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Byzantine Empire Muslim Empire Middle Ages

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1 Learning Log: What is the difference between a federalist and an anti-federalist?

2 Byzantine Empire Muslim Empire Middle Ages
Quick and Easy

3 Byzantine Empire; The Highlites
Constantine splits the Roman Empire into two sides: Western Empire and the Eastern Empire After the Western Empire falls, the Eastern Empire becomes known as the Byzantine Empire Byzantine Empire flourishes for a years after West falls Emperor Justinian comes to power and models the Byzantine Empire after Rome; he helps his empire to flourish by learning from Rome’s mistakes. Justinian Codes are used in many countries today Empire falls to the Ottomans in the mid- 1400s

4 Byzantine Empire; Life under Justinian
Justinian worked to expand empire; both in land and population Keeps Roman laws, yet adds new laws to protect citizens’ rights (esp women) Promises all citizens will remain innocent until proven guilty by courts– used today! Chose people for jobs based on abilities, not class Unites church and government; citizens practice Christian religion and therefore there’s no power struggle Wife Theodora encourages equal rights for all citizens– regardless of sex, social status, family name.. Language from Latin to Greek Starts the Byzantine silk industry, which ends China’s silk monopoly and helps the Byzantine economy

5 Christian Religion issues--- again!
Western Empire and Eastern Empire divides over their different beliefs Few people in Western Europe could read or write, therefore they could not read scriptures/ passages of the Christian Message Illiterate Christians began to pray to God through icons and holy pictures of Jesus and the saints Overtime, Christians prayed to the icons and not to God, and Eastern Empire believed this broke one of the 10 commandments In 726, Emperor Leo ordered all icons to be destroyed Empress Irene ( ) allows the West to use the icons as long as they prayed to God Results in West becoming Roman Catholic, and East becoming Eastern Orthodox

6 Muslim EMpire

7 Muslim Message Arab boy named Muhammad becomes unhappy with tribe’s idol worshiping Spends time in deep thought in caves, and on one occasion is visited by the angel Gabriel, who encourages him to become the Muslim messenger Message; believers should worship one God, named Allah, not icons or many gods Muhammad spreads the Muslim religion through teaching and examples Over the next 20 years, Muhammad receives more messages, and puts them altogether to form the Qur'an

8 Muslim Empire expands Mecca, an important stop on trading routes, becomes threatened by Muslim beliefs. Meccans force Muslims to give up their beliefs– Muslims defeat Meccans and destroy idols- then Mecca becomes the holy city for Muslims (still used today) Persians and Byzantines welcomed Muslims, believing the invaders would free them of heavy taxes and their own religious issues By 750AD, Muslim Empire stretches from Arabia, Spain, N. Africa, parts of China and parts of the Indus River Valley Muslim Empire splits: *still have issues today Sunni– accepted changing dynasties Shiites– remained loyal to Ali (leader after Muhammad) Achievements include– art, science, many languages, math, making of paper (Chinese), successful trade, beautiful Mosques, followers since 7th century

9 Middle Ages

10 Middle Ages From 500AD to 1500Ad, aka Medieval Period
As Roman Empire began to fall, northern tribes united, and the greatest tribe was known as the Franks (today’s France) After the Pope crowned him emperor, Charlemagne brought new life to the dying lands of Rome through: Expanding empire’s lands Promoting cooperation among government, and citizens Establishing fair expectations from all Teaching the importance about law, religion, trade and education

11 Feudal System System of trading protection
People used other peoples’ lands, and in return were promised protection Manor= land blocks Serfs= poor, peasants, lower class. Worked on other peoples’ lands, but did not own it– known as a tenant Noble’s= lived on the land serf’s worked on. Performed services for the king in return for the land King= highest class Draw picture to explain

12 Bubonic Plague Ring Around the Rosie

13 Magna Carta Great Charter
Explains no-one is above the law, no even the king Protects freedoms of everyone Rights for a trial by jury

14 Bubonic Plague

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