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 On-Line Exam: March 4, 2015  DECA Training: Wednesday, February 25 During SEMINAR  State Competition: March 13-15, 2015  ICDC: April 24 – 29, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: " On-Line Exam: March 4, 2015  DECA Training: Wednesday, February 25 During SEMINAR  State Competition: March 13-15, 2015  ICDC: April 24 – 29, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1  On-Line Exam: March 4, 2015  DECA Training: Wednesday, February 25 During SEMINAR  State Competition: March 13-15, 2015  ICDC: April 24 – 29, 2015 2:30 – 4:00  ICDC Payment: Deposit DUE March 18 Final Payment DUE March 26 ESTIMATE: $1500

2 DECA Training

3 An association of organizations in the same trade formed to further their collective interests, especially in negotiating with governments, trade unions, etc Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

4 How Trade Associations Work With Businesses: 1. Networking 2. Public Relations 3. Education 4. Advertising

5 Hotel Management Food Service Management Human Resource Management Financial Services Marketing Management Sports & Entertainment Marketing Travel & Tourism Sales and Promotion

6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

7  Lauren Fane  Jonathan Bi

8 DECA Training

9 Amount of work that can be produced in a given amount of time

10  Improve or increase the use of technology  Improve or increase the training programs offered employees  Redesign the layout of the store, restaurant, office environment, display  Provide more resources to be used by employees, for example, more access to tools, office space, copiers, printers, etc.  Development & use of time management techniques

11 Determine how to specifically improve the productivity in your business sector. You have 3 minutes to determine your response. You have 2 minutes to present your idea to the team.

12  FMS Computers with weekly ads updated regularly  avoid delays for customer  Prevents clerk/cashier from price checking (productivity point)  Improves customer relations and productivity

13  MMS Office space for employees increased viewing of marketing strategies  Increase technology  more databases  More information accessible  More accuracy

14  HLM More training involving customer relations/service Cleaning maids arriving on time  Clock in and clock out  REWARDS/INCENTIVES for employees arriving on time  examples: employee of month gets preferred parking, free lunch at the hotel, give free night at hotel through the company, time shares  Rewards increase productivity rather than penalties

15  PMK Efficient and effective design for clients  Incentives- technology equipment use for personal use like business cards Organization and Time management  Structured time tables for everything Marketing strategies

16  HRM Compensation of employee benefits online  HR time saving measure

17  BTM Universal forms of communication within the company  Consistency to increase productivity and information knowledge  Examples- public announcements, web conferencing, forms, regularly staff meetings (i.e. weekly, monthly)

18  BFS Technology  Frequent software updates  Give them time to learn program  Give them time to play/practice with the program so that people might be able to ask questions and problem solve  Run parallel systems to train the employees  Compliance with regulation checks Employees  Vertical and horizontal information with emails, conference calls and face-to-face meetings

19  EFM Face-to-face interaction Flow of information for management and clients which can be provided to traders  Increases revenue  Checks and balance system  Consistent, reliable and transparent

20  PBM Break of into particular sectors and attend seminars on their particular areas Network with people in the trade organizations

21  RFSM Hire more workers/increase resources, but this is a cost  cost option- make that statement Train the current employees to be more efficient  Not increase cost option- make that statement

22  TTBM Hotels  Keep up to date online sources  Premade materials prior to arrival  Greeting by name, etc Apps for everything

23  ASM Car dealership information on regulations spread to everyone in dealership Product placement Get people in the doors due to online  Contests- lottery to win car  Put car out on lot or mall  Warm call idea Seasonal items  Winter- more suvs and trucks  Summer- small fun cars

24  SEPP Integrate technology into sales  App for ordering food  Training employee on how to work with the app  Online payment- keeping revenue

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