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(Now Playing – “Lilith Overture”) IIIIt is the dawn of Creation. God calls upon His Angels to celebrate his World, and all that it contains. He then.

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Presentation on theme: "(Now Playing – “Lilith Overture”) IIIIt is the dawn of Creation. God calls upon His Angels to celebrate his World, and all that it contains. He then."— Presentation transcript:


2 (Now Playing – “Lilith Overture”)

3 IIIIt is the dawn of Creation. God calls upon His Angels to celebrate his World, and all that it contains. He then announces His plan to create Man out of the clay of the Earth, and for Man to become king of the World…

4 SSatan, meanwhile, rebels against God – he believes that as God’s firstborn, he should become king of the world instead of Man. He vows to overpower Man, and to someday claim the world as his own…

5 GGGGod commands Satan to leave Heaven for his arrogance. His Angels drive him down to Hell with his minions. They set themselves in opposition to God, and vow to shame Him through the fall of Man…

6 GGGGod creates Adam from the Earth’s clay and gives him the Garden of Eden, warning him only not to eat the fruit of the apple tree. Adam is at first joyful, yet he eventually senses a void – he realizes his need for a mate…

7 GGod creates Lilith to be Adam’s wife out of Adam’s leftover clay. She comes to life as a spellbinding seductress, a spirit of Lust incarnate. God decides she is unfit for Adam and banishes her to Hell to be Satan’s bride…

8 NNext, God creates Eve from Adam’s rib – she will be the virtuous lover for Adam that Lilith could not be. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve are deeply in love, and this causes intense jealousy in Lilith, who observes them from afar with Satan…

9 LLilith and Satan explore the pleasures of the flesh together while their resentment of Adam and Eve grows. They vow to bring about Adam and Eve’s fall from grace, and make them vulnerable to their own temptations when they are no longer under God’s protection in Eden…

10 LLilith spurs Satan to take the form of a snake - in this guise, he slithers beneath the gates to Eden and appears to Adam and Eve in the apple tree; He tempts Eve first, and then Adam, to eat the forbidden fruit…

11 FFor their disobedience, Adam and Eve are cast out of Eden by God, into the vale of tears which is our world, forsaken… GGod appears once again, full of wrath and fury…

12 LLilith decides the time is ripe for her revenge - she and Satan seduce Adam and Eve in a double adultery. Lilith and Adam spawn The Lusts, while Satan gives Eve one son who lives - Cain, who kills his brother Abel. Through the offspring of this double adultery, sin is born into the world…

13 AAdam and Eve, many years later, have lived a life of hardship– only their love and belief keep them alive. They pray to the Angels, since God no longer answers them. The Angels reply that their prayers are heard whenever they sing their songs to Heaven, and give them the hope and strength to face another day…

14 LLLLilith appears once again at the story’s end – she is now an incubus or succubus of our dreams, a bewitching evil. She will always haunt our dreams, and will never be gone, an eternal spirit of temptation…

15 ““Lilith – The Rock Opera” was released in 2006 on True Classical CD’s, and is now available at w Featuring twenty-four songs and thirty musicians& singers on a 2- CD set, it is the Creation story set to music, with the addition of the character, Lilith…

16 … And lead us not into Temptation…

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