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All Religions are the Same Copyrighted material that appears in this article is included under the provisions of the Fair Use Clause of the National Copyright.

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2 All Religions are the Same Copyrighted material that appears in this article is included under the provisions of the Fair Use Clause of the National Copyright Act, which allows limited reproduction of copyrighted materials for educational and religious use when no financial charge is made for viewing.

3 My Friend My friend tells me that all religions are the same and God doesn’t care which one you choose so long as you choose one, is that true? No! If you say that one religion is as good as another and they have the same objective then you must also be saying that vices are the same as virtues. You friend is supporting what is called indifferentism. Paganism is a form of a religion, would God want you to follow that religion? I think not! Most, not all, who call themselves Christians believe that Jesus was God. Either Jesus is God or he isn’t.

4 Good as another? If He’s not God then the Christian religions that worship Him must be practicing idolatry. If Christ is God then the Christian religions who deny that He is God must be blasphemous. Consider for a moment that there are many Christian religions but most don’t agree. Wait a minute if some Christian religions don’t agree, then one must be right and the other wrong. Some teach that infant baptism is right but others claim that baptism should be done later when the child can accept “Jesus as their personal Lord and savior.” One religion must be right and the other wrong.

5 Why? But, why does one religion have to be right and the other wrong? Simply because you can’t be right and wrong about the same issue at the same time. Judgments can’t be made by people who are sitting on a fence. See if this makes sense to you. One religion believes that hell exists and that God is just and punishes evil doers. Another says, there isn’t a hell because God is merciful and wouldn’t allow it.

6 Problems, Problems Well, which way is it, does hell exist or not? See the problem? Belonging to one church is not the same as belonging to another because of their different views and if they have differing views then one must be right and the other wrong. Many Christian churches disagree on abortion, divorce, and homosexuality. To say that one is correct and the other wrong you have to ignore objective truth. Objective truth is something that is true whether or not we agree with it.

7 Objective Truth 1. Does an abortion stop a beating heart? 2. Does a divorce destroy a family unit? 3. Is acting on homosexual urges the misuse of sexual powers? If you answered yes to any one of these questions than you can’t agree with all Christian religions. All religions aren’t the same and the seeker needs to find a religion that holds high the objective truth. Truth is not, never has been, nor will be, changed by time or social agendas. If you answered yes to all three questions then you need to find and attend a Catholic Church where the objective truth is held high.

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