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What makes a team? Click to listen to story.. Small Groups Timer.

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Presentation on theme: "What makes a team? Click to listen to story.. Small Groups Timer."— Presentation transcript:

1 What makes a team? Click to listen to story.

2 Small Groups Timer

3 Review Games Vocabulary & Amazing Words: Arcade Games Jigword Matchword Speedword Wordsearch Word Web Spelling City-Voc. Spelling City- Amazing Spelling W ords: Speedword Word Web Quia Games Spelling City High Frequency Words: Fill-in-the Blank Spelling City

4 Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat Vocabulary Words  clutched  terrific  spirit Amazing Words  compete  contribute  recreation  deserve  mope  actuate  aloft  tinker

5 Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat High Frequency Words  you’re  second  great  either  laugh  certainly  worst

6 Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat Spelling Words  I’ll we’ll  wasn’t isn’t  it’s hasn’t  he’s hadn’t  I’m wouldn’t  didn’t shouldn’t  who’s where’s  she’s Word Wall Words  rob  clock  make  line  night

7 Big Question: What makes a team? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

8 Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat Monday Morning Warm-Up A team is like a family. It’s important that each person supports the others. What makes a team?

9 Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat Monday Morning Warm-Up A team is like a family. It’s important that each person supports the others. What makes a team?

10 Today we will learn about:  new amazing words,  contractions,  realism and fantasy,  proper nouns

11 Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat Monday Amazing Words

12 compete com - pete When you compete, you try very hard to win or you become part of a contest. Our team will compete with their team for the championship. Mark and Jenny are competing in the spelling bee.

13 contribute con – trib - ute When you contribute to something, you help along with others. Everybody on the team contributes hard work. Let’s contribute our own ideas for the party.

14 recreation rec – re – a – tion Recreation is fun or something you do to have a good time. We like to go to the beach for recreation in the summer. Tim’s family goes camping for recreation.

15 Click to this song about working as a team.

16 Contractions does not - doesn’t Doesn’t is a contraction, a short way of saying and writing two words. An apostrophe takes the place of letters that have been left out. If we compare these words, we see that the apostrophe takes the place of the letter o. When you see a contraction, you know it is a short way of writing two words.

17 Contractions you will you’ll I will I’ll was not wasn’t she is she’s could not couldn’t who is who’s we will we’ll had not hadn’t

18 Contractions can’t can not isn’t is not hasn’t has not I’m I am it’s it is they’ll they will

19 Word Reading who’s we’ll weren’t there’s I’ll he’s hadn’t I’m they’ll it’s she’ll aren’t wasn’t he’ll isn’t let’s

20 Contractions You can spell contractions by thinking about the two words that make up the contraction. What words make up can’t? Think about how you spell those two words. can not Use an apostrophe to take the place of the no you leave out. When you spell contractions, make sure to put the apostrophe in the right place.

21 Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat Spelling Words  I’ll we’ll  wasn’t isn’t  it’s hasn’t  he’s hadn’t  I’m wouldn’t  didn’t shouldn’t  who’s where’s  she’s Word Wall Words  rob  clock  make  line  night

22 Word Family Word – rob (online dictionary) (online dictionary) ConsonantDigraphsBlends Bob cob fob gob job mob sob knob blob glob slob snob

23 Word Family Word – rob cob fob knob snob glob/blob slob mob

24 Word Family Word – clock (online dictionary) (online dictionary) ConsonantDigraphsBlends dock jock rock sock tock shock chock knock block crock flock smock Spock stock

25 Word Family Word – clock dock jock stock sockknock rock tock chock shock Spock block smock flock crock

26 Let’s Talk About Working Together!

27 Realism & Fantasy A realistic story tells about something that could happen in real life. A fantasy is a make-believe story. It could not happen in real life. Good readers look for clues that tell them if a story is realism or fantasy.

28 Read-Aloud The Elephant Team

29 Monday’s Fix-It we want to play baseball We want to play baseball. its a fun game. It’s a fun game.

30 Grammar: Proper Nouns A noun is a word that names a person, place, animal, or thing. Proper nouns are special names for people, places, animals, and things. They begin with capital letters. Days of the week, months of the year, and holidays also begin with capital letters. Titles for people begin with capital letters. Many titles end with a period.

31 Grammar: Proper Nouns alicia ortiz broke her arm in the game on july 1. Alicia Ortiz broke her arm in the game on July 1. dr lee told her no more baseball until labor day. Dr. Lee told her no more baseball until Labor Day.

32 Grammar: Proper Nouns On friday alicia was back at pioneer park. On Friday Alicia was back at Pioneer Park. Her team, the patton panthers, was playing the terry tigers. Her team, the Patton Panthers, was playing the Terry Tigers.

33 Grammar: Proper Nouns “Go, roberto! Come on, cindy!” shouted alicia. “Go, Roberto! Come on, Cindy!” shouted Alicia.

34 Wrap Up Your Day! Contractions Realism and Fantasy Let’s Talk About It! Tomorrow we will read about a boy who loves baseball.

35 Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat Monday Journal Topic List sports in which people can compete.

36 Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat Tuesday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read about Ronald Morgan and his baseball team. Ronald isn’t a very good player, but he’s still an important part of the team. What are some ways that individuals can help a team?

37 Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat Tuesday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read about Ronald Morgan and his baseball team. Ronald isn’t a very good player, but he’s still an important part of the team. What are some ways that individuals can help a team?

38 Today we will learn about:  new amazing words,  contractions,  realism and fantasy,  prior knowledge,  high-frequency words,  vocabulary words, and  proper nouns

39 Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat Tuesday Amazing Words

40 deserve de - serve If you deserve something, you have a right to it or have earned it. You deserve a treat for cleaning your room. Rachel worked so hard preparing for the race, she deserved to win.

41 mope When you mope, you feel sad and sorry for yourself. The dog moped around the house when the children were in school. It’s easy to mope when you don’t have anyone to play with.

42 actuate act – u – ate When you actuate something, you get it started or put it into action. Many different steps are needed to actuate a spaceship. That toy is actuated by a wind-up spring.

43 Read-Aloud From Me to You

44 Contractions I’ll You can read this word because you know how to read contractions. What two words for I’ll? I will When you come to a contraction, you know it is a short way of writing two words. An apostrophe takes the place of letters that were left out.

45 Contractions Click to listen to “I’m on the Team.”

46 Word Reading Pick out the contractions in “I’m on the Team.” I’m – I am don’t – do not we’ll – we will it’s – it is

47 Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat Spelling Words  I’ll we’ll  wasn’t isn’t  it’s hasn’t  he’s hadn’t  I’m wouldn’t  didn’t shouldn’t  who’s where’s  she’s Word Wall Words  rob  clock  make  line  night

48 Word Family Word – make (online dictionary) (online dictionary) ConsonantDigraphsBlends bake cake fake Jake rake sake take wake shake qu ake Blake brake drake flake snake stake

49 Word Family Word – make bake cake rake shake stake brake drake flake snake

50 Contractions hadn’t had not can’t can not we’ll we will she’s she is isn’t is not hasn’t has not wouldn’t would not he’s he is

51 Contractions who’s who is shouldn’t should not I’m I am it’s it is don’t do not

52 Contractions I’ll ask Ann if it’s her pen. I’m going to ask who’s coming. I didn’t find the ball he’s asking for. That doll wasn’t the one she’s talking about.

53 Realism & Fantasy A realistic story tells about something that could happen in real life. A fantasy is a make-believe story. It could not happen in real life. As you read, ask yourself if the things that happen could occur in real life. Notice clues from the pictures that tell if the story is realism or fantasy.

54 Prior Knowledge Prior knowledge is what you already know. Using your prior knowledge as you read can help you figure out the story, as well as help you guess what might happen next.

55 Build Background

56 Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat High Frequency Words  you’re  second  great  either  laugh  certainly  worst

57 High-Frequency Words Review laugh second opened great worst before you’re mother every either father great certainly eyes

58 Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat Vocabulary Words  clutched – held tightly  terrific – very good  spirit – energy; liveliness

59 Vocabulary Words My school played baseball against a ____ team. My school played baseball against a terrific team. My friend _____ his mitt and jumped to catch the ball. My friend clutched his mitt and jumped to catch the ball. We cheered for him with a lot of ____! We cheered for him with a lot of spirit!

60 Tuesday’s Fix-It whos going to play Who’s going to play? when will we stat When will we start?

61 Grammar: Proper Nouns month - July holiday - Thanksgiving Day Special names for people, places, animals, and things are called proper nouns. Proper nouns begin with a capital letter.

62 Wrap Up Your Day! High-Frequency Words Prior Knowledge Let’s Talk About It! Tomorrow we will hear more about Rat and his friends.

63 Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat Tuesday Journal Topic Write about when you did something nice for a friend or family member.

64 Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat Wednesday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read about Rat. Rat is a make-believe character who feels lonely until he gets a letter. Why might a letter make him feel better?

65 Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat Wednesday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read about Rat. Rat is a make-believe character who feels lonely until he gets a letter. Why might a letter make him feel better?

66 Today we will learn about:  r-Controlled ar, or, ore,  contractions,  high-frequency words,  proper nouns

67 Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat Wednesday Amazing Words

68 aloft a - loft Something that is aloft is high up or up in the air. An airplane flies aloft. After the plane is aloft, passengers can get up and walk around

69 tinker tin - ker When you tinker with something, you work at it and fool around with it. Sometimes a person invents something great when he or she is just tinkering. My dad tinkered with our old TV set and figured out how to fix it.

70 r-Controlled ar, or, ore barn sort before

71 Making Word Letter Tiles a – o – e c – f – h – k – m – r – s – t

72 High-Frequency Words certainly, either, great, laugh, second, worst, you’re Ben loved baseball, but he had never played. He wanted to try out for the team, but he was afraid. “What if I can’t hit the ball and they _______ at me?” said Ben. laugh “I’m not a _____ player like you, Dad.” great

73 High-Frequency Words Dad let out a big _____. “Now wait one ______, Ben,” Dad chuckled. laugh, second “I ______ didn’t start out that way. At first, I felt like the ____ player on my team.” certainly, worst

74 High-Frequency Words Dad explained to Ben how hard he practiced. “Then I got better and better. I didn’t want to give up.” Ben thought for a moment. “I don’t want to give up _____! Let’s practice!” either

75 Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat Spelling Words  I’ll we’ll  wasn’t isn’t  it’s hasn’t  he’s hadn’t  I’m wouldn’t  didn’t shouldn’t  who’s where’s  she’s Word Wall Words  rob  clock  make  line  night

76 Word Family Word – line (online dictionary) (online dictionary) ConsonantDigraphsBlends dine fine mine nine pine tine vine wine shine wh ine brine spine swine

77 Word Family Word – line dine pine tine vine brine wine spine swine

78 Contractions rhymes with stairs where’s are a rhyming pair wouldn’t, shouldn’t rhyme with shoes who’s tell about more than one person we’ll tell about only one person or thing I’ll, it’s, he’s, I’m, she’s include the word not wasn’t, didn’t, isn’t, hasn’t, hadn’t, wouldn’t, shouldn’t

79 Wednesday’s Fix-It i’m made that it is rainning. I’m mad that it is raining. i hop it does not last long I hope it does not last long.

80 Proper Nouns Proper nouns are special names for people, places, animals, or things. Give examples for proper nouns for these common nouns: teacher dentist month holiday

81 Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat Wednesday Journal Topic Write about a time when you were part of a team.

82 Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat Thursday Morning Warm-Up Sports such as baseball require teams. How does a team work together? Today we will read about how creatures in outer space play a game just like people do!

83 Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat Thursday Morning Warm-Up Sports such as baseball require teams. How does a team work together? Today we will read about how creatures in outer space play a game just like people do!

84 Today we will learn about:  contractions,  proper nouns,  reading poetry

85 Word Family Word – night (online dictionary) (online dictionary) ConsonantDigraphsBlends fight might right sight tight Wright kn ight blight bright flight fright plight slight

86 Sentence Reading She’ll give bread to that family when it’s ready. They’ll tell me if they heard the whir of crickets in the shady meadow. I’m going to pull that thin white thread off the dark fabric. I didn’t break that gingerbread dish on the shelf. I think he’ll help Dad once in a while. We’ll listen to that pleasant music Uncle Chuck plays.


88 Thursday Fix-It it didnt rain much It didn’t rain much. can john be on my team Can John be on my team?

89 Grammar: Proper Nouns PeoplePlacesAnimals

90 Grammar: Proper Nouns PeoplePlacesAnimals Ronald Morgan

91 Grammar: Proper Nouns PeoplePlacesAnimals Ronald Morgan Texas

92 Grammar: Proper Nouns PeoplePlacesAnimals Ronald Morgan TexasTiree

93 Grammar: Proper Nouns PeoplePlacesAnimals Ronald Morgan TexasTiree

94 Wrap Up Your Day! Text to Self Let’s Talk About It! We heard a story about two brothers and their inventions. Tomorrow we will hear about the Wright brothers again.

95 Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat Thursday Journal Topic List fun things to do for recreation.

96 Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat Friday Morning Warm-Up This week we read about people working and playing together. Teams are formed for recreation and for working. People contribute to teams and compete with other teams. What makes a team?

97 Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat Friday Morning Warm-Up This week we read about people working and playing together. Teams are formed for recreation and for working. People contribute to teams and compete with other teams. What makes a team?

98 Today we will learn about:  contractions,  high-frequency words,  vocabulary words,  proper nouns,  reading poetry

99 Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat Vocabulary Words  clutched  terrific  spirit  Amazing Words  compete  contribute  recreation  deserve  mope  actuate  aloft  tinker

100 Read-Aloud Taking Flight

101 Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat Spelling Words  I’ll we’ll  wasn’t isn’t  it’s hasn’t  he’s hadn’t  I’m wouldn’t  didn’t shouldn’t  who’s where’s  she’s Word Wall Words  rob  clock  make  line  night

102 Contractions She’s telling them I’ll be late. There’s no time. We can’t ride today. Who’s watching the dogs while I’m gone? Didn’t Mom say he’s at the park?

103 Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat High Frequency Words  you’re  second  great  either  laugh  certainly  worst

104 High-Frequency Words This means “you are.” This means the opposite of best. This means the opposite of cry. Complete the following: first, ____, third. This means the same as wonderful. You may pick ____ this or that. This means “of course.”

105 Friday’s Fix-It i hit the ball had I hit the ball hard. what a fun gam this is What a fun game this is!

106 Wrap Up Your Week! Let’s Talk About Working Together

107 Review Games Vocabulary & Amazing Words: Jigword Spelling Words: Quia Games Spelling City High Frequency Words: Hot Potatoes (fill-in-the-blank)

108 Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat Friday Journal Topic Write about what you contribute to family.

109 Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat Related Links: World of Sports Baseball on Brain PopWorld of Sports Baseball on Brain Pop Contractions Practice Contractions Brain Pop

110 APTPlus Videos (Password Required) All Fit: Lifetime Fitness All Fit: Lifetime Fitness (15:00)

111 Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat Tests Story Tests: Reading Street for Students: Reading Tests AR Test: Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat: Other Reading Quiz # 904607

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