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Course Synopsis Mission Organization JROTC: The Class, The Club, The Sport.

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2 Course Synopsis Mission Organization JROTC: The Class, The Club, The Sport

3 Course Synopsis JROTC Army 1 Introduces the history of the military and the U.S. Army's role in defense, beliefs and values in a democracy, leadership styles and group interactions, communications processes, health, personal hygiene, and first aid. Covers the Army ROTC mission and organization, customs and courtesies, uniform regulations for badges and insignia, as well as U.S. Army policies. JROTC Army 2 Enhances level-one skills; covers in-depth topics of citizenship, leadership, communications, and health and hygiene. Introduces map reading and military geography.

4 JROTC Army 3 Enhances level-two skills; covers methods to improve leadership, communications, and map-reading skills. Introduces career and vocational options. JROTC Army 4 Enhances level-three skills; offers options for more in- depth study of previous topics and practice of leadership, communication, managerial, and decision- making skills. Emphasizes career awareness and continuing education options

5 JROTC Army 5 Enhances level-four skills; emphasis is placed on leadership, communication, decision-making, and critical thinking skills. Cadets are placed in key leadership positions (both command and staff) within the cadet battalion organization. Cadets will serve as assistant instructors in areas of drill, inspection, and physical training. JROTC Army 6 Enhances level five skills; emphasis is placed on leadership, communication, decision-making, and critical thinking skills. Cadets are placed in key leadership positions (both command and staff) within the cadet battalion organization. Cadets will serve as assistant instructors in areas of drill, inspection, and physical training.

6 JROTC Army 7 Enhances level six skills; emphasis is placed on leadership, communication, decision-making, and critical thinking skills. Cadets are placed in key leadership positions (both command and staff) within the cadet battalion organization. Cadets will serve as assistant instructors in areas of drill, inspection, and physical training. JROTC Army 8 Enhances level seven skills. Cadets will serve in leadership positions and serve as assistant instructors.

7 Classroom Instruction Cadet Leadership Opportunities Extra-Curricular Activities Community Service

8 Classes meet four periods a day. Each period is organized into a company. Four companies and principle staff form the Tiger Battalion. A cadet chain of command is established within each of the companies and the battalion.

9 SFC Ford-Army Instructor COL Koetz-Senior Army Instructor SGM Morning-Army Instructor

10 Chain Of Command BN CMDR A Company B Company C Company D Company CSM BN XO S-1 Adjutant S-2 Info/Secur. S-3 Operations S-4 Logisitcs S-5 Public Aff.


12 Outside/Inside Environment Cadet Led Drill and Ceremonies: Armed/Unarmed Squad/Platoon/Company

13 Classroom Environment Multiple Subjects are taught with increasing levels of depth with each LET level. Teaching Methods: Lecture/Group Work/Practical Exercise

14 Indoor/Outdoor Environment Cadet Led Uniform requirement specified by Battalion Training Schedule. Merit/Demerit System to evaluate performance.

15 Indoor/Outdoor Environment Cadet Led Cadet Challenge/Team Activities

16 Extra-Curricular Activities Community Activities Special Events

17 Commander: C/LTC Christopher Payne Advisor: SFC Ford Awards (SY 10/11): Area 1 Meet: State Meet: 7 Trophies 2 Trophies 1 Medal

18 Commander: C/LTC Christopher Payne Advisor: SFC Ford Competitive/Community-Oriented

19 GA v. FL Game Commissioning Ceremony

20 Commander: C/SGT Matthew Fussell Advisor: COL Koetz Raises/Lowers Flags -Each day before and after school -At each home football game Ushers -Graduation -Homecoming

21 BI JROTC acts as host for BI Varsity Rifle Team Commander: C/1SG Jontae White Advisor: SGM Morning

22 9/11 Ceremony St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Bike-a-Thon Gulfstream

23 JROTC Hosted BI Color Guard presents/retires the colors. BI Band/Chorus Police Officer of the Year and Firefighter of the Year, Tiger Battalion CMDR lay wreaths Broadcast Live on Tiger T.V.

24 September 25, 2010 13 th Year Money raised by cadets through pledges $4,500.00 raised this year More than $60K raised in the last 13 years

25 8th and 9th of October, 2010 Cadets work at Gulf Stream Aerospace Family Day Picnic 2 day event Setup, Food Service/Arcades, and Tear-down Over 140 cadets will participate $$$$$$$$$$$$ Four years ago the money was given to the American Red Cross/Last year and previously the money was divided between charity and the JROTC Program.

26 Summer Camp Commissioning Ceremony Military Ball

27 Students sign up and are selected by the Cadre to attend the annual JCLC at Paris Island, SC. Provides opportunity for cadets to receive adventure training and experience leadership roles in a military environment. 14 schools in our region attended the camp. 18 BI Cadets attended the 2010 Paris Island (plus 2 instructors) BI captured 3 Honor Graduates

28 Held September 16 th, 2010 Formal ceremony to promote cadets with positions of 1SGT and higher Guest Speaker: Sergeant Major Baez Approximately 200 people in attendance Food catered by FCCLA

29 Held March 10, 2011 at Club Stewart Arguably our most important event of the school year Approximately 200 cadets and their guests attended Two Phases -Formal -Informal (Dancing)


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