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Company vehicle safety. Safety program goals: Save lives Reduce injuries Protect resources Reduce liability 1a.

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Presentation on theme: "Company vehicle safety. Safety program goals: Save lives Reduce injuries Protect resources Reduce liability 1a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Company vehicle safety

2 Safety program goals: Save lives Reduce injuries Protect resources Reduce liability 1a

3 Protect people: Driver eligibility Pre-plan response to emergency Provide training 2a

4 Protect people: Reward safe driving Enforcement Employee input 2b

5 Protect resources: Vehicle safety ratings Proper use Safety inspections Proper maintenance 3a

6 Reduce liability: Insurance Licensing Company standards Qualified mechanics 4a

7 Program contents Management leadership Policies, procedures 5a

8 Program contents: Driver agreements Driver reviews 5b

9 Program contents: Incident reporting, investigation Vehicle selection, maintenance 5c

10 Program contents: Disciplinary action Safety rewards 5d

11 Program contents: Driver training Compliance with laws 5e

12 Young drivers Age restrictions: 16 = no driving 17 = strict limits State laws 6a

13 Young drivers Statistics: Crashes leading cause of death 18% of all drivers in police-reported crashes 6b

14 Young drivers: Lowest seat belt use Take more risks 6c

15 Safe driving strategies: Safe vehicle Emergency supplies Seat belt Defensive driving 7a

16 Safe driving strategies: Focus on driving Be alert, awake No alcohol, drugs 7b

17 Vehicle inspections: Visible damage Tire inflation, tread Fluid levels 8a

18 Vehicle inspections: Belts, hoses Fuel Windshield wipers 8b

19 Vehicle inspections: Controls Lights Seat belt Emergency kit 8c

20 Emergency supplies: Phone First aid Warning triangles, flares 9a

21 Emergency supplies: Water, food Clothing Tools Blanket, etc. 9b

22 Seat belts: Reduce risk of fatalities, injuries Prevent ejection from vehicle 10a

23 Aggressive driving Be defensive: Check mirrors Following distance Cushion of space 11a

24 Aggressive driving: Speeding Tailgating Not signaling Running red light 11b

25 Aggressive driving: Allow enough time Plan route Avoid congestion 11c

26 Aggressive driving: Accept being late Don’t join a fight Report to police 11d

27 Aggressive driving Speeding: Reduced steering Longer stopping distance Dangerous anywhere 11e

28 Distracted driving: Conversations Eating, drinking, grooming Playing stereo 12a

29 Distracted driving: Reading maps, directions Using navigator Using phone 12b

30 Distracted driving NHTSA advice: Pull over to use phone 12c

31 Distracted driving Cell phones: Hand-held vs. hands-free Phone vs. passenger Phone vs. other distractions 12d

32 Drowsy driving: Under-reported 13a

33 Drowsy driving: Start fully rested Stop, stretch Realistic distance goals Avoid medications 13b

34 Drowsy driving: Take nap Caffeine Then, stop and sleep 13c

35 Drowsy driving: Other preventions: Physical discomfort Rumble strips Then, stop and sleep 13d

36 Impaired driving: Alcohol Medications Illegal drugs 14a

37 Impaired driving: Over 16,000 deaths per year Weekdays vs. weekends 14b

38 Impaired driving: Stay away Report to police 14c

39 Impaired driving: Weaving Wrong side of road Very slow speed Sudden braking 14d

40 Impaired driving: Slow response Open windows Not using headlights 14e

41 Summary: Program benefits Program elements Young drivers Vehicle safety Seat belts 15a

42 Summary: Aggressive driving Distractions Drowsy driving Impaired driving 15b

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