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SHOWING CARE English Language Studies Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta Click to start.

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Presentation on theme: "SHOWING CARE English Language Studies Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta Click to start."— Presentation transcript:

1 SHOWING CARE English Language Studies Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta Click to start

2 INSTRUCTION 1.You will have a list of questions or sentences with a missing word on the left column and a list of words on the right column. 2.Match the sentences with the words to answer the questions or to complete their meanings by clicking a question or sentence on the left and click the answer on the right. 3.If the answer is correct, the question or sentence and the answer will be displayed on top of the question boxes, and the question and answer boxes disappear. 4.You have an unlimited number of chances to get the correct answer. 5.You will get a score of 1 for a correct answer in the first chance and a penalty of 0.20 for a wrong answer. 6.After you finish the exercise, you will arrive at the certificate page which displays the exercise title, your name, and your score. Print the certificate if you need one. 7. Good luck.

3 Slide 3: matching (the left part is the question and the right part is the answer) ÓÉÏÌzÀÌÿȾz»ÍzÄÏÍÎzÆÉÍÎzÂÃÍzÄ»½Å¿Î—³ÉÏzÇÏÍÎz¼¿zпÌÓzÏÊͿΈ ÓÉÏÌz¼ÌÉοÌzÃÍzÍýŗ¢ÉÊ¿zλÎz¿zÑÃÆÆzÌ¿½ÉпÌzÍÉÉȈ ÓÉÏÌzÓÉÏÈÁ¿ÌzÍÃÍοÌzÁÉÎz»z¼»¾zͽÉÌ¿—©Âz¾¿»Ìˆz­Â¿zÇÏÍÎzÍÎϾÓzÑ¿Æƈ ÓÉÏÌzÀÌÿȾz¾Ã¾zÈÉÎzÑÃÈzοz¾Ì»ÑÃÈÁz½ÉÇÊ¿ÎÃÎÃÉÈ—§»Ó¼¿zÓÉÏìÆÆzÑÃÈzÈ¿ÒÎzÎÃÇ¿ˆ ÓÉÏÌzÀÌÿȾìÍzÀ»Î¿Ìz»ÍzÄÏÍÎzÆÉÍÎzÂÃÍz½ÉÇÊ»ÈÓ—£ìÇzÍÉÌÌÓzÎÉz¿»ÌzοzÈ¿ÑÍz»¼ÉÏÎzÓÉÏÌzÀ»Î¿̈ ÓÉÏÌzÀÌÿȾìÍzÁ̻ȾÇÉοÌz»ÍzÊ»ÍÍ¿¾z»Ñ»Ó—ªÆ¿»Í¿z»½½¿ÊÎzÇÓz½ÉȾÉƿȽ¿Íˆ ÓÉÏÌzÀÌÿȾz»ÍzÄÏÍÎzÁÉÎz»Èz»½½Ã¾¿ÈΗ¡¿ÎzÑ¿ÆÆzÍÉÉȈ ÓÉÏÌzÀÌÿȾzÁÉÎzÂÃÍzÇÉÎÉ̼ÃÅ¿zÍÎÉÆ¿È—¢ÉÊ¿zλÎzοzÊÉÆý¿z½»Èz¿ÆÊ ÓÉÏÌzÀÌÿȾz»Íz»z¼»¾zͽÉÌ¿—³ÉÏzÇÏÍÎzÍÎϾÓzÑ¿Æƈ ÓÉÏÌzÀÌÿȾzÑ»Íz»ÆÌ¿»¾Óz¾Ãͽ»ÌÁ¿¾—±Â»Îz»zÍ»ǿˆ Encrypt Decrypt

4 your friend’s father has just lost his company Matching Match the sentences in the left with the words in the right. your friend has just lost his jacket your brother is sick your younger sister got a bad score your friend did not win the drawing competition your friend’s grandmother has passed away your friend has just got an accident your friend got his motorbike stolen your friend has a bad score your friend was already discharged Hope that the police can help Please accept my condolences. Oh dear. She must study well. Maybe you’ll win next time. You must be very upset. You must study well. I’m sorry to hear the news about your father. What a shame. Get well soon. Hope that he will recover soon. Score Excellent! You're correct!

5 Matching Match the sentences in the left with the words in the right. Score Excellent! You're correct!

6 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that dwijatmoko has completed the practice on with the score of.6. CertificatePrintHome Yogyakarta, February 25, 2014. Dr.B.B.Dwijatmoko, M.A.

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