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過去式講解 教師:黃韻蓉.

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Presentation on theme: "過去式講解 教師:黃韻蓉."— Presentation transcript:

1 過去式講解 教師:黃韻蓉

2 現在式和過去式的比較 (a-1) I am in class today. (a-2) I was in class yesterday.
直述句: (a-1) I am in class today. (a-2) I was in class yesterday. (b-1) Alice is at the library today. (b-2) Alice was at the library yesterday. (c-1) My friends are at home today. (c-2) My friends were at home

3 BE動詞的過去簡單式 單數: I was you were (一個人) she was he was it was 複數: we were
they were

4 BE動詞的過去式 否定句 否定句: (a) I was not in class yesterday.
(b)  I wasn’t in class yesterday. (c)  They were not at home last night. (d) They weren’t at home last night.

5 BE動詞的過去式 疑問句 yes / no 問句: (a) Were you in class yesterday?
Yes, I was. I was in class yesterday. No, I wasn’t. I wasn’t in class yesterday. (b)  Was Alex at home last night? Yes, he was. He was at home last night. No, he wasn’t. He wasn’t at home last night.

6 BE動詞的過去式 疑問句-2 訊息疑問句 (a) Where were you yesterday?
I was in class yesterday. (b)  Where was Jennifer last night? She was at home last night.

7 時間片語的轉換 現在 過去 today -> yesterday
現在 過去 today -> yesterday this morning -> yesterday morning this afternoon -> yesterday afternoon tonight -> last night this week -> last week

8 Practice-1 用wasn’t 或weren’t以及表示過去時間的 語詞完成下列句子
Ken is here today, but he wasn’t here yesterday. I’m at home tonight, but __________________. You’re in class today, but _________________. Dr. Lee is in her office this afternoon, but _____. It’s cold this week, but ______________. Alex and Rita are at work this Friday, but _____.

9 Practice-2 造疑問句並作簡答 ( you / in class / yesterday )
A: Were you in class yesterday? B: Yes, I was. ( you / hungry / right now ) A: ____________________ B: No, ________, but I’m thirsty. 3. ( Tony and Mark / at the party / last night ) B: No, _________________

10 Practice -3 (1) 去年十月 _________ (2) 有一天 _________ (3) 上週末 _________
寫出下列過去時間副詞 (1) 去年十月 _________ (2) 有一天 _________ (3) 上週末 _________

11 Answers Practice-1: 2. but, I wasn’t at home yesterday.
3. but, you weren’t in class yesterday. 4. but, she wasn’t in her office yesterday afternoon. 5. but, they weren’t at work last Friday.

12 Answers Practice-2: ( you / hungry / right now )
A: Were you hungry right now? B: No, I wasn’t. I’m thirsty. 3. ( Tony and Mark / at the party / last night ) A: Were Tony and Mark at the party last night? B: No, they weren’t.

13 Answers (1) 去年十月 last October (2) 有一天 one day (3) 上週末 last weekend
Practice-3: (1) 去年十月 last October (2) 有一天 one day (3) 上週末 last weekend

14 Any Questions? See you next time.

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