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INVENTION: The very popular search engine called Google was invented by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Google was named after a googol - the name for the.

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Presentation on theme: "INVENTION: The very popular search engine called Google was invented by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Google was named after a googol - the name for the."— Presentation transcript:


2 INVENTION: The very popular search engine called Google was invented by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Google was named after a googol - the name for the number 1 followed by 100 zeros - found in the book Mathematics and the Imagination Mathematics and the Imagination. To Google's founders the name represents the immense amount of information that a search engine has to sift through. INVENTORS: Larry Page & Sergey Brin


4 INVENTION : TELEVISIONINVENTOR : PHILO FARNSWORTH Tribute to Philo Farnsworth! From the November 1940 Issue of Popular Science Television is the most popular way people get their news and entertainment today. Could you imagine what the world would be like without television? Unlike most of the world's major inventions, hardly anyone knows who created television. His name was Philo Farnsworth. In 1927, Philo, who was only 20 years old, sent the first all-electronic image in his own lab in San Francisco, California. The image was a simple black line that was being rotated to see if the television could record and reproduce its movement. The first television didn't have any sound.. It wasn't until the early 1950s that people in Canada could buy a television. The first televisions were black and white, and there were only a couple of channels. A few years later, people could buy colour televisions. CBC Television began broadcasting in colour in 1966.


6 INVENTION : LETTER BOX /MAILBOX INVENTOR :. The year was 1854, and a Victorian guide named James Perrott placed a bottle in the wildest, most inaccessible area on Dartmoor, England, along the banks of Cranmere Pool. In it, he included his calling card so future visitors could contact him and leave their own calling cards. Little did anyone know, this small act would be become the hobby we now know as letterboxing. The oldest letter box in Spain is in Mayorga (Valladolid). In the year 1762 appears for the first time a reference to the mailboxes in Spain


8 INVENTION : BASKETBALL INVENTOR : James Naismith was the Canadian physical education instructor who invented basketball in 1891.(INDOOR GAME). Basketball is a sport in which two teams score points by shooting a ball through a hoop The game took over elements of football, soccer, and hockey, and the first ball used was a soccer ball. Teams had nine players, and the goals were wooden peach baskets affixed to the walls. By 1897-98, teams of five became standard. The game rapidly spread nationwide and to Canada and other parts of the world, played by both women and men; it also became a popular informal outdoor game. By the 1960s pro teams from coast to coast played before crowds of millions annually. Since the 1980s the NBA has become one of the most popular sports organizations in the world, due in part to the marketability of a number of high-profile star players.


10 INVENTION : TOOTHBRUSHINVENTOR : The Chinese are considered as the ones who invented the toothbrush The Toothbrush is a personal care 'tool' used to clean teeth, consisting of a small brush on a handle. The Chinese are believed to make the next big step in the history of the toothbrush, creating the ancestor of today’s toothbrush. These first toothbrushes were crafted with a handle made of bamboo and a set of Siberian wild boar bristles attached to the handle. Their version of the toothbrush spread to Europe, brought back from China to Europe by travellers. But the hair of the Siberian wild boar were very rough on the gums for the Europeans and they were soon replaced by horse hair. The history of the toothbrush goes back as early as 3500 BC. The earliest relatives of the toothbrush could be the 'chewing sticks' (primitive toothpicks) used by the Babylonians and Egyptians.


12 INVENTION : GUITARINVENTOR :The creation of the guitar cannot be traced to a single person. The guitar, as we know it, is said to originate in Spain. It is believed that the people of Malaga invented the instrument. The guitar began to become popular in the 16th century. In the 1800s, Antonio Torres de Jurado gave birth to the classical guitar. Basically, he increased the size of the body of the guitar. The guitar still struggled because it was considered as an instrument for the taverns - an instrument which could not be used for classical music. In Spain, where people hated the piano, the guitar found refuge.

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