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 A company limited by guarantee governed by its Memorandum and Articles and company and general law  A charitable trust with specific charitable aims.

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2  A company limited by guarantee governed by its Memorandum and Articles and company and general law  A charitable trust with specific charitable aims and objectives governed by the Charity Commission and charity law  A recognised Church of England TEI with accountability to the House of Bishops via Ministry Division  A partnership between dioceses  People training for ministry


4 In Attendance

5  has overall governance responsibility for All Saints  sets strategy, priorities and policies  employs staff  is responsible for funding the work  works within the law and its “Mem & Arts”

6 Academic

7  The Memorandum and Articles of Association established three committees ◦ Finance and General Purposes Committee ◦ Academic Committee ◦ Risk and Audit Committee  … and allows for other committees and working groups as the Board it sees fit

8  Trustees  Ex Officio Staff  Elected staff and students  Other invitees/co-optees  Staff (and others) in attendance

9  Finance ◦ Drawing-up the budget for the Board ◦ Monitoring income and expenditure through quarterly management accounts  Staffing ◦ Employment policies and procedures ◦ All contractual matters ◦ Remuneration, expenses, etc  General ◦ All substantial contracts and agreements

10  Deliberately “open” ◦ Three universities with different academic structures ◦ Currently a “Board of Studies” chaired by a Trustee ◦ Under Common Awards, a “Management Committee” chaired by the Principal  Educational and Academic ◦ Policies ◦ Quality Assurance and Enhancement ◦ Reviewing the course

11  Recently established  To oversee the company’s annual financial external examination or full audit  To assess and review the risks to the company/charity and advise on policies and procedures to mitigate those risks

12 All Saints Centre

13  Recognition by Archbishops’ Council for training Ordinands  Agreements with Higher Education Partners ◦ Liverpool Hope University ◦ University of Chester ◦ Durham University Dioceses  Agreements with Dioceses

14  Validates All Saints for ordination training, with basic standards for ◦ ethos and curriculum ◦ staffing and resources ◦ governance and finance  Inspects institution to ensure quality  Pays standard fees for each ordinand

15  Validation / Revalidation ◦ basic philosophy, alignment and course design ◦ modules, assessment, qualifications of tutors, quality  Partnership Agreement ◦ terms of relationship including financial costs ◦ financial sustainability and resources for delivery  Programme Agreement ◦ authorises All Saints to teach agreed programme of study for a University award  University regulations

16  Main contact person  Joint appointment of Directors of Studies  Recommending and appointing tutors  Number and location of teaching centres  Payment for Reader-training  Arrangements for placements  Involvement in committees  Notice of withdrawal


18  Employed by All Saints Centre for Mission and Ministry  Academic staff – Principal and Vice-Principal  Admin Team – Company Secretary/ Administrator and two Admin Assistants

19  Subject specialists appointed by Principal from among ◦ employed academic staff (Principal and Vice-Principal) ◦ Directors of Study who are “seconded” by their diocese to work mainly with All Saints as part of the Course Management Team ◦ i.e. CMT members  Work with module teams deliver and assess modules, develop module and programme curriculum, teaching strategies and resources  Review modules and programme annually

20  People with subject interest and teaching skills  Recommended by diocesan partners and based in dioceses  Interviewed and appointed by Principal  Agree to work within the aims of the Course  Supported through: ◦ Induction session/s and Tutor Handbook ◦ Module Leader and module team meetings ◦ Staff Development Days ◦ Peer observation scheme ◦ Book grant of £100 ◦ Payment of travel and preparation expenses

21 Five different “categories” of people who teach and assess as part of their role  Employed staff (Principal and Vice-Principal)  Seconded staff (CMT members)  Tutors recommended by their diocese who are employed or stipended and whose teaching is part of their work or ministry  Tutors recommended by a diocese who are not employed or fully stipended and whose teaching we pay for  “Guest” or “visting” tutors …

22  Appointed jointly by diocese and Principal and based in dioceses  Oversight of formational and academic development of students from their diocese  Agree student learning plans with Principal  Arrange student placements  First port of call for guidance and support


24 Specific course-wide portfolios or roles  Timetable, calendar and venue-planning  VLE Manager  Communication and Website Manager  Diversity, Inclusion and Gender Issues  Administrator  Quality and Student Progress

25 Tutorial  Vice-Principal Vacant  Partner Staff – Module Leaders and Directors of Studies ◦ Simon Chesters ◦ Gary O’Neill ◦ Alan Scantlebury ◦ Liz Shercliff  Partner Staff – Part-time Tutors ◦ About fifty women and men across six dioceses Administration  Course Administrator Liz Liddle  Two Admin Assistants Placement Supervisors  Parish and Sector clergy  Other community leaders ◦ Up to two hundred each year across six dioceses

26  Purpose is to listen, pass-on and respond to student views in order to improve the student experience and quality of learning  Elected reps for Reader-candidates, licensed Readers, Ordinands … from each teaching centre and year group  Chaired by Vice-Principal, with Principal and Administrator plus other staff as necessary  Review module and end-of-year evaluations  Elect to Academic Committee and Board

27 Academic CMT SLG

28  Having a Management Committee for Durham awards will be required by the contract between Durham University and All Saints.  This will change our structures as the Management Committee will be responsible for areas currently covered by CMT and the Academic Committee.  See the handout for functions, membership and terms of reference.

29  The Head of the TEI (Principal - Chair).  The Programme Director(s) for the programme(s) offered under this agreement.  Other academic staff of the TEI involved in the delivery of the programme(s) offered under this agreement.  One student representative for each of the academic levels of study offered by the TEI under the agreement.  The University Liaison Officer(s) appointed by the University for the programme(s) for which the Committee is responsible.

30  Currently, one programme with Principal as Programme Leader ◦ 2015 sees transition from Chester/LHU programme to the new Durham Common Awards “suite” of programmes ◦ Common Awards programmes may have different leaders, responsible to the Principal ◦ Accreditation (or not) of Reader-training courses may require more complex arrangements within the region


32  The “Vote 1” Grant from the Archbishops’ Council for training ordinands ◦ Depends on the number of ordinands ◦ Potentially, the grant changes from year to year  Diocesan block payments for Reader-training ◦ Stable for 2-3 years ◦ Does not depend on the number of Reader-candidates or Readers ◦ Effectively, dioceses pay to have Reader-training available  Minor income includes ◦ Fees for Independent Students ◦ Fees for Isle of Man Reader-candidates

33  Direct costs of training Ordinands  Direct costs of training Readers  General costs of running and developing a training organisation to meet dioceses’ and wider Church needs

34  Vote 1 Grant~£350,000  Reader-training Grants~£150,000  Annual turnover~£500,000  Grant per ordinand~£ 5,500  Grant per diocese~£ 36,000  Ordinands in 2014/15 ~57  Reader-candidates ~120  Readers, post-licensing ~60

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