to create a more accurate picture?  WHY?  What words helped describe in the second sentence?  Shiny  Green  Two  Two story  Red  Adjectives help make our writing more descriptive, which can help readers get a better understand of what you are writing.

5  School House Rock Video

6 Adjectives describe: PEOPLE PLACES and THINGS An adjective is a word that describes a noun or a pronoun.

7 Adjectives describe, or modify, nouns in three ways. They answer the questions: What kind? We studied ancient history. How many? I read three chapters over Thanksgiving Break! Which one? That invention changed the world.

8 Most adjectives come before the nouns the modify (describe). But….. Sometimes they will come after the linking verb. This is called the predicate adjective. Remember this term from our verbs unit? Example: These examples are important. Linking verb  are Predicate adjective  important - important describes the noun examples

9  Proper Adjectives  Proper Adjectives are adjectives formed from proper nouns (specific people, places, and things).  Proper Adjectives are capitalized just like we capitalize our proper nouns. The first example is done for you. Try the second and third on your own. Forming Proper Adjectives Proper NounProper Adjective Oranges from FloridaFlorida Oranges A symphony by Mozart Food from Italy

10  Now let’s apply all that we have talked about today!  Activity Day 1

11 Listen to the song and watch the video below. Think about all we talked about yesterday and complete the worksheet that goes along with this video.

12  The words:  A, an, and the  They fall under the adjective category, but are called articles.  The points to a specific item or items.  A and an refer to any one item of a group. Use A- before word beginning with a consonant Use An- before word beginning with a vowel or a vowel sound  EXAMPLES:  Mr. Fromwiller is the head of the 8 th Grade D.C. trip.  Getting a good grade on your report card is an accomplishment to be proud of!

13  The words:  This, that, these and those are called demonstrative adjectives. They are used to point out something.  Examples:  Take this pencil to class.  Take these glasses to read your book.  That book was fantastic!  Those snowflakes are lovely.

14  THIS and THAT  Use with SINGULAR nouns (only one)  THESE and THOSE  Use with plural nouns (more than one) ----------------------------------------------------------  THIS and THESE  Point out something that is close to you  THAT and THOSE  Point out something that is far from you

15  A chart to help you remember! Demonstratives SINGULARPLURAL NEARThisThese FARThatthose Demonstratives: Can be use WITH or WITHOUT nouns. When they are use ALONE (without a noun), they are called demonstrative pronouns. EXAMPLES (Demonstrative Pronouns): This is mine. These are for you.

16  Articles and Demonstratives  Let’s put to use all that we learned today and try some activities along with our lesson!

17  Intro Activity  Read the sentences below. Find the errors and see if you can correct them.  It was the interestingest art show I have seen. The gallery was more smaller than the other one I visited. I think Mrs. Seitz’s paintings were beautifuller than any of the others.

18  Interestingest  ____________________  More smaller  ____________________  Beautifuller  _____________________

19  We use adjectives to compare different things. Dependending on what we are comparing, our adjectives will change form. 1 st type of Adjective that compares  Comparitive form  an adjective that compares two things or people  1 syllable adjective  add –er to end  2 or more syllabes  add the word more before adjective  EXAMPLES:  Adjective: Large – How many syllables? _____ Is Auburn ___________ than Bainbridge?  Adjective: Beautiful – How many syllables? _____ Is United States _______ ___________ than Canada?

20 2 nd type of Adjective that compares  Superlative Form  an adjective compares more than two things or people  1 syllable  add –est to end of word  2 or more syllables  add the word most before adjective  Examples:  Adjective: Rich – How many syllables? ____ Is Bill Gates the ________ man in America?  Adjective: Successful – How many syllables? ____ Bill Gates is one of the _______ ____________ men in America today!

21  Do not use more or most before adjectives that already are in comparative or superlative form. A few examples are done for you. Try completing the rest chart on your own. Comparative and Superlative Forms AdjectiveComparitiveSuperlative SmallSmallerSmallest Dark ActiveMore activeMost active Intelligent

22  Let’s put all that we learned to day to use.  Activity Day 3

23  Beginning Activity  Complete the following sentences with the correct form of good.  Sarah had a ______ vacation at her grandmother’s house.  Who do you think is the _______ singer of all?  Of the two IR books, which do you think is the ______?

24 Let’s see how we did!  Sarah had a good vacation at her grandmother’s house.  Who do you think is the best singer of all?  Of the two IR books, which do you think is the better?  OH NO!! Adjectives like GOOD do not follow the rules we talked about yesterday for comparative and superlative forms.  We are going to take a look today at special adjectives that compare!

25  The comparative and superlative forms of some adjectives are not formed in the regular manner (as we just saw from our example).  Harriet Tubman believed in a good cause.  She knew that freedom was better than slavery.  The Underground Railroad was the best route to freedom.  In these sentences:  better is the comparative form of the adjective good  Best is the superlative form of good.

26 Irregular Comparative and Superlative Forms AdjectiveComparativeSuperlative GoodBetterBest BadWorseWorst Much, manyMoreMost LittleLessLeast REMEMBER: Do not use more or most before irregular adjectives that are already in the comparative or superlateive form. Example: Tubman felt better at the end of the day. (not more better)

27  Day 4 Activity!

28  Introduction Video  Schoolhouse Rock: iR8w iR8w

29  Adjectives- words that modify (describe) a noun or pronoun  Adverbs- words that modify (describe) a verb, adjective, or another adverb  Example:  Thomas Jefferson entertained grandly at the White House.  In this example grandly describes the action verb entertained

30  Adverbs answer three types of questions: Ways Adverbs Modify Verbs Adverbs Tell:Examples: HOW Grandly, royally, quickly WHEN Rarely, later, immediately, often, usually WHERE Downstairs, below, here

31  When modifying an adjective or another adverb:  Adverb comes before the word.  When modifying a verb:  An adverb will be in many different places in relationship to the verb it is modifying Positioning of Adverbs Position:Examples: Before the verb Guests often visit us during the holidays. After the verb Guests visit us often during the holidays. At the beginning Often guests visit us during the holidays. At the end Guests visit us during the holidays often.

32  Most adverbs are formed by adding -ly to an adjective.  actively, fondly, quietly  Some exceptions include:  After, often, now, and later

33  Adverbs Day 1 Activity

34  Adverbs often modify:  Adjectives  other adverbs  An adverb is added to intensify the meaning of the adjective and most often tell how.  Examples:  Harry Truman used extremely direct language.  He became a very popular president.

35  Adverbs often modify:  Adjectives  other adverbs  An adverb is added to intensify the meaning of the adjective and most often tell how.  Examples modifying Adjectives:  Harry Truman used extremely direct language.  He became a very popular president.

36  Adverbs modifying other adverbs:  Truman entered politics unusually late in life.  Unusually modifies the adverb late. It tells how late Truman entered politics  He moved through the political ranks quite quickly.  Quite modifies the adverb quickly It tells how quickly Truman moved through the ranks

37  When adverbs modify an adjective or another adverb they almost always come before the word they describe (modify) Adverbs often used to describe adjectives and other adverbs veryreallyratherjust toosonearlysomewhat almostpartlybarelytotally quiteextremelyunusuallyhardly

38  Day 2 activity

39  Just like adjectives compare, so do adverbs! Let’s review our definitions:  Comparative-  Compares two actions or things  Superlative-  Compares more than two actions or things

40  Most adverbs of one syllable:  Add-er (comparative)  Add – est (superlative) Comparing One-Syllable Adverbs Comparative Evan worked longer on his drawing than Jack. Superlative Franklin Roosevelt served longest of any president.

41  Adverbs that end in –ly OR more have than one syllable:  Add more (comparative)  Add most (superlative) Comparing Two-Syllable Adverbs Comparative Our class studied verbs more thoroughly than adjectives. Superlative We studied conjunctions most thoroughly of all.

42  Adverb Already in the comparative/superlative form:  DO NOT add more or most  NEVER SAY: MORE WORSE or MOST WORST Irregular Comparative Forms ADVERBCOMPARATIVESUPERLATIVE wellbetterbest badlyworseworst little (amount)lessleast far (distance)fartherfarthest far (degree)furtherfurthest

43  Day 3 activity

44  It can be hard to tell whether a word is an adjective or an adverb.  LOOK CAREFULLY!! How is the word used?  Audrey was happy it was snowing.  Happy is a predicate adjective in this sentence It follows linking verb  was It modifies subject  Audrey (noun)  Tyler played happily in the snow.  Happily is an adverb in this sentence It modifies the verb  lived

45  Confusing adjectives and adverbs:  bad  Adjective, badly  adverb  Good  Adjective, well  adverb  **Unless  if well is used after linking verb to describe a person’s health or well being. Then it is an adjective. Distinguishing adjectives from adverbs AdjectiveAdverb The milk is bad.Mrs. Cingcade sang badly. Mrs. Miller’s voice sounds good. Mrs. Horn played piano well.

46  Confusing adjectives and adverbs:  real  Adjective, really  adverb  sure  Adjective, surely  adverb  Most  Adjective OR Adverb almost  adverb Distinguishing adjectives from adverbs AdjectiveAdverb Music is a real art.Music is really popular. A pianist needs sure hands,Piano music is surely popular. Most pianos have eighty-eight keys. Piano strings almost never break.

47  Day 4 Activity

48  The adverb not:  Is a negative word  It expresses the idea of “no” in a sentence  It is often used in a shorted form -n’t (as a contraction) Contractions with not is not (isn’t)cannot (can’t)have not (haven’t) was not (wasn’t)could not (couldn’t)had not (hadn’t) were not (weren’t)do not (don’t)would not (wouldn’t) will not (won’t)did not (didn’t)should not (shouldn’t)

49  Words other than not:  May not be used express the negative  Each negative word has several opposites (affirmative words) that show the idea of “yes” Negative and Affirmative words NEGATIVEAFFIRMATIVE neverever, always nobodyanybody, somebody noneone, all, some, any no oneeveryone, someone nothingsomething, anything nowheresomewhere, anywhere

50  Sometimes people mistakenly use two negative words together.  Example: Lincoln hadn’t never gone to college.  When you use two negative word this creates what is a called a double negative.  You only need ONE negative word to express a negative idea.  Correct the example sentence by removing one of the negative words or by replacing it with an affirmative word:  Lincoln had never gone to college.  Lincoln had not ever gone to college.

51  Day 5 activity

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