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Rhythm of the Business MONTHLY

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1 Rhythm of the Business MONTHLY
Discover IT. Live IT. Mid-Month Event BACK © 2005 IDS Solutions Inc. • All Rights Reserved • Duplication for resale is illegal • Version1.1 Nov06

2 Gold Plan – Monthly Schedule
The Wellness Trak Monthly Rhythm The MONTHLY Events are designed to activate new Consultants from ‘Partner’ to ‘Core Partner’ who then commit to a 90 Day Launch. Although the Mid-Month Event can have guests at any stage attend, the main purpose within the agenda is targeted to help ‘LOCK IN’ the new Consultant’s desire and commitment to go Silver and beyond through the Wellness Trak Launch Strategy. It is also a great opportunity to network, share experiences, build and strengthen relationships. Monthly events are PUBLIC events and are organized and hosted by the Gold Consultants in the area working together. Platinums and above act as an ‘A+’ for the event. The Monthly Event is a MUNICIPAL event and is open to everyone. Gold Plan – Monthly Schedule Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat  26 27   28  29  30 2 Contact /Invite 3 WEEK 1 4 5 6 7 Wellness Home Briefing 8 9 Strategy Session Contact/Invite 10 Contact /Invite WEEK 2 11 Contact/Invite Get Aligned 12 Contact/Invite 13 Contact/Invite 14 Contact/Invite 15 Mid-Month Event 16 17 Contact /Invite WEEK 3 18 Contact /Invite 19 Contact /Invite 20 21 Contact /Invite 22 23 24 Contact /Invite WEEK 4 25 26 27 28 Contact /Invite 29 30 31 Contact /Invite WEEK 5 Mid-Month (‘Lock-in’) Event on the 3rd Friday evening of the month. Complete 5th Week Cycle. © 2005 IDS Solutions Inc. • All Rights Reserved • Duplication for resale is illegal • Version1.1 Nov06

3 The Wellness Network Monthly Rhythm
Set up your MONTHLY Events Calendar in Alignment with the Annual Wellness Network Schedule. These dates have not been arbitrarily chosen. Register your event on-line at . Teach your group to promote the event using eVites at . © 2005 IDS Solutions Inc. • All Rights Reserved • Duplication for resale is illegal • Version1.1 Nov06

4 DISCOVER IT. LIVE IT. Mid-Month Event (3rd Friday Evening)
What is the purpose of the DISCOVER IT. LIVE IT. Mid-Month Event? In short, BIG PICTURE. The Monthly Event is designed to mentally and emotionally ‘LOCK IN’ New Partners (C) who have already completed the Partnering Process. It is targeted at inspiring New Partners to choose to be ‘CORE Partners’, those who step up and commit to Launching their business. Along the path of developing a Royal Diamond Business, there will be numerous events that will ‘lock in’ your Partner’s belief, desire and inspire them to take their business to the next level. The Mid-Month Event is likely to be the first key Municpal event where they meet the larger Community of Nikken Consultants who are very excited about the future and share their excitement publically. Why have the Event at Mid-Month? Although the Event operates monthly, it is also timed and linked to the full annual schedule and to the 90 Day Launch Plans of others. The timing of the event helps Uplines build for a strong close to the Nikken month end and creates the impetus to identify their next month’s Launch Partner(s), likely to launch within 2 weeks following the Event. Why have the Event on a Friday Evening? Friday night is typically a social night. Building a Wellness Business is also about enjoying yourself, having fun and working with people with whom you enjoy spending time. Creating a Friday evening Event establishes a fun, semi-formal, social atsmopshere and is likely to include both spouses in the gala. Who attends the Monthly Event? Anyone and Everyone. Althought the event is really designed to ignite/lock-in those who have completed the Partnering Process, the agenda is also suitable for everyone. The evening features recognition and testimonies. As for a first time guest, they should be more than inspired to want to engage, or complete the Partnering Process after attending. Use the Promotional Flyer and Tickets found in the Gold Tool Box -Business Forms Folder to promote attendance at the event. These Word Documents can be edited. Who are the Presenters / Hosts for the Event? It is the local Gold Consultants (A) who coordinate and host the Monthly Discover It, Live It Events. The Silvers (B) will be given the opportunity to be celebrated as they share their Personal Success Stories. The Silvers are also playing the role of Apprentice to the Golds, learning how the Monthly Event operates. Platinums (and above) and the Wellness Network Web Cast are the ‘A+s’ in the event, adding validation and credibilty with their Personal Success Story and Vision, when possible. Where should you hold the Event? It depends on the size and activity in your local municplaity. If you are in a large active Nikken community choose host the event in a nice public setting. Ideally, look for something new and exciting. Golf clubs, restaurants, private meeting halls and banquet centres are inviting atmospheres. If you are in a area that has little or no Nikken activity and it is just you and a few others launching Nikken into the area, you can have the Monthly Preview in a larger Wellness Home. Make it a fun Pot Luck evening. Most likely you will grow out of this format relaitively quickly and will have to move into a larger public venue. Is there a Wellness Network ABC WebCast/Call for the Monthly Events? Yes, when and where possible! Do your best to find a venue that has web access or that you can bring in a speaker phone with good speakers. From Corporate leaders to top Diamond’s and Royals, connecting to the Wellness Network Web Cast ensures to create a powerful ‘Lock In’ Event. © 2005 IDS Solutions Inc. • All Rights Reserved • Duplication for resale is illegal • Version1.1 Nov06

5 DISCOVER IT. LIVE IT. Sample Agenda Before Guests Arrive
Set Up: You want to have all the products set up for this event. Monthly – Discover It. Live It. Event Agenda (7:30pm - 9:00pm) 7:15 - 7:30 Background music "Mingling" 7:30 - 7:39 Begin. Gold Consultant - Welcome everyone. Share your story, why you decided to join the Nikken Wellness Movement, share the agenda. Paint the vision that events like this are happening all over the country and the globe (impact). Tonight’s event is put on by a team of Gold Consultants with support of Platinums and special guests. We want to see you up here soon! Then segue into Nikken’s humble beginnings, "let's watch now"… then the Nikken story plays 7:39 - 7:45 Play the Nikken DVD (either ‘The Facts’ , or ‘Discover IT Tour’ – DVD available from Nikken) 7:45 - 8:15 Gold Consultants profile the Wellness Home concept with featured testimonies on the products linked to 5 pillars. - Healthy Body - From an athletes/doctors perspective - Healthy Mind - How has Nikken helped re: personal growth (HBM etc) - Healthy Family - How the Wellness Home has impacted a family - Healthy Society - How the Wellness Home movement will impact society - Children with Autism - Healthy Finances - Why decision made to turn WH into a WH Business 8:15 - 8:30 3R’s Recognition Section (Gold Consultant to follow Host Notes) Recognize all types of activity. Ex: Wellness Home sales, High Volume Producers, ect. 8:30 - 8:45 Web Cast (If available) - introduction to Platinum & Above Leader 8:45 - 9:15 Silver’s Recognition Section (Gold Consultant - Introduces and interviews several Silvers on the experience of going Silvers along the same format of the ‘Silver’s a Blast!’ CD – see Host Notes) 9:15- 9:30 Take a moment to recognize any other higher ranks, or special guests in the room by asking them to stand individually. Then, introduce your key note speaker (A+) who will cover the next 90 Day Plan using the Wellness Network Calendar. They are to create excitement and a sense of urgency with the objective of having new partners want to commit to launch their business and guests commit to completing the Evaluation phase, with the recognition of this at the next Mid-Month and Quarterly Event Their close will be both visionary and inspirational with a call to action. 9:30 - 9:35 Close the meeting: Host wrap up, thank you’s and announcements Note: All Gold Consultant Hosts should read the addendum - Being A Master Of Ceremonies, from Toast Masters -prior to the event. It will help sharpen your skills and professionalism in your new role as a ‘public speaker’. © 2005 IDS Solutions Inc. • All Rights Reserved • Duplication for resale is illegal • Version1.1 Nov06

6 DISCOVER IT. LIVE IT. Sample Agenda Host Notes
3R’s Recognition Section Should be read: The 3 R’s are the three Core Competencies of our business. They are… Recruit: Attracting Partners to build a strong foundation for creating an organization. Retail: Supporting Clients in achieving & maintaining good health in establishing their wellness home. Residual: Supporting the development of competent Leaders to ensure duplication for secure and stable growth Each quarter of the Nikken Rhythm begins with the announcement of incentives for each of these categories. This quarter’s incentives are – (review the 3R’s incentives for the quarter). At this time we would like to recognize those who have so far been awarded… Recruiting: (Example) If you have sponsored a new Senior or above who are on Autoship since (month), the start of Nikken’s Quarterly Incentive, please come up to the front of the room. (Have each person introduce themselves, their background, how many sponsored etc.) Retail: (Example) How many here of maintained a minimum 1000 in Personal Volume for (month), and have now already achieved that for (current month) also? Residual: (Example) Recognize all those who moved rank in (month)…New Seniors, Executives, Bronzes etc. Have them share their name and background while standing at their table. Next level Silver…. All new Silvers to the front of the room….Introduce themselves, background etc. Panel format… Silver’s Recognition Section Remember, this is where we want to enroll new partners and people who have completed the Partnering Process to ‘lock in’ the Vision, the excitement, the opportunity and the fun in commiting to and Launching their Nikken Wellness Business - so this part is very important. In this section you should recognize all Silvers, however, if possible, your panel of Silvers should be those who are newest (last days). Get this information in advance to determine the size of the panel and who will be included. Listen to the ‘Silver’s A Blast’ CD to get a feel for the Silver panel interview and how the questions are designed to lead and extract the appropriate information and emotion. The questions are available to print from the next page of this document. Here you are interviewing Silvers on THEIR experience on going / breaking through Silver.  We ask that you mentally put yourself in the vibration / experience of what you felt like during the month you went Silver – regardless how long ago it was.   © 2005 IDS Solutions Inc. • All Rights Reserved • Duplication for resale is illegal • Version1.1 Nov06

7 DISCOVER IT. LIVE IT. Sample Agenda Host Notes Cont’d
Questions from ‘Silvers a Blast’ CD: (You do not have all panelists answer every question. Keep it flowing naturally to get a feel for the ‘story’.) Q1. If you think back to something of value you have achieved in your life, it first starts with a DECISION. What circumstances prompted your decision to Launch and break through Silver, and more importantly how did you FEEL once that decision was made? Q2. Clearly something changed in your work ethic in the month that you made the decision to go for Silver. What exactly was the change, what was different about this month than any other month before hand? Q3. I am hearing ‘stay focused, all out massive effort’, what does that mean in terms of one's work ethic, how did you align yourself with Nikken, with the rhythm of the business, and how did you leverage the events on the calendar? Q4. How many people per day need to be contacted to get this done? Q5. What I'm hearing is ‘information circulation - written, internet presentations, CD's, DVD's, wellness home briefings, not everyone invited shows up, timely follow up is critical’. If you had to give me a rule of thumb work ethic what would you recommend as a minimum standard to get Silver done? Q6. Couple of things mentioned here – ‘time and targeting key people’. Let’s talk about that. How did you find the time? Q7. ‘Targeting the people you most want to be with’, how many of you are working with people in your group that you really want to be with? Q8. Lets look at another aspect of this, a lot of you said that you first made the decision to do it, but when did you really BELIEVE that you could do it? Q9. Did you ever have any doubts during the month that it wasn't going to get done and how did you overcome the doubts? Q10. How many of you did it in the first month of joining Nikken? Within first 90 days? Q11. Momentum – the majority of volume seems to take place in the last 2 weeks of the month, which is why doubt can set in, then volume comes rushing in that last week, how many of you experienced that? Q12. Closing days/hours of the month can be some what chaotic - share with us what that was like? Q13. For new people sitting in the audience who are FEELING that they are ready to make this decision to LAUNCH and break through Silver, what one thing would you give them as advice? Finish with plugging the fact that we now have a clear and easy to follow LAUNCH PLAN that if followed anyone can Break Through Silver by creating their 90 Day Launch Plan… © 2005 IDS Solutions Inc. • All Rights Reserved • Duplication for resale is illegal • Version1.1 Nov06

8 Wellness Network Call Bring an ‘A+’ into your Meeting
DISCOVER IT. LIVE IT. Wellness Network Call Bring an ‘A+’ into your Meeting TWO WAYS to Participate: 1. AUDIO PORTION – Telephone Conference Call Number: PIN: 6570# It is VERY important you join the call at exactly 8:30pm (see schedule) in the time zone you are in. When you enter the call, you will be welcomed and asked who is joining the call. Please reply with: Your Name, Your City & the number of people in your Wellness Home. **Sample - This is Nancy Smith here in Portland, with 12 others joining the call. Once the call begins, the call will be muted automatically. 2. VIDEO PORTION - Web Cast via the Internet: It is BEST if you have high speed internet connection to view the call over the Web. You and your guests will be able to visually see the presenter and the brief presentation that they will give. It is unique, technically impressive and brings a face to the voice. What you need to log in: A computer and (ideally) high speed internet Click on, or copy and paste the URL to the webcast. This link can be found in the Monthly On Star Support Call schedule at Enter Password: wellnesshome (it is wellnesshome for every web cast The Welleness Network does) You are now entered into the Web Video Conference AUDIO OPTION: If you call into the conference call using SKYPE, you can listen over your computer speakers. To improve the quality of sound you can use externally speakers for your computer - purchase inexpensive speakers at Staples or any computer store. To use SKYPE – go to – very easy. You will need a Headset and PC microphone (recommend a web cam as well). Call IDS Solutions for technical support. FRIDAY’S Go to to see the complete schedule and register to participate. Use eVites to promote the event. Go to . © 2005 IDS Solutions Inc. • All Rights Reserved • Duplication for resale is illegal • Version1.1 Nov06

9 Being a Master of Ceremonies
DISCOVER IT. LIVE IT. Addendum Being a Master of Ceremonies The Master of Ceremonies Role The Master of Ceremonies is the "conductor" of an event or meeting. The primary responsibility of the Master of Ceremonies is to serve as a genial host. An ideal MC is a person who has poise, presence and who can command the attention of an audience. "It is an honor to be asked to be the master of ceremonies at a function. It means that you have a sense of humor, know how to project your voice, and can handle audiences. It means that you have the gift of being able to "think on your feet" so that you can react quickly in an emergency. (An 'emergency' arises when the main speaker does not show, or when the air-conditioning ceases to function and the microphones don't work!).“ Before the Event A successful Master of Ceremonies is thoroughly prepared. Meet with all organizers well in advance of the event to confirm the purpose of the event and the planned agenda in detail. If possible contact all speakers or others who will have a role in the program and confirm their responsibilities, time allotted to them and anything they might require at the event. In preparation for introducing key speakers contact them to find out the title/topic of their presentation and some background information on them. Find out if there will be any special guests in attendance who should be acknowledged at the event. At the Event "Preside with sincerity, energy and decisiveness. Take your audience on a pleasant journey and make them feel that all is going well". Arrive early in order to finish any last minute details. Check with speakers and other meeting participants to make sure all their requirements are in place (if not take steps to address any problems if you can) and in case there are any last minute changes. Confirm whether expected special guests are indeed in attendance. Have an agenda and plan to stick to it. Start on time and plan to end on time. Be prepared. While you can plan well, things can run amuck. Be aware that this can happen and have a possible strategy to address problems that might occur. The ideal MC is resourceful, creative, flexible and able to respond to problems "on the fly". Your objective is to keep the event running on time.  Attendees appreciate an event that runs on time. Consider the following tips: Keep a watch in front of you on the lectern or table to enable you to keep track of the time. Or, arrange beforehand for someone in the audience to be a timekeeper. Opening Comments Welcome all present. If there are any special guests, officials, politicians or others of note they should be acknowledged in the welcome. Introduce yourself, share your personal success story, even if you think everyone should know who you are. Remind the audience of why they have come -- the reason for the event and what you hope to achieve or accomplish at the event. ie: to celebrate accomplishments, share personal success stories and to have fun! Outline the upcoming program briefly. © 2005 IDS Solutions Inc. • All Rights Reserved • Duplication for resale is illegal • Version1.1 Nov06

10 Being a Master of Ceremonies
DISCOVER IT. LIVE IT. Addendum Being a Master of Ceremonies During the Program Introductions/"Handling" the Speakers As the Master of Ceremonies you are responsible for introducing every speaker and others who are playing a role in the program at the event. A proper introduction is important to the success of a speaker's presentation so have a good introduction prepared prior to the event for all key speakers. The more important the role played by the individual, the more extensive your introduction should be. Once you have completed your introduction of a speaker, lead the applause for the speaker and continue applauding until they reach the lectern/podium.   The MC serves as the informal "timekeeper" for the speaker. When the speaker has finished this/her presentation lead the applause until the speaker is seated. Before you proceed on to the next portion of the program it is appropriate to thank the speaker for their presentation.  If possible make reference to some aspect of the talk which you found particularly important or moving (this shows that you were listening and also confirms the value of the speaker's presentation). Bridging An essential skill of an MC is the ability to make comments which "bridge" between segments of the meeting.  Prior to the meeting try to prepare some remarks which might be used to bridge between segments or comments or anecdotes which could be used if there is a delay or disruption in the program.  A skilled MC is able to use incidents that occur in the event as bridging tools. Don't worry if you are not sure how to do this.  This skill can be gained with experience and practice if it does not come naturally to you. If the event is several hours in duration, and there are breaks during it, it could be useful to make a few comments summarizing what has happened so far in the event, and what is yet to come. If there is a gift or honorarium for the speaker(s) it can be presented at the conclusion of their speech.  If there are several individuals to receive gifts they can all be presented at the conclusion of the event if this seems appropriate and all the speakers will still be available. Closing the Meeting The most Senior rank ie: Diamond or above should close the event with the objective of having new partners want to commit to launch their business and guests commit to completing the Evaluation phase. Their close will be both visionary and inspirational with a call to action. At the end of the session it is customary for the MC to thank the speakers and thank all who attended for their participation. In addition, if any people were of particular help to you in organizing and conducting the event, thank them publicly at this point for their assistance.  If there are only a few people who assisted you can name them individually.  If many people, you can say that you have had a large group of people helping you make the event a success, and you would like to thank all of them for their support.  You could ask them to rise to be acknowledged. If you want to inspire your audience to take further action after the meeting use of a inspirational story or quote might be useful. For example: "The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision on what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out and meet it.“ -Thucydides Following an event it is appropriate to send a note of thanks to all who contributed to the success of the Event in a major way.  In particular speakers should be thanked for their contribution.  This correspondence should be sent within two weeks of the event.  If you do not carry out this task someone key in the organization that sponsored the event should perform this very important courtesy. BACK © 2005 IDS Solutions Inc. • All Rights Reserved • Duplication for resale is illegal • Version1.1 Nov06

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