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The New National Curriculum 2014 What will change?

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Presentation on theme: "The New National Curriculum 2014 What will change?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The New National Curriculum 2014 What will change?

2 Subject Programmes of Study and Attainment targets Each subject contains Purpose of study Aims Subject domains (e.g. Reading Statutory Programmes of Study (POS) + non statutory exemplar/notes and guidance POS are described as Matters, Skills and Processes

3 Core and Foundation Yrs 1-6 English Maths Science Art and Design Computing Design and Technology Geography History Music Pe Languages KS2

4 Other areas PSHE All schools should make provision for personal, social, health and economic education drawing on good practice RE as per SACRE Schools are also free to include other subjects or topics in their choice of planning and designing their own programme of education

5 Changes More challenge in Mathematics (Calculators end of KS2) Calculation policies Greater emphasis in Science A new subject Computing An emphasis on British History Changes to years or Key Stages where some topics have previously been taught

6 The new assessment procedure In September 2014 the new National Curriculum became compulsory for all children in Years 1 – 6, in all subjects with the exception of Year 2 and Year 6 in English, Maths and Science. Year 2 and Year 6 will be using LEVELS in English, Maths and Science for this academic year ONLY!

7 What the government says “… schools should then be free to design their approaches to assessment to support pupil attainment and progression. The assessment framework must be built into the curriculum, so that schools can check what pupils have learned and whether they are on track to meet expectations at the end of the key stage, and so that they can report regularly to parents.” Source: Reform of the national curriculum in England Government response to the consultation conducted February – April 2013 (July 2013)

8 Types of assessment Assessment for Learning – AfL assessment is on- going and used to check students’ learning. AfL is happening constantly in a classroom. The information is used to amend planning, support pupils etc. SUMMATIVE - The goal is to evaluate student attainment by comparing it against some sort of standard or benchmark. This is the area we are changing

9 The new assessment procedure Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (Nursery and Reception) remains the same. Assessment procedures in EYFS are the same for this academic year. The Government plans to introduce a baseline test for all reception pupils next year. The results from the test will be used to predict outcomes for each child at the end of Year 6.

10 The new assessment procedure We use a system called Pupil Asset to track pupils progress. This allows us to track children’s progress both as individuals, compared to the rest of the class/ year group and against national expectations. We are continuing to use national curriculum levels and running the new criteria alongside. Children’s progress in the summer term reports will be provided in the new format

11 What does Pupil Asset plan to provide? A system which will move between Levels in years 2 and 6 and Age Band Assessments in years 1, 3, 4 and 5 The New Curriculum framework itself to support and enable teaching and assessment A linear progress model which will cover all stages and incorporate Development Matters, the Early Learning Goals and current p-Scales Predictions of attainment at any standardised test points (we anticipate that this will happen at the end of each Key Stage as a minimum but this isn’t known for sure at this time) Support for assessment in Levels for schools who wish to take this route whilst still highlighting assessment in terms of likely performance at standardised test points This is not yet possible to do accurately as the criteria which will determine the standardised scores haven’t yet been released

12 English - Reading 1. Word reading Phonics remains at the heart of early reading. 2. Comprehension (both listening and reading) There is a greater emphasis on comprehension, with more continuity between the year groups and an emphasis on working on increasingly challenging texts. 3. Reading for pleasure Encouraging a love of reading is at the core of the new English Programme of Study with a greater emphasis on reading non-fiction (now required at Year 1) as well as fiction: 4. Making rapid progress The new curriculum emphasises the need for children who may be struggling to learn to decode rapidly.

13 Drama and the English curriculum: Role play and drama are referred to across the curriculum as part of spoken language. There will also be a statutory requirement to prepare poems and play scripts to read aloud and to perform, showing understanding through intonation, tone, volume and action.

14 English – KS1  Only phonic reading strategies required  No specific mention of group work or drama strategies  References to ICT/typing removed  Learning of poetry (including reciting poetry) introduced  Specific spellings, e.g. days of the week  Joined writing expected in Year 2  Proof-reading of own writing KS2 >

15 English – KS2  Phonic decoding expected to be secure by Y3  No specific mention of group work, drama strategies or use of ICT  Learning of classic & modern poetry (including reciting poetry) introduced  Specific spelling rules to be taught  Précising and dictation  Greatly increased expectations in grammar and punctuation (detailed appendices)

16 English 10-15 minutes reading at home each day makes a big difference Positive encouragement Adults modelling life long love of reading. Opportunities for writing for a purpose Seeing adults write for a purpose

17 Mathematics – KS1  Rounding to nearest 10 removed from KS1  Y1: No data handling required  Y1: Counting & writing numbers to 100  Y1: Write numbers words to 20  Y1: Number bonds to 20  Y2: Finding fractions of quantities  Y2: Adding two-digit numbers  Y2: Telling the time to nearest 5 minutes  Y2: Make comparisons using = symbols  Y2: Solve simple money problems using £/p

18 Mathematics – LKS2  No ratio required in LKS2  Written division moved to UKS2  No calculator skills included  Carroll / Venn diagrams no longer required  Y3: Formal written methods for + & —  Y3: Compare, order & + & — easy fractions  Y3: Vocabulary of angles & lines  Y3: Time including 24h clock & Roman numerals  Y4: Recognise equivalent fractions/decimals  Y4: Solve fractions & decimals problems  Y4: Perimeter/area of compound shapes  Y4: Know multiplication tables to 12 x 12

19 Mathematics – UKS2  No calculator skills included  No probability included  Data handling greatly reduced content  Y5: Use decimals to 3dp, including problems  Y5: Use standard multiplication & division methods  Y5: Add/subtract fractions with same denominator  Y5: Multiply fractions by whole numbers  Y6: Long division  Y6: Calculate decimal equivalent of fractions  Y6: Use formula for area & volume of shapes  Y6: Calculate area of triangles & parallelograms  Y6: Introductory algebra & equation-solving <KS1< LKS2 <KS1< LKS2

20 Science What’s out? Much less content at KS1: No mention of medicines, electricity, light & dark, or material changes caused by temperatures No forces before Y6 (except looking at simple magnets work) What’s in? Yearly objectives (34 pages) Continued emphasis on investigation across all areas Evolution in Y4 & Y6 Classification into kingdoms at Y6

21 Science – KS1  Some physics topics moved to KS2 only: Light & Dark; Sound; Forces; Electricity  Reduce requirement to know life processes  No requirement to make predictions or fair tests  Drugs as medicines removed  Care for animals/others/environment removed  Changing materials with heat moves to KS2  Y1: Naming of plants and animals added  Y1: Seasonable changes & weather added  Y2: Introduce simple food chains  Y2: Some study of movement on different surfaces LKS2 >UKS2 > Science – KS1  Some physics topics moved to KS2 only: Light & Dark; Sound; Forces; Electricity  Reduce requirement to know life processes  No requirement to make predictions or fair tests  Drugs as medicines removed  Care for animals/others/environment removed  Changing materials with heat moves to KS2  Y1: Naming of plants and animals added  Y1: Seasonable changes & weather added  Y2: Introduce simple food chains  Y2: Some study of movement on different surfaces LKS2 >UKS2 >

22 Science – LKS2  Some movement between Y3 and Y4: Skeletons to Y3; Teeth & digestion to Y4  Some units delayed to upper KS2: Forces; separating mixtures; insulators; adaptation  Requirements reduced in electricity units  All KS1 content for sound & light moves to LKS2  Y3: Fossils and soils content added  Y3: Flowers as part of the plant life cycle  Y3: Light reflecting off surfaces  Y4: Introduce changes of state & water cycle  Y4: Common uses of electricity  Y4: Changing environments < KS1UKS2 > Science – LKS2  Some movement between Y3 and Y4: Skeletons to Y3; Teeth & digestion to Y4  Some units delayed to upper KS2: Forces; separating mixtures; insulators; adaptation  Requirements reduced in electricity units  All KS1 content for sound & light moves to LKS2  Y3: Fossils and soils content added  Y3: Flowers as part of the plant life cycle  Y3: Light reflecting off surfaces  Y4: Introduce changes of state & water cycle  Y4: Common uses of electricity  Y4: Changing environments < KS1UKS2 >

23 Science – UKS2  Some movement between Y5 and Y6: e.g. Health & Heart to Y6; Reversible changes to Y5  Some units introduced earlier in KS2: Water cycle; sound as vibrations to Y4  Micro-organisms no longer required  Y5: Life cycles of animals added  Y5: Reversible & irreversible changes  Y5: Planets, gravity and other forces added  Y6: Classification of plants and animals  Y6: New unit on evolution  Y6: Diet, exercise, drugs & lifestyle added < KS1< LKS2 Science – UKS2  Some movement between Y5 and Y6: e.g. Health & Heart to Y6; Reversible changes to Y5  Some units introduced earlier in KS2: Water cycle; sound as vibrations to Y4  Micro-organisms no longer required  Y5: Life cycles of animals added  Y5: Reversible & irreversible changes  Y5: Planets, gravity and other forces added  Y6: Classification of plants and animals  Y6: New unit on evolution  Y6: Diet, exercise, drugs & lifestyle added < KS1< LKS2

24 ICT  Now called computing Computing  Significant change in focus from digital literacy and applications to control and programming  Introduction to creating programs in KS1 (e.g. roamer style sequences of instructions)  E-safety included in both key stages  Logical reasoning and problem-solving to identify flaws in instructions and correct them  Complex instruction systems and variables covered in KS2  Understand and use computer networks, including the internet (KS2)Computing  Significant change in focus from digital literacy and applications to control and programming  Introduction to creating programs in KS1 (e.g. roamer style sequences of instructions)  E-safety included in both key stages  Logical reasoning and problem-solving to identify flaws in instructions and correct them  Complex instruction systems and variables covered in KS2  Understand and use computer networks, including the internet (KS2)

25 Art  Greatly reduced detail in content, with much of the broader detail included in the aims.  Specific objectives include only 4 areas: Use a range of materials (KS1) Use drawing, paint & sculpture to share ideas Develop techniques in colour, line, form, etc. Learn about the work of artists and designers Create & maintain sketch books (KS2)

26 Design & Technology  Broadly similar requirements at both Key Stages for main aspects, although slightly less specific detail:  Design  Make  Evaluate  Technical Knowledge  Statutory requirement to include cooking at both Key Stages Design & Technology  Broadly similar requirements at both Key Stages for main aspects, although slightly less specific detail:  Design  Make  Evaluate  Technical Knowledge  Statutory requirement to include cooking at both Key Stages

27 Geography What’s out? No KS1 comparison with other UK locations No mention of environmental sustainability No African, Asian or Australasian geography What’s in? Factual knowledge, e.g. continents & oceans at KS1 UK focus at KS1, plus one non-European comparison Europe & the Americas covered at KS2 Identification of rivers, mountains, etc. in UK OS four-figure grid references

28 Geography  Reduced emphasis on investigative Geography  Increased focus on geographical knowledge:  KS1: name continents and home countries  KS1: Compare local geography to UK & world  KS1: Introduce key geography vocabulary  KS2: locate world countries; UK cities & regions  KS2: Identify world feature, e.g. poles, tropics, etc.  KS2: Comparison study in Americas and Europe  KS2: Study climate, vegetation belts, land use, natural resources & trade links  KS2:Use compass points & 6-figure grid referencesGeography  Reduced emphasis on investigative Geography  Increased focus on geographical knowledge:  KS1: name continents and home countries  KS1: Compare local geography to UK & world  KS1: Introduce key geography vocabulary  KS2: locate world countries; UK cities & regions  KS2: Identify world feature, e.g. poles, tropics, etc.  KS2: Comparison study in Americas and Europe  KS2: Study climate, vegetation belts, land use, natural resources & trade links  KS2:Use compass points & 6-figure grid references

29 History What’s out? Britain since 1930s Victorians and Tudors (we teach Tudors as a thematic unit post 1066 UK history ) Aztecs, Incas. (currently we teach Aztecs as part of the creative curriculum topic – Chocolate). World War II (we will teach as local history study or after 1066 study) Diversity in the UK & the world What’s in? KS1: Concepts of monarchy, parliament, civilisation, democracy and war & peace KS2: Strictly chronological progression through history of Britain from Anglo Saxons to 18 th Century Requirement to teach Ancient Rome & Greece

30 History  Reduced emphasis on sources & methodology  Relatively little change at KS1, with slight increase in national focus  Reduced emphasis on diversity & culture  Significant changes in KS2 breadth of study:  Victorians/Britain since 1930 removed  Stone age added  Romans, Anglo-Saxons & Vikings all required  Slightly changes to ancient civilisation options  A non-European study must be included  One period of study that stretches past 1066History  Reduced emphasis on sources & methodology  Relatively little change at KS1, with slight increase in national focus  Reduced emphasis on diversity & culture  Significant changes in KS2 breadth of study:  Victorians/Britain since 1930 removed  Stone age added  Romans, Anglo-Saxons & Vikings all required  Slightly changes to ancient civilisation options  A non-European study must be included  One period of study that stretches past 1066

31 Physical Education  Slimmed-down Programme of Study  KS1 focus on mastering basic skills and playing in team games  KS2 includes discrete skills and in contexts of team games and competition  Less focus on evaluation, focus moves to improving personal bests  Swimming remains statutory at either KS Physical Education  Slimmed-down Programme of Study  KS1 focus on mastering basic skills and playing in team games  KS2 includes discrete skills and in contexts of team games and competition  Less focus on evaluation, focus moves to improving personal bests  Swimming remains statutory at either KS

32 Other Support Available  Contains :  Objectives from Programmes of Study organised by year group  Detailed breakdown of changes for core subjects (based on primary framework)  Page-per-year-group documents containing brief detail  Support for other subjects ( RE, PSHE, Citizenship) m.asp Support for other subjects m.asp Other Support Available  Contains :  Objectives from Programmes of Study organised by year group  Detailed breakdown of changes for core subjects (based on primary framework)  Page-per-year-group documents containing brief detail  Support for other subjects ( RE, PSHE, Citizenship) m.asp Support for other subjects m.asp

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