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Review for Latin 2 cp Final Next week: Final. Up to and including ch. 30 Final Exam on endings, charts, translation, some culture (culture is MC). Study.

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Presentation on theme: "Review for Latin 2 cp Final Next week: Final. Up to and including ch. 30 Final Exam on endings, charts, translation, some culture (culture is MC). Study."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review for Latin 2 cp Final Next week: Final. Up to and including ch. 30 Final Exam on endings, charts, translation, some culture (culture is MC). Study the review sheet thoroughly. Let’s start the review… (next slide, please) IN GENERAL, review the REFERENCE GRAMMAR in the back of the book. (Pages 145-149.)

2 Review for Latin 2 cp Final  Put especial emphasis on the chapters studied since the midterm (22-30) + passive voice of verbs, the relative pronoun, and the interrogative pronoun/adjective. The culture sections are marked below with an earth icon ( ). The multiple choice cultural questions on the final exam will be culled mostly from the cultural readings.

3 Review for Latin 2 cp Final LATIN CASES  FUNCTION(S) / USES of the CASES Translations to be added NOMINATIVE 1. 2. GENITIVE1. 2. DATIVE1. 2. ACCUSATIVE 1. 2. ABLATIVE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. VOCATIVEDirect Address 1. Give the functions (uses) of each case and special translations where applicable.

4 Review for Latin 2 cp Final LATIN CASES  FUNCTION(S) / USES of the CASES Translations to be added NOMINATIVE 1. Subject of the verb, 2. Complement with a linking verb --- GENITIVE1.Possession, 2. whenever: “of” of, ’s, s’ DATIVE1.Indirect Object 2.Dative after a compound verb (to/for) ACCUSATIVE 1. Direct Object of the Verb 2. Object of Motion Towards ---- ABLATIVE 1. Accompaniment (with), 2. Object of Motion Away From (from) 3. Means or Manner (by, with) 4. Place Where (in, under) 5. whenever: WFBI 6. Agency (by) With, From, By, In VOCATIVEDirect Address----- [Hey, yo! O!] 1. Give the functions (uses) of each case and special translations where applicable.

5 Review for Latin 2 cp Final LATIN CASES  ENGLISH TRANSLATION, with bug as an example (singular) ENGLISH TRANSLATION, with bugs as an example (PLURAL) NOMINATIVE GENITIVE DATIVE ACCUSATIVE ABLATIVE VOCATIVE 2. Give a translation of the English word “bug” ”

6 Review for Latin 2 cp Final LATIN CASES  ENGLISH TRANSLATION, with bug as an example (singular) ENGLISH TRANSLATION, with bugs as an example (PLURAL) NOMINATIVE (the/a) bug (the) bugs GENITIVEof (the/a) bug, (the/a) bug’s of (the) bugs, (the) bugs’ DATIVE[to/for] (the/a) bug [to/for] (the) bugs ACCUSATIVE (the/a) bug (the) bugs ABLATIVEWFBI (the/a) bug WFBI (the) bugs VOCATIVE[Hey, yo! O!] bug (!) [Hey, yo! O!] bugs (!) 2. Give a translation of the English word “bug” ”

7 Review for Latin 2 cp Final 1 st Decl 2 nd Decl. (Masc) 2 nd Decl. (Neut.) 3 rd Decl. (M&F) 3 rd Decl. (Neut.) Only give special 3 rd Decl. i-stem 4 th Decl. (Masc) 4 th Decl. (Neut.) 5 th Decl. Nom Sing * Gen Sing Dat Sing Acc Sing Abl Sing Voc Sing * Nom Pl Gen Pl Dat Pl Acc Pl Abl Pl Voc Pl

8 Review for Latin 2 cp Final 1 st Decl 2 nd Decl. (Masc) 2 nd Decl. (Neut.) 3 rd Decl. (M&F) 3 rd Decl. (Neut.) Only give special 3 rd Decl. i-stem 4 th Decl. (Masc) 4 th Decl. (Neut.) 5 th Decl. Nom Sing -a -us (er, ius) -um varies -us -ū-ū - ēs Gen Sing -ae -ī -is -ūs-ūs-ūs-ūs- ēī Dat Sing -ae - ō - ī - uī -ū-ū - ēī Acc Sing -am -um -em = NomS - um -ū-ū -em Abl Sing -ā - ō -e (- ī )-ū-ū -ū-ū -ē-ē Voc Sing - a -e (er, ī) -um = NomS - us -ū-ū - ēs Nom Pl -ae - ī-a - ēs -a-a -ia Neut -ūs-ūs- ua - ēs Gen Pl - ārum - ōrum -um -ium - uum - ērum Dat Pl - īs -ibus - ēbus Acc Pl - ās - ōs-a - ēs -a-a -ia Neut -ūs-ūs- ua - ēs Abl Pl - īs -ibus - ēbus Voc Pl -ae - ī-a - ēs -a-a -ia Neut -ūs-ūs- ua - ēs

9 SINGULARPLURAL NomGenDatAccAblVocNomGenDatAccAblVoc (1) 3 rd Declension Masc. & Fem. (2) 3 rd Declension NEUTER 4. Give the endings for the 3 rd declension: (1) Masculine & Feminine + (2) Neuter endings Review for Latin 2 cp Final

10 SINGULARPLURAL NomGenDatAccAblVocNomGenDatAccAblVoc (1) 3 rd Declension Masc. & Fem. varies -is-ī-em-e = Nom S -ēs-um-ibus -ēs-ibus-ēs (2) 3 rd Declension NEUTER varies -is-ī = Nom S -e = Nom S -a-um-ibus -a-ibus-a 4. Give the endings for the 3 rd declension: (1) Masculine & Feminine + (2) Neuter endings Review for Latin 2 cp Final

11 CASE/NUMBER LATIN FORMS1 ENGLISH Translation Nominative Sing Genitive Sing Dative Singular Accusative Sing Ablative Sing Vocative Sing Nominative Plural Genitive Plural Dative Plural Accusative Plural Ablative Plural Vocative Plural 5. Decline the adjective fractus, a, um “broken” in agreement with the noun pēs, pedis M. “foot” & translate :

12 Review for Latin 2 cp Final CASE/NUMBER LATIN FORMS1 ENGLISH Translation Nominative Sing pēs fractus (a/the) broken foot Genitive Sing pedis fractī of (a/the) broken foot, the broken foot’s Dative Singular pedī fractō [to/for] (a/the) broken foot Accusative Sing pedem fractum (a/the) broken foot Ablative Sing pede fractō with, from, by, in (a/the) broken foot Vocative Sing pēs fracte [O!/Hey!] broken foot Nominative Pl pedēs fractī (the) broken feet Genitive Plural pedum fractōrum of (the) broken feet, the broken feet’s Dative Plural pedibus fractīs [to/for] (the) broken feet Accusative Plural pedēs fractōs (the) broken feet Ablative Plural pedibus fractīs with, from, by, in (the) broken feet Vocative Plural pedēs fractī [O!/Hey!] broken feet 5. Decline the adjective fractus, a, um “broken” in agreement with the noun pēs, pedis M. “foot” & translate :

13 Review for Latin 2 cp Final SINGULARPLURAL NomGenDatAccAblVocNomGenDatAccAblVoc (1) 3 rd Declension Masc. & Fem. (2) 3 rd Declension NEUTER 8. Give the endings for the 3 rd declension i-stem nouns: (1) Masculine & Feminine + (2) Neuter endings. Note that in the ablative singular, the ending –ī is for all 3 rd declension adjectives (and neuter i-stem nouns only)

14 Review for Latin 2 cp Final SINGULARPLURAL NomGenDatAccAblVocNomGenDatAccAblVoc (1) 3 rd Declension Masc. & Fem. varies -is-ī-em-e / -ī = Nom Sing -ēs- ium - ibus -ēs- ibus -ēs (2) 3 rd Declension NEUTER varies -is-ī = Nom S -e / -ī = Nom Sing -ia- ium - ibus -ia- ibus -ia 8. Give the endings for the 3 rd declension i-stem nouns: (1) Masculine & Feminine + (2) Neuter endings. Note that in the ablative singular, the ending –ī is for all 3 rd declension adjectives (and neuter i-stem nouns only)

15 Review for Latin 2 cp Final CASE/NUMBERLATIN FORMS1 ENGLISH Translation Nominative Sing Genitive Sing Dative Singular Accusative Sing Ablative Sing Vocative Sing Nominative Plural Genitive Plural Dative Plural Accusative Plural Ablative Plural Vocative Plural 9. Decline & translate the 3 rd declension adjective gracilis, gracile “slender” to agree with the noun liber, librī M. “book”:

16 Review for Latin 2 cp Final CASE/NUMBERLATIN FORMS1 ENGLISH Translation Nominative Sing liber gracilis (a/the) slender book Genitive Sing libr ī gracilis of (a/the) slender book, the slender book’s Dative Singular libr ō gracil ī [to/for] (a/the) slender book Accusative Sing librum gracilem (a/the) slender book Ablative Sing libr ō gracil ī with, from, by, in (a/the) slender book Vocative Sing liber gracilis [O!/Hey!] slender book Nominative Plural libr ī gracil ē s (the) slender books Genitive Plural libr ōrum gracilium of (the) slender books, the slender books’ Dative Plural libr ī s gracilibus [to/for] (the) slender books Accusative Plural libr ōs gracil ē s (the) slender books Ablative Plural libr ī s gracilibus with, from, by, in (the) slender books Vocative Plural libr ī gracil ē s [O!/Hey!] slender books 9. Decline & translate the 3 rd declension adjective gracilis, gracile “slender” to agree with the noun liber, librī M. “book”:

17 Review for Latin 2 cp Final Give the most basic active personal Endings for Verbs (in the present tense.) Infinitive ("to") Present Imperative Singular* Present Imperative Plural 1 st Person Singular ("I")1 st Person Plural ("we") 2 nd Person Singular ("you")2 nd Person Plural ("you") 3 rd Person Singular ("s/he,it")3 rd Person Plural ("they")

18 Review for Latin 2 cp Final Give the most basic active personal Endings for Verbs (in the present tense.) Infinitive ("to") -re Present Imperative Singular*drop off -re Present Imperative Plural-te 1 st Person Singular ("I")- ō 1 st Person Plural ("we") - mus 2 nd Person Singular ("you")- s2 nd Person Plural ("you")- tis 3 rd Person Singular ("s/he,it") - t3 rd Person Plural ("they") - nt

19 Give the most basic active personal Endings for Verbs (in the present tense.) Infinitive ("to") -re Present Imperative Singular* drop off -re Present Imperative Plural-te 1 st Person Singular ("I")= - ō 1 st Person Plural ("we")-mus 2 nd Person Singular ("you")-s2 nd Person Plural ("you") -tis 3 rd Person Singular ("s/he,it") -t 3 rd Person Plural ("they") -nt

20 Review for Latin 2 cp Final Give the basic passive personal Endings for Verbs (in the present tense.) Infinitive ("to be") - (3 rd Conj.: - ) Present Imperative Singular -Present Imperative Plural– 1 st Person Singular ("I")-1 st Person Plural ("we")- 2 nd Person Singular ("you")-2 nd Person Plural ("you")- 3 rd Person Singular ("s/he,it") -3 rd Person Plural ("they")-

21 Review for Latin 2 cp Final Give the basic passive personal Endings for Verbs (in the present tense.) Infinitive ("to be") -rī (3 rd Conj.: -ī) Present Imperative Singular -rePresent Imperative Plural–minī 1 st Person Singular ("I")-r1 st Person Plural ("we")-mur 2 nd Person Singular ("you")-ris2 nd Person Plural ("you")-min ī 3 rd Person Singular ("s/he,it") -tur3 rd Person Plural ("they")-ntur

22 Review for Latin 2 cp Final Give the active personal Endings for Verbs in the perfect tense. Which principal part do you need to use for all the perfect tenses. Infinitive ("to") - 1 st Person Singular ("I")1 st Person Plural ("we") 2 nd Person Singular ("you")2 nd Person Plural ("you") 3 rd Person Singular ("s/he,it")3 rd Person Plural ("they")

23 Review for Latin 2 cp Final Give the active personal Endings for Verbs in the perfect tense. Infinitive ("to") -isse 1 st Person Singular ("I")- ī 1 st Person Plural ("we") -imus 2 nd Person Singular ("you")-ist ī 2 nd Person Plural ("you") -ist is 3 rd Person Singular ("s/he,it") -it 3 rd Person Plural ("they") - ērunt

24 Review for Latin 2 cp Final V. VERBS- ACTIVE ONLY – 1. give the basic active Latin endings or English pronouns for each: a.–t = b. “we” = b.c. –nt = d. “y’all” = e. 1 st person singular: - f. –s = g. 3 rd person plural: - h. infinitive: -i. –tis = j. 2 nd person sing: -k. “he” = l. “she” = m. “it” = n. –re =o. –ō = p. “to” = q. –mus = r. 2 nd person plural: -s. “you” (sing) = t. 1 st person plural: - u. “they” = v. 3 rd person singular: - w. “I” (present)=

25 Review for Latin 2 cp Final V. VERBS- ACTIVE ONLY – 1. give the basic active Latin endings or English pronouns for each: a.–t = he, she, itb. “we” = -mus b.c. –nt = they d. “y’all” = -tise. 1 st person singular: -- ō f. –s = g. 3 rd person plural: -- nt h. infinitive: - -rei. –tis = y’all, you (pl) j. 2 nd person sing: -s k. “he” = - t l. “she” = - t m. “it” = - tn. –re =too. –ō = I p. “to” = - re q. –mus = we r. 2 nd person plural: - - tiss. “you” (sing) = - s t. 1 st person plural: - - mus u. “they” = - nt v. 3 rd person singular: -- t w. “I” (present)= - o

26 Review for Latin 2 cp Final x. –bant (give 4 possibilities) = y. Imperative singular (1 st conjugation): z. Imperative pl. (1 st conjugation): aa. –te = bb. Drop off –re = **cc. Nōlī / Nōlīte (+ infinitive) = ; e.g. Nōlī currere = ; Nōlīte currere = ; dd. “I” (perfect)= ee. “I” (imperfect)= ff. –istī= gg. –istis = hh. –ērunt (give 3 possibilities) =

27 Review for Latin 2 cp Final x. –bant (give 4 possibilities) = they were verbing, they used to verb, they kept verbing, they verbed (repeatedly), they tried to verb, they started to verb y. Imperative singular (1 st conjugation): drop off -re z. Imperative pl. (1 st conjugation): -te aa. –te = “verb !” (plural)bb. Drop off –re = “verb !” (singular) **cc. Nōlī / Nōlīte (+ infinitive) = Don’t verb!; e.g. Nōlī currere = Don’t run (singular) ; Nōlīte currere = Don’t run (plural) ; dd. “I” (perfect)= - ī ee. “I” (imperfect)= - bam ff. –istī= you (perfect tense) gg. –istis = y’all (perfect tense) hh. –ērunt (give 3 possibilities) = they verbed, they have verbed, they did verb

28 Review for Latin 2 cp Final VERBS- PASSIVE ONLY – 1. give the basic passive Latin endings or English pronouns for each: a.–tur = b. “we” = b.c. –ntur = d. “y’all” = c.e. 1 st person singular: -f. –ris = g. 3 rd person plural: -h. infinitive: - i. –minī = j. 2 nd person sing: -k. “he” = l. “she” = m. “it” = n. –rī =o. –(o)r = p. “to be…” = q. –mur = r. 2 nd person plural: -s. “you” (sing) = t. 1 st person plural: - u. “they” = v. 3 rd person singular: - w. “I” (present)= x. –bantur (give 4 possibilities) = **cc. Nōlī / Nōlīte (+ infinitive) = ; e.g. Nōlī portārī =

29 Review for Latin 2 cp Final VERBS- PASSIVE ONLY – 1. give the basic passive Latin endings or English pronouns for each: a.–tur = he, she, itb. “we” = - mur b.c. –ntur = they d. “y’all” = - min ī c.e. 1 st person singular: -- rf. –ris = you (singular) g. 3 rd person plural: - -nturh. infinitive: - r ī (3 rd conjugation: - ī ) i.–minī = y’all j. 2 nd person sing: - risk. “he” = - tur l. “she” = - turm. “it” = - tur n. –rī =to be verbedo. –(o)r = “I” p. “to be…” = - r ī (3 rd conjugation: - ī ) q. –mur = we r. 2 nd person plural: - - min ī s. “you” (sing) = - ris t. 1 st person plural: - mur u. “they” = - nturv. 3 rd person singular: - tur w. “I” (present)= - r x. –bantur (give 4 possibilities) = they were verbed, they used to be verbed, they kept being verbed, they were verbed (repeatedly), they tried to be verbed, they started to be verbed **cc. Nōlī / Nōlīte (+ infinitive) = Don’t be verbed ; e.g. Nōlī portārī = Don’t be carried

30 Review for Latin 2 cp Final 1 st Pers Sing 2 nd Pe rs S. 3 rd Per Sing 1 st Pers Plural 2 nd Pers Plural 3 rd Pers Plural Infinitive Imperative Singular Imperative Plural 1 st Conj. Verbs # -ō-ās-at -āmus -ātis-ant-āre-ā-āte 2 nd Conj. Verbs # 3 rd Conj. Verbs # 3 rd-io Conj. Verbs # 4 th Conj. Verbs # sum, esse # XXXXX 3. Now give the basic ACTIVE verb endings again in a chart (# = present tense; % = imperfect; $ = perfect ):

31 Review for Latin 2 cp Final 1 st Pers Sing 2 nd Pe rs S. 3 rd Per Sing 1 st Pers Plural 2 nd Pers Plural 3 rd Pers Plural Infinitive Imperative Singular Imperative Plural 1 st Conj. Verbs # -ō-ās-at -āmus -ātis-ant-āre-ā-āte 2 nd Conj. Verbs # -eō-ēs-et -ēmus -ētis-ent-ēre -ē-ē -ēte 3 rd Conj. Verbs # -ō-is-it -imus -itis-unt-ere-e-ite 3 rd-io Conj. Verbs # -iō-is-it -imus -itis-iunt-ere-e-ite 4 th Conj. Verbs # -iō-īs-it -īmus -ītis-iunt-īre -ī-ī -īte sum, esse # sumesest sumus estissuntesseestoestote 3. Now give the basic ACTIVE verb endings again in a chart (# = present tense; % = imperfect; $ = perfect ):

32 Review for Latin 2 cp Final 1 st Pers Sing 2 nd Pe rs S. 3 rd Per Sing 1 st Pers Plural 2 nd Pers Plural 3 rd Pers Plural Infinitive Imperative Singular Imperative Plural possum, posse # XXXXX volō, velle # XXXXXXXXXXX nolō, nolle # ferō, ferre # eō, īre # Imper- fect % (regular) -bam XXXXX Future (1 st & 2 nd Conjugations) XXXXX Future (3 rd, 3 rd –io & 4 th Conjugations) XXXXX sum, esse in the future ero XXXXX

33 Review for Latin 2 cp Final 1 st Pers Sing 2 nd Pe rs S. 3 rd Per Sing 1 st Pers Plural 2 nd Pers Plural 3 rd Pers Plural Infinitive Imperative Singular Imperative Plural possum, posse # possum potespotestpossumuspotestispossuntposseXXXXX volō, velle # volō vīsvult volumus vultisvoluntvelle XXXXXXXXXXX nōlō, nōlle # nōlō nōn vīs nōn vult nōlumusnōn vultis nōluntnōlle Nōlī Nōlīte ferō, ferre # ferō feris fert ferimus fertisferuntferreferferte eō, īre # eōīsitīmusītiseuntīreīīte Imper- fect % (regular) -bam-bās -bat -bāmus -bātis-bant XXXXX Future (1 st & 2 nd Conjugations) -bō-bis -bit -bimus -bitis-bunt XXXXX Future (3 rd, 3 rd –io & 4 th Conjugations) -am -ēs-et -ēmus -ētis-ent XXXXX sum, esse in the future ero XXXXX

34 Review for Latin 2 cp Final 1 st Pers Sing 2 nd Pe rs S. 3 rd Per Sing 1 st Pers Plural 2 nd Pers Plural 3 rd Pers Plural Infinitive Imperative Singular Imperative Plural sum, esse in the future eroXXXXX posum, posse in the future poteroXXXXX Perfect $ (all verbs) -ī-isseXXXXX sum, esse % fuisseXXXXX posum, posse % potuisseXXXXX volō, velle % voluisseXXXXXXXXXXX nolō, nolle % noluisseXXXXX

35 Review for Latin 2 cp Final 1 st Pers Sing 2 nd Pe rs S. 3 rd Per Sing 1 st Pers Plural 2 nd Pers Plural 3 rd Pers Plural Infinitive Imperative Singular Imperative Plural sum, esse in the future eroeriseriterimuseritiseruntXXXXX posum, posse in the future potero poteris poteritpoterimuspoteritispoterunt XXXXX Perfect $ (all verbs) -ī- istī- it -imus-istis-ērunt-isseXXXXX sum, esse $ fuīfuistīfuit fuimus fuistis fuērunt fuisseXXXXX posum, posse $ potuī potuistīpotuit potuimuspotuistispotuērunt potuisseXXXXX volō, velle $ voluī voluistīvoluit voluimusvoluistisvoluērunt voluisseXXXXXXXXXXX nōlō, nōlle $ nōluī nōluistīnōluit nōluimusnōluistisnōluērunt nōluisseXXXXX

36 Review for Latin 2 cp Final 1 st Pers Sing 2 nd Pe rs S. 3 rd Per Sing 1 st Pers Plural 2 nd Pers Plural 3 rd Pers Plural InfinitiveImperative Singular Imperative Plural 1 st Conj. Verbs # -or-āris-atur- āmur -āminī - antur -ārī-āre -āminī 2 nd Conj. Verbs # -eor-ēre -ēminī 3 rd Conj. Verbs # -or-ī-ere -iminī 3 rd -ioConj. Verbs # -ior-erisī-ere -iminī 4 th Conj. Verbs # -ior-īre -īminī 4. Now give the basic PASSIVE verb endings again in a chart (# = present tense; % = imperfect; ∞ = future):

37 Review for Latin 2 cp Final 1 st Pers Sing 2 nd Pe rs S. 3 rd Per Sing 1 st Pers Plural 2 nd Pers Plural 3 rd Pers Plural InfinitiveImperative Singular Imperative Plural 1 st Conj. Verbs # -or-āris-atur- āmur -āminī - antur -ārī-āre -āminī 2 nd Conj. Verbs # -eor-ēris-ētur -ēmur -ēminī -entur -ērī-ēre -ēminī 3 rd Conj. Verbs # -or-eris-itur-imur -iminī -untur -- ī-ere -iminī 3 rd -ioConj. Verbs # -ior-eris-itur-imur -iminī-iuntur -- ī-ere -iminī 4 th Conj. Verbs # -ior-īris-ītur-īmur -īminī - iuntur -īrī-īre -īminī 4. Now give the basic PASSIVE verb endings again in a chart (# = present tense; % = imperfect; ∞ = future):

38 Review for Latin 2 cp Final 1 st Pers Sing 2 nd Pe rs S. 3 rd Per Sing 1 st Pers Plural 2 nd Pers Plural 3 rd Pers Plural InfinitiveImperative Singular Imperative Plural ferō, ferre # ferrīXXXX X Imperfect % (regular) -barXXXX X Future ∞ (1 st & 2 nd Conjugations ) -borXXXX X Future ∞ (3 rd, 3 rd –io & 4 th Conjugations ) - (i)ar XXXX X

39 Review for Latin 2 cp Final 1 st Pers Sing 2 nd Pe rs S. 3 rd Per Sing 1 st Pers Plural 2 nd Pers Plural 3 rd Pers Plural InfinitiveImperative Singular Imperative Plural ferō, ferre # ferorferris fertur ferimur feriminīferuntur ferrīXXXX X Imperfect % (regular) -bar- bāris -bātur- bāmur bāminī - bāntur XXXXX Future ∞ (1 st & 2 nd Conjugations) -bor - beris - bitur - bimur - biminī buntur XXXXX Future ∞ (3 rd, 3 rd –io & 4 th Conjugations) - (i)ar -(i)ēris(i)ētur(i)ēmur(i)ēmini(i)entur XXXXX

40 Review for Latin 2 cp Final 1. Principal parts + meaning: d ō, dare, ded ī, datus/a/um = to give Conjugation #:1 st Person: 3 rd Number: Pl.Gender: F tenses, etc. ↓ Latin ACTIVE ACTIVE translation Latin PASSIVE PASSIVE translation Present = they Imperfect = they Future = they Perfect = they= EC they Pluperfect = they= EC they Future Perfect = they= EC they Present Infinitive== Perfect Infinitive== Imperative Sing. = = EC Imperative Plural== EC

41 Review for Latin 2 cp Final 1. Principal parts + meaning: d ō, dare, ded ī, datus/a/um = to give Conjugation #:1 st Person: 3 rd Number: Pl.Gender: F tenses, etc. ↓ Latin ACTIVE ACTIVE translation Latin PASSIVE PASSIVE translation Presentdant = they give, they are giving dantur = they are (being) given Imperfect d ā bant = they were giving, etc. d ā bantur = they were (being) given, etc. Future d ā bunt = they will gived ā buntur= they will be given Perfect ded ērunt = they gave, have given datae sunt = they have been/were given Pluperfect ded erant = they had givendatae erant = they had been given Future Perfect ded erint = they will have givendatae erunt = they will have been given Present Infinitive dare = to give dar ī = to be given Perfect Infinitive dedisse = to have given datus/a/um esse = to have been given Imperative Sing. da = givedare = be given Imperative Plural date = givedamini = be given

42 Review for Latin 2 cp Final 2. Principal parts + meaning: vide ō, vid ē re, v ī d ī, visus/a/um = to see Conjugation #:2 nd Person: 2 nd Number: Sing. Gender: M tenses, etc. ↓Latin ACTIVEACTIVE translationLatin PASSIVEPASSIVE translation Present = you Imperfect = you Future = you Perfect = you= EC you Pluperfect = you= EC you Future Perfect = you= EC you Present Infinitive== Perfect Infinitive== Imperative Sing. = = EC Imperative Plural= = EC

43 Review for Latin 2 cp Final 2. Principal parts + meaning: vide ō, vid ē re, v ī d ī, visus/a/um = to see Conjugation #:2 nd Person: 2 nd Number: Sing. Gender: M tenses, etc. ↓Latin ACTIVEACTIVE translationLatin PASSIVEPASSIVE translation Present vid ēs = you see, are seeing, do seevid ēris = you seem, are seen Imperfect vid ēbās = you were/kept seeing, etc. vid ēbāris = you seemed, were/kept being seen Future vid ēbis = you will seevid ēberis = you will seem / will be seen Perfect v ī d istī = you saw/ have seen/ did seevi sus es = you seemed / have been seen Pluperfect v ī der ās = you had seen vi sus erās = you had been seen, had seemed Future Perfect v ī d eris = you will have seen vi sus eris = you will have been seen, will have seemed Present Infinitive vid ē re = to seevid ē r ī = to seem, to be seen Perfect Infinitive vid isse = to have seen visus esse = to have seemed, to have been seen Imperative Sing. vid ē = seevid ē re = seem, be seen Imperative Plural vid ē te = see vid ē min ī = seem, be seen

44 Review for Latin 2 cp Final 3. Principal parts + meaning: vinc ō, vincere, v ī c ī, victus/a/um = to conquer Conjugation #:3 rd Person: 3 rd Number: Singular Gender: M tenses, etc. ↓ Latin ACTIVE ACTIVE translation Latin PASSIVE PASSIVE translation Present = he Imperfect = he Future = he Perfect = he = EC he Pluperfect = he = EC he Future Perfect = he = EC he Present Infinitive== Perfect Infinitive== Imperative Sing. = = EC Imperative Plural= = EC

45 Review for Latin 2 cp Final 3. Principal parts + meaning: vinc ō, vincere, v ī c ī, victus/a/um = to conquer Conjugation #:3 rd Person: 3 rd Number: Singular Gender: M tenses, etc. ↓ Latin ACTIVE ACTIVE translation Latin PASSIVE PASSIVE translation Presentvincit = he is conquering, conquersvincitur = he is (being) conquered Imperfect vinc ēba t = he was/kept conquering, used to conquer, etc. vinc ēbā tur = he was/kept (being) conquered, used to be conquered, etc. Futurevincet = he will conquer vinc ē tur = he will be conquered Perfect v ī cit = he (has) conquered victus est = he has been/was conquered Pluperfect v ī cerat = he had conquered victus erat = he had been conquered Future Perfect v ī cerit = he will have conquered victus erit = he will have been conquered Present Infinitive vincere = to conquer vinc ī = to be conquered Perfect Infinitive v ī cisse = to have conquered victus esse = to have been conquered Imperative Sing. vince = conquervincere = be conquered Imperative Plural vincite = conquervincimin ī = be conquered

46 Review for Latin 2 cp Final 4. Principal parts + meaning: feri ō, fer ī re, fer ī v ī, feritus/a/um = to strike(put in comp book! Conjugation #:4 th Person: 1 st Number: Singular Gender: M tenses, etc. ↓Latin ACTIVEACTIVE translationLatin PASSIVEPASSIVE translation Present == Imperfect == Future == Perfect == Pluperfect == Future Perfect == Present Infinitive == Perfect Infinitive == Imperative Sing. =re = Imperative Plural =min ī =

47 Review for Latin 2 cp Final 4. Principal parts + meaning: feri ō, fer ī re, fer ī v ī, feritus/a/um = to strike Conjugation #:4 th Person: 1 st Number: Singular Gender: M tenses, etc. ↓Latin ACTIVEACTIVE translationLatin PASSIVEPASSIVE translation Present feri ō = I strikeferi or = I am (being) struck Imperfect feri ēbam = I was/kept striking, etc.feri ēbar = I was/kept being struck Future feri am = I will strikeferi ar = I will be strike Perfect fer īvī = I did strike, (have) struckferitus sum = I have been struck Pluperfect fer īveram = I had struckferitus eram = I had been struck Future Perfect fer īverō = I will have struckferitus er ō = I will have been struck Present Infinitive fer īre = to strike fer īrī = to be struck Perfect Infinitive fer īvisse = to have struck feritus/a/um esse = to have been struck Imperative Sing. fer ī = strikefer īre = be struck Imperative Plural fer īte = strikefer īminī = be struck

48 Review for Latin 2 cp Final 5. Principal parts + meaning: tr ā dō, tr ā dere, tr ā didī, tr ā ditus/a/um = to hand over, surrender Conjugation #: 3 rd Person: 1 st Number: Pl. Gender: F tenses, etc. ↓Latin ACTIVE ACTIVE translation Latin PASSIVEPASSIVE translation Present == Imperfect == Future == Perfect == Pluperfect == Future Perfect == Present Infinitive == Perfect Infinitive == Imperative Sing. = re = Imperative Plural = min ī =

49 Review for Latin 2 cp Final 5. Principal parts + meaning: tr ā dō, tr ā dere, tr ā didī, tr ā ditus/a/um = to hand over, surrender Conjugation #: 3 rd Person: 1 st Number: Pl. Gender: F tenses, etc. ↓Latin ACTIVEACTIVE translationLatin PASSIVE PASSIVE translation Present tr ā dunt = they hand over tr ā duntur = they are (being) handed over Imperfect tr ā d ēba nt = they were handing over, etc. tr ā d ēba ntur = they were (being) handed over, etc. Future tr ā dent = they will hand overtr ā dentur = they will be handed over Perfect tr ā did ēru nt = they (have) handed over/ did hand over tr ā ditae sunt = they have been / were handed over Pluperfect tr ā diderant = they had hand overtr ā ditae erant = they had been handed over Future Perfect tr ā diderint = they will have hand over tr ā ditae erunt = they will have been handed over Present Infinitive tr ā dere = to hand overtr ā d ī = to be handed over Perfect Infinitive tr ā didisse = to have handed over tr ā ditae esse = to have been handed over Imperative Sing. tr ā de = hand overtr ā dere = be handed over Imperative Plural tr ā dite = hand overtr ā dimin ī = be handed over

50 Review for Latin 2 cp Final 6. Principal parts + meaning: iube ō, iub ē re, iuss ī, iussus/a/um = to order Conjugation #:2 nd Person: 2 nd Number: Plural Gender: M tenses, etc. ↓Latin ACTIVEACTIVE translationLatin PASSIVE PASSIVE translation Present == Imperfect == Future == Perfect == Pluperfect == Future Perfect == Present Infinitive == Perfect Infinitive == Imperative Sing. = re = Imperative Plural = min ī =

51 Review for Latin 2 cp Final 6. Principal parts + meaning: iube ō, iub ē re, iuss ī, iussus/a/um = to order Conjugation #:2 nd Person: 2 nd Number: Plural Gender: M tenses, etc. ↓Latin ACTIVEACTIVE translationLatin PASSIVE PASSIVE translation Present iub ē tis = y’all are orderingiub ē min ī = you are (being) ordered Imperfect iub ēbā tis = y’all were/kept ordering, etc. iub ēbā min ī = you were/kept being ordered, etc. Future iub ēbi tis = you will orderiub ēbi min ī = you will be ordered Perfect iuss is tis = you (have) ordered; did order iuss ī estis = you have been ordered Pluperfect iusser ā tis = you had ordered iuss ī erātis = you had been ordered Future Perfect iusseritis = you will have ordered iuss ī eritis = you will have been ordered Present Infinitive iub ē re = to order iub ē r ī = to be ordered Perfect Infinitive iussisse = to have ordered iuss ī esse = to have been ordered Imperative Sing. iub ē = orderiub ē re = be ordered Imperative Plural iub ē te = order iub ē min ī = be ordered

52 Review for Latin 2 cp Final 7. Principal parts + meaning: accipi ō, accipere, acc ē p ī, acceptus/a/um = to receive Conjugation #:3 rd-io Person: 2 nd Number: Singular Gender: F tenses, etc. ↓ Latin ACTIVE ACTIVE translation Latin PASSIVEPASSIVE translation Present == Imperfect == Future == Perfect == Pluperfect == Future Perfect == Present Infinitive == Perfect Infinitive == Imperative Sing. = re = Imperative Plural = min ī =

53 Review for Latin 2 cp Final 7. Principal parts + meaning: accipi ō, accipere, acc ē p ī, acceptus/a/um = to receive; welcome Conjugation #:3 rd-io Person: 2 nd Number: Singular Gender: F tenses, etc. ↓Latin ACTIVE ACTIVE translation Latin PASSIVEPASSIVE translation Present accipis = you are receivingacciperis = you are (being) received Imperfect accipi ē b ā s = you were/kept receiving, used to receive, etc. accipi ē b āri s = you were/kept being received Future accipi ē s = you will receiveaccipi ēri s = you will be received Perfect acc ē pist ī = you (have) received accepta es = you have been received Pluperfect acc ē per ā s = you had receivedaccepta er ā s = you had been received Future Perfect acc ē peris = you will have received accepta eris = you will have been received Present Infinitive accipere = to receive accip ī = to be received Perfect Infinitive acc ē pisse = to have received accepta esse = to have been received Imperative Sing. accipe = receive accipere = be received Imperative Plural accipite = receive accipimin ī = be received

54 Review for Latin 2 cp Final 8. Principal parts + meaning: audi ō, aud ī re, aud ī v ī, auditus/a/um = to hear Conjugation #:4 th Person: 3 rd Number: SingularGender: Neuter tenses, etc. ↓Latin ACTIVE ACTIVE translation Latin PASSIVEPASSIVE translation Present == Imperfect == Future == Perfect == Pluperfect == Future Perfect == Present Infinitive == Perfect Infinitive == Imperative Sing. = re = Imperative Plural = min ī =

55 Review for Latin 2 cp Final 8. Principal parts + meaning: audi ō, aud ī re, aud ī v ī, auditus/a/um = to hear Conjugation #:4 th Person: 3 rd Number: SingularGender: Neuter tenses, etc. ↓Latin ACTIVE ACTIVE translation Latin PASSIVEPASSIVE translation Present audit = it is hearing aud ī tur = it is (being) heard Imperfect audi ēba t = it was/kept hearing, used to hear, etc. audi ēbā tur = it was/kept heard, used to be heard, etc. Future audiet = it will hear aud iē tur = it will be heard Perfect aud īvit = it (has) heard, it did hearaud ī tum est = it has been heard Pluperfect aud īverat = it had heardaud ī tum erat = it had been heard Future Perfect aud īverit = it will have heard aud ī tum erit = it will have been heard Present Infinitive aud īre = to hearaud ī r ī = to be heard Perfect Infinitive aud īvisse = to have heard aud ī tum esse = to have been heard Imperative Sing. aud ī = hearaud ī re = be heard Imperative Plural aud īte = hear aud ī min ī = be heard

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