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Crystal Scales of Justice1 The Accelerated Family Proceeding Aveiro, October 16 th 2014 2014_10_16.

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Presentation on theme: "Crystal Scales of Justice1 The Accelerated Family Proceeding Aveiro, October 16 th 2014 2014_10_16."— Presentation transcript:

1 Crystal Scales of Justice1 The Accelerated Family Proceeding Aveiro, October 16 th 2014 2014_10_16

2 judicial procedure concerning family affairs lasts too long focuses on who is the better parent professionals have no understanding of one another lets parental conflicts escalate endangers children of beeing alienated from their parents produces winners and loosers 2014_10_16Crystal Scales of Justice2

3 Making an idea work! roots trace back to Cochem law reform in 2009 implementing reliable structures joint approach based on a common attitude within a metropolitan area 2014_10_16Crystal Scales of Justice3

4 changing the judicial procedure in family affairs common understanding on new goal – strengthening parental responsibility common position uniform message new procedural approach 2014_10_16Crystal Scales of Justice4

5 5 Starting point children need stable and good relationships with both parents. relationships and their quality cannot be imposed by court rulings. parents going through separation can learn to foster good relationships between their children and the other parent 2014_10_16

6 Crystal Scales of Justice6 Goal Definition Only a solution that both parents have jointly achieved by resolving differences jointly support can endure and continue to be in the child's best interest. 2014_10_16

7 Process of and Search for Rearrangemant - with the support of family court proceedings - by all professions working together 7Crystal Scales of Justice2014_10_16

8 Crystal Scales of Justice8 Three Pillars of the Accelerated Family Proceedings particular procedure interdisciplinary working teams common attitude 2014_10_16

9 WG 2 Pankow : WG 3 Charlottenburg -Wilmersdorf and Spandau WG 8 Reinickendorf WG 1 Friedrichshain- Kreuzberg, Neukölln. WG 4 Steglitz-Zehlendorf, Tempelhof-Schöneberg, WG 6 Marzahn-Hellersdorf WG 5 Lichtenberg The Berlin working teams WG 7 Treptow-Köpenick WG 9 Mitte 9Crystal Scales of Justice2014_10_16

10 Crystal Scales of Justice10 Uniform Message All professionals remind the parents of their joint parental responsibility offer support communicate faith in the ability of parents to figure out 2014_10_16

11 Crystal Scales of Justice11 Court restrains from imposements offers (compelling) framework intervenes earlier and quicker focuses on oral discussion stresses necessity of communication structures the proceedings expresses expectations assigns tasks (“homework”) reformulates issues at stake. 2014_10_16

12 Crystal Scales of Justice12 Attorneys prepare parents coach parents take a hands-off approach ensure rules are followed "interpret" between court and parents 2014_10_16

13 Crystal Scales of Justice13 Youth Welfare Department/Counselors intervenes at an early stage prepares and strengthens parents offers help and counselling sounds out parents' resources suggests change of parents´ perspectives develops options and visions 2014_10_16

14 Crystal Scales of Justice14 Rapid intervention by all professions with the aim to remind parents of their joint parental responsibility, to enabling parents to identify and meet the needs of their children in the future jointly and independently = without outside help 2014_10_16

15 Advantages 70 % consensual settlements avoids escalation avoids child-parent alienation spares nuisance follow-up proceedings focuses counselling and mediation growing mutual understanding among professionals transparency beneficial even to professionals reduces workload of attorneys 15Crystal Scales of Justice2014_10_16

16 The Accomplishment uniform approach and united message within a metropolis with 3.4 Mio inhabitants 100 family judges 13.800 attorneys 12 youth welfare departments, 600 social workers psychological experts, mediators etc. communication among professionals 2014_10_16Crystal Scales of Justice16

17 effectively changes the life of children effectively changes society´s view strengthens court efficiency efficiently assigns ressources does not require human /financial ressources is internationally applicable requires a great enthusiasm is built upon the will to overcome resistance 2014_10_16Crystal Scales of Justice17 This Reform

18 Good bye and hope to see you soon in the interdisciplinary cooperation! on an European level… Crystal Scales of Justice182014_10_16

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