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Chapter 8 Entertainment and the Media

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1 Chapter 8 Entertainment and the Media
The past , infinitive, Modal verbs, and pronouns. 1. The past continuous tense- the simple past tense versus the past continuous tense 2. Infinitives 3. Summary of modal verbs ; summary of pronouns, indefinite pronouns How often do you watch television? What types of programs do you enjoy?

2 Part 1/ The past continuous tense; the simple past tense versus the past continuous /p 224
‘ Good evening and welcome to the Channel 12 six o’clock news. In our top story tonight, there was an attempted robbery at the Battle Bank in Bakerstown at 3:55 this afternoon . The bank was closing for the day when the robbers burst in . According to eyewitnesses, all three were wearing masks, and two were carrying guns. When they demanded money, a quick – thinking bank teller pushed a silent alarm that signals the local police. The police arrived just as the robbers were making their getaway. The suspects were racing down Baker Street when the police caught up with them and arrested them.

3 In other news, a fire burned down a private home in Clayton Corner last night. The fire started when a woman fell asleep in bed while watching TV. Firefighters believe a lit candle fell to the floor in the woman’s room while she was sleeping. By the time the woman and her family escaped from the house, the fire was burning out of control. Firefighters arrived at the scene within minutes . Two firefighters were injured while battling the flames. They are in good condition at the Adderbrook Hospital.

4 ‘’On the lighter side, a local man is the winner of this month’s local photography competition . Alberto Fiorentino took the photograph while he was walking to work last week. We spoke to Mr. Fiorentino a short while ago to let him know about his success. He wasn’t expecting his photograph to win, so he delighted at the news . He called his wife right away to share the good news with her. Mr. Fiorentino gets a new digital camera, which is great as he was planning to buy one anyway! Join us for more news after this commercial break.’ Answer questions page 225

5 8.1 Statement- p- 226 Affirmative:
Past continuous statements consists of a past form of be before the – ing form of a verb. I was watching the news at 6:00. Negative; Negative statements include not after the be verb. He wasn’t talking with me.

6 8.2 /Yes/ No Questions with the past continuous tense- p- 226
Affirmative: Was the manager working? Yes, he was. No he wasn’t. Were the police investigating the robbery? Yes, they were. Negative Wasn’t he running after me? Yes, he was. No, he wasn’t. Weren’t they screaming? Yes, they were. No, they weren’t.

7 8.3 / Information Questions with the past continuous / p- 226
Affirmative Statement What were the suspect wearing? --masks Who was carrying weapons ? Two of them were--. Negative Statement Why weren’t the boys screaming? Scared Who wasn’t paying attention? Ahmed

8 8.4- The simple Past Versus the past continous /p. 229
the action began and ended in the past. Example: I read a book- I didn’t read a book. Past continuous The action that was happening at a specific time or during a period of time in the past. I was reading when I fell asleep. She wasn’t using the computer at 8:00 last night. Was she using the computer at 8:00 last night?

9 8.5/ When and While /p 230 When Clauses with when are often in the simple past. The action in the when clause happened first. When the play ended, we went home. While Clauses with while are often in the past continuous. If two actions are in the past continuous, this means that the two actions are going on at the same time. While I was watching TV, my brother was writing. When or while: The simple past and the past continuous can appear in the same sentence. In this cases , the while begins clauses with the past continuous. When begins clauses with the simple past. My mother was listening to the radio when she got the call. Or My mother got the call when she was listening.

10 8.6/ Part 2/ page 235 Infinitive after Verbs
The main verb before the infinitive can be in any tense. ask to –is asking to – will ask to , or asked to-- Ask to call He is asking to go We will ask to eat He asked to drive Infinitive after Verbs: Ask to– begin to - continue to- decide to- expect to- fail to- forget to- hope to- know how to- learn to- like to – manage to – mean to- need to –offer to- plan to- prefer to- prepare to- pretend to- remember to- seem to- start to- teach to- try to- want to- would like to-

11 8.7/ Infinitive after Adjectives / page 239
Subject +be + adjective+ infinitive. She is happy to read. It + be+ adjective + infinitive. It is important to read With Subjects: I- he – she – Sami- we – you- they afraid to eat– ashamed to- fortunate to- glad to- happy to- proud to- prepared to- sad to – willing to-relieved to – ready to With It: It is dangerous to drive- difficult to- easy to- embarrassing to- expensive to- fun to- good to- important to- impossible to- irresponsible to – necessary to- nice to – pleasant to – possible to- rude to- safe to- simple to – wrong to--

12 8.8/ Infinitive of Purpose / page 239
Affirmative: it is a purpose phrase, to = in order to Let's go outside to get some air. Turn on the TV to watch the program. Negative: in order not to or so as not to He woke up early so as not to be late. He woke up early in order not to be late.

13 8. 9/ summary of modal verbs / page 245 part 3
Meaning / modal__________example Ability can can’t eat Future/ possibility may/ might might go Prediction /future plan will/ won’t won’t go Requests can/ can’t could/ couldn’t could you go? will/ won’t would

14 8. 9/ summary of modal verbs / page 245
Meaning / modal__________example permission may may I go/ can/ can’t Advice should/ shouldn’t shouldn’t go obligations have to must / mustn't mustn’t stay

15 8.10/ Infinitive after Adjectives / page 248
Subject pronoun object pronoun possess adjectives I me my You your your He him his She her her It it its We us our You you your They them their

16 8.10/ Infinitive after Adjectives / page 248
Possessive pronouns Reflexive pronouns mine myself Yours yourself His himself Hers herself Ours ourselves Yours yourselves Theirs themselves

17 8.11 / Indefinite Pronouns/ page 249
Examples Indefinite Pronouns Explanation Someone is making noise. Are you looking for somebody? Some-one / somebody A pronoun with some – usually appears in an affirmative statement or in a question . A pronoun with some –prefers to a specific unidentified person or thing some

18 8.11 / Indefinite Pronouns/ page 249
Who left early? No one. Nobody liked to the production. Nothing is wrong. There isn’t anything to watch on TV. Did anyone call? There isn’t anybody at home. No one No body Nothing anything A pronoun with no- usually appears as the subject . A pronoun with no – means ‘not a’ or ‘not any’ not + any – is more common as the object . A pronoun with any- means ‘it doesn’t matter which no - any

19 8.11 / Indefinite Pronouns/ page 249
Is everyone ready?\ Everybody likes this pen. We can’t see everything. everyone everybody everything A pronoun with every – means ‘all the people’ or all the things.’ every

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