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Organisation, Facts and Figures  Founded  Genus 1996, Accedo 2008  Employees (36)  Genus 18, Accedo 18  Net sales 2011 MNOK 50  profit 24%  20+

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Presentation on theme: "Organisation, Facts and Figures  Founded  Genus 1996, Accedo 2008  Employees (36)  Genus 18, Accedo 18  Net sales 2011 MNOK 50  profit 24%  20+"— Presentation transcript:

1 Organisation, Facts and Figures  Founded  Genus 1996, Accedo 2008  Employees (36)  Genus 18, Accedo 18  Net sales 2011 MNOK 50  profit 24%  20+ medium to large customers.  Ca. 30 000 users (rich MS Windows client)  Partnering with Microsoft® and extensive focus on open standards.  Employee owned.  Internationalization through partners and customers.  Genus has one generic product with a cross market strategy.

2 Success Stories ODIN Forvaltning Department of Justice and the Police  In production since 1999  80 users managing 230 000 customers  Distributor and Customer Reporting  Operations and Settlements Support  Payments and Payment matching  Commissions Management  Customer Relationship Management (CRM)  Portfolio and Company Management  In production since 1996  10 000 users  National Intelligence System (Indicia)  Anti Money Laundering System (Ask)  Internal reporting system which extends functionality lacking in other systems  External reporting system for delivering all official statistics to Statistics Norway (SSB) Manpower  In production since 2000  650 employees managing 7500 temps and 5000 customers  Customer Relationship Management (CRM)  Time capture through web (12 000 timesheets / month)  Order and assignment management  CV management  Recruitment web portals and candidate management  Online flow (web services) to backoffice (Vivaldi and PeopleSoft) NorgesGruppen  In production since 1996  Manage operations for 1800 grocery stores  6.5 million new transactions daily  1 billion transaction last 5 years used for operational monitoring and analytics for all levels of the corporation  800 back office users  Corporate Performance Management (CPM)  Employee- and customer surveys through web, with up to 250 000 participants  Food Safety and Risk Management

3 Customers

4 The Model is the Application The customer’s application model combines generic functionality with knowledge of their business.

5 Implementation Process Iterate application model Design & definition team Create initial application model Design & definition team Start Infrastructure (specify, configure and operate) Infrastructure team Time Implementation (Document, test, clarify functionality, train & support) Knowledge transfer team Initial design sign off Production sign off Application model sign off Design & definition team

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