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Aztec Civilization E.J. Gabe Nikki Shivani. Table of Contents Location Government Religion Agriculture Cultural & Scientific Contributions Bibliography.

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Presentation on theme: "Aztec Civilization E.J. Gabe Nikki Shivani. Table of Contents Location Government Religion Agriculture Cultural & Scientific Contributions Bibliography."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aztec Civilization E.J. Gabe Nikki Shivani

2 Table of Contents Location Government Religion Agriculture Cultural & Scientific Contributions Bibliography

3 Location The relative location for the Aztecs is the Gulf of Mexico. Today they would be living in current day Mexico.

4 Government They had strict class structures. The families were in charge and, they had a monarchy that wasn't firmly organized.

5  The Aztec worshiped hundreds of Gods and Goddesses. They believed that giving human hearts and blood gave the gods strength and appeased them when they were angry. This was a part of human sacrifices.  Human sacrifices was the main practice in the Aztec religion. They usually sacrificed war prisoners or children. Chiefs and priests would take turns tearing out their hearts and giving them to Gods. About 20,000 to 50,000 people would become sacrificed yearly!

6 Agriculture  The Aztecs main crop was corn. Some of the other crops were beans, peppers, avocados, squash, cocoa, bananas, sweet potatoes, and onions.  They didn’t have any animals or machines to help them work the land, but the rich had the choice of eating turkeys, ducks, or geese.  Since the land wasn’t fertile the Aztec people used irrigation, fertilizers, and chinampas. Chinampas were floating gardens built on swamps.

7 Cultural & Scientific Contributions Dress was very important to them, as well as designing clothes. Their language was Nahuatl. They wrote in hieroglyphics. Hieroglyphics are pictures that symbolize messages. Dress was very important to them, as well as designing clothes. Their language was Nahuatl. They wrote in hieroglyphics. Hieroglyphics are pictures that symbolize messages. They used pulque for needles, a beer like drink, and rope. They also invented many medicines that people in Central America still use today. They were mainly made from plants and herbs. They would test their new medicines on human sacrifices. They used pulque for needles, a beer like drink, and rope. They also invented many medicines that people in Central America still use today. They were mainly made from plants and herbs. They would test their new medicines on human sacrifices. The Aztecs wrote in hieroglyphics. Dress was very important to the Aztecs.

8 Bibliography "How Did Aztecs practice medicine." Mexican Aztecs. 7 Apr 2008. "How Did Aztecs practice medicine." Mexican Aztecs. 7 Apr 2008. "Aztec Civilization- The Culture." 2002. All About History. 7 Apr 2008. "Aztec Civilization- The Culture." 2002. All About History. 7 Apr 2008. “Aztec.” Britannica Student Library. Ultimate Reference Suite. Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, 2008. “Aztec.” Britannica Student Library. Ultimate Reference Suite. Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, 2008. "Aztec." Aztec culture. 7 Apr 2008 "Aztec." Aztec culture. 7 Apr 2008 ThinkQuest Team 16325. "Empires Past: Aztecs: Farming and Agriculture" 31 August 1998. [Accessed 7 April 3908]. ThinkQuest Team 16325. "Empires Past: Aztecs: Farming and Agriculture" 31 August 1998. [Accessed 7 April 3908].

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