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Search report: motor control Physiotherapy & Sport Group Members: Mohammad ali Bagheri Azim Parandakh Neda Jorfi Dr.Arshi Amirkabir University of Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Search report: motor control Physiotherapy & Sport Group Members: Mohammad ali Bagheri Azim Parandakh Neda Jorfi Dr.Arshi Amirkabir University of Technology."— Presentation transcript:


2 Search report: motor control Physiotherapy & Sport Group Members: Mohammad ali Bagheri Azim Parandakh Neda Jorfi Dr.Arshi Amirkabir University of Technology Tehran polytechnic

3 Motor control: Sensory information Perception Neuro anatomical connections Basal ganglia cerebellum

4 Sensory information

5 Perception

6 Neuroanatomical connections Basal ganglia Cerebrllum Brain stem Spinal cord Motor unit

7 Distributed control model Task oriented 1-open system

8 Distributed control model Task oriented 2-Closed system

9 Control processes for voluntary movement.

10 Scoliosis Scoliosis is defined as a spinal curvature of more than 10 degrees to the right or left as the examiner faces the patient (in the coronal plane). Deformity may also exist to the front or back (in the sagittal plane).

11 Duchenne muscular dystrophy Progressive muscle weakness X-linked recessive inheritance (1:4000 boys) Symptoms from age 4 CNS + heart engaged Wheelchair from age 10 Death at early age if untr eated

12 Physiotherapy Definition Physiotherapist Types of Physiotherapy A range of therapies Treatment

13 Physiotherapist

14 M.S

15 Cardiothoracic physiotherapy Treatment


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