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BIBLICALLY In Light of Today’s Culture THINKING. What is the Basis of our Authority?

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Presentation on theme: "BIBLICALLY In Light of Today’s Culture THINKING. What is the Basis of our Authority?"— Presentation transcript:

1 BIBLICALLY In Light of Today’s Culture THINKING

2 What is the Basis of our Authority?

3 Main Point

4 What This Course Is Not…

5 What This Course Is…

6 BFC – AOF 1



9 Authority What Right Do I have To Claim Scriptural Authority?

10 Synopsis

11 Recognition of a Body of Sacred Writings in the OT

12 Recognition of a Body of Sacred Writings by Jesus Christ Recognition of a Body of Sacred Writings by Jesus Christ

13 Recognition of a Body of Sacred Writings by the Apostles Recognition of a Body of Sacred Writings by the Apostles

14 Recognition of a Body of Sacred Writings by the Early Church

15 The Authority of Scripture Recognized in the OT

16 The Authority of Scripture Recognized in the NT

17 Jesus Christ Claims Scriptural Authority for His Own Words

18 Inspiration The Miraculous Act of the Holy Spirit

19 Synopsis

20 The Meaning of Inspiration Theopneustos: understood as the air that was physically expelled out of the lungs of God.

21 Purpose of Inspiration

22 Purpose of Scripture Why did God give us His Special Revelation?

23 Synopsis

24 To Know God

25 To Lead God’s People to Salvation

26 To Lead God’s People to Maturity Impart Knowledge Criticism and Censure Replace a mistake Cultivating the mind and actions of a disciple

27 Sufficiency of Scripture Is Scripture really Sufficient for faith and Life?

28 Synopsis

29 God’s Written Revelation is Sufficient

30 The NT Records the Completion and Fulfillment of the OT

31 Warnings against turning from, or adding to, the Apostolic Gospel

32 Descriptions of Scripture Point to its Sufficiency: Scripture is Good

33 Descriptions of Scripture Point to its Sufficiency: Scripture is Perfect

34 Descriptions of Scripture Point to its Sufficiency: Scripture is Eternal

35 So What? So what do we do with all this information?

36 God is our Authority and His Word is Our Guide

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