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Ecole micro-électronique, La londe-les-maures, 14 oct 2009 Pixel Hybride 3-D en techno 0.13µm pour SLHC/ATLAS P. Pangaud S. Godiot a, M. Barbero b, B.

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Presentation on theme: "Ecole micro-électronique, La londe-les-maures, 14 oct 2009 Pixel Hybride 3-D en techno 0.13µm pour SLHC/ATLAS P. Pangaud S. Godiot a, M. Barbero b, B."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecole micro-électronique, La londe-les-maures, 14 oct 2009 Pixel Hybride 3-D en techno 0.13µm pour SLHC/ATLAS P. Pangaud S. Godiot a, M. Barbero b, B. Chantepie a, J.C. Clémens a, R. Fei a, J. Fleury c, D. Fougeron a, M. Garcia-Sciveres c, T. Hemperek b, M. Karagounis b, H. Krueger b, A. Mekkaoui c, P. Pangaud a, A. Rozanov a, N. Wermes b a Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille, France b University of Bonn, Germany c Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, California, USA

2 Ecole micro-électronique, La londe-les-maures, 14 oct 2009 P.Pangaud Outline  Pixel pour Atlas/LHC  Projet SLHC  Version 3D  MPW TERRAZON/CHARTERED

3 Ecole micro-électronique, La londe-les-maures, 14 oct 2009 P.Pangaud Pixels pour upgrade de Atlas/LHC CF=17fF CC/CF2=5.8 Config word=1 2b 4 bits 5 bits Constraints Noise under 100 e - Threshold around 1000 e - Dispersion threshold 200 e -

4 Ecole micro-électronique, La londe-les-maures, 14 oct 2009 P.Pangaud FE-I4/FE-TC4 : Analog Preamplifier Leakage Comp. Transistor Local Feedback tuning 4b Feedback structure Injection switches and caps Core Preamp

5 Ecole micro-électronique, La londe-les-maures, 14 oct 2009 P.Pangaud Hybrid Pixels detector for HEP (Atlas/LHC example) 50 μm FE-I3 CMOS technology : 250 nm 400 μm 250 μm FE-I4 CMOS technology : 130 nm Done : ATLAS/LHC (2008/2009) Under Design ATLAS/LHC upgrade project (2014…) And silicon sensor with the same pixel dimension

6 Ecole micro-électronique, La londe-les-maures, 14 oct 2009 P.Pangaud 3-D Hybrid Pixels detector (Atlas/SLHC example) FE-I3 CMOS technology : 250 nm 400 μm 250 μm FE-I4 CMOS technology : 130 nm 50 μm Done : ATLAS/LHC 2008/2009 Under Design ATLAS/LHC upgrade project (2014…) 50 μm 125 μm Drastic pixel dimension reduction (cost effective compared to smallest technologies ?) Why not ?? ATLAS/SLHC (10 years after LHC..) 50 μm 100 μm New mechanical possibilities Dream,dream,dream ??? ATLAS/SLHC

7 Ecole micro-électronique, La londe-les-maures, 14 oct 2009 P.Pangaud Pixel -> 3-D CF=17fF CC/CF2=5.8 Config word=1 2b 4 bits 5 bits FE-TC4-EA : 2 possible ways for discriminator output read-out: With the simple read-out part existing yet into the pixel With the tier 2 (via the Bond Interface) FE-TC4-DS : dedicated for parasitic coupling studies between the 2 tiers. FE-TC4-DC : Read-out chip similar to what is foreseen for FE-I4

8 Ecole micro-électronique, La londe-les-maures, 14 oct 2009 P.Pangaud FE-I4 to FE-TC4 FEI4 : IBM 0.13µ 1P8M LV FEI4 : CHARTERED 0.13µ 1P5M LP Bond Interface 5µm step TSV 1.5µ diameter

9 Ecole micro-électronique, La londe-les-maures, 14 oct 2009 P.Pangaud 2d Tiers -> Simple : Counter + parasitic coupling studies -> Complex : Read-out chip similar to what is foreseen for FE-I4 M5 M4 M3 M2 M1 M6 SuperContact M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 SuperContact Bond Interface Tier 2 Tier 1 (thinned wafer) Back Side Metal sensor

10 Ecole micro-électronique, La londe-les-maures, 14 oct 2009 P.Pangaud Fermilab 3-D Multi-Project Run  Fermilab has planned a dedicated 3-D multi project run using Tezzaron for HEP during 2009  There are 2 layers of electronics fabricated in the Chartered 0.13 um process, using only one set of masks. (Useful reticule size 15.5 x 26 mm)  The wafers are bonded face to face. ATLAS/SLHC Sub-part

11 Ecole micro-électronique, La londe-les-maures, 14 oct 2009 P.Pangaud Fermilab 3-D Multi-Project Run The Atlas/SLHC prototype with 2 tiers FETC4-AE SEU-3D FETC4-DSDC SEU-3D TSV Daisy Chain + BI TSV vs Transistors + capacitors TSV vs Transistors + capacitors Mechanical stress DFF + Tr + Cap Mechanical stress DFF + Tr + Cap SENSORSENSOR

12 Ecole micro-électronique, La londe-les-maures, 14 oct 2009 P.Pangaud FEC4 -> First results of first chip in Chartered 0.13LP 1P8M Due to schedule no optimization of transistors has been done Main results are equivalent to IBM ones. Threshold min around 1100 e- Un-tuned threshold dispersion 200 e- Noise lower than 80 e- Problem discovered after 160 MRad on latches ( output tends to be blocked in "1" state) Difficult to work with the circuit by after Problem reproduced in simulation "corners" (SF and FS case) … but Analog is still working even with increased of noise : 250 e- (threshold dispersion is meaningless)

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