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Affective computing: an interdisciplinary approach to models, methods and systems for the creation of empathetic computers Relatore: Prof. Marco Porta.

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Presentation on theme: "Affective computing: an interdisciplinary approach to models, methods and systems for the creation of empathetic computers Relatore: Prof. Marco Porta."— Presentation transcript:

1 Affective computing: an interdisciplinary approach to models, methods and systems for the creation of empathetic computers Relatore: Prof. Marco Porta Correlatore: Prof. Mauro Mosconi Tesi di Laurea di Doretta Mangiarotti Università degli studi di Pavia Corso di laurea specialistica in Editoria e Comunicazione Multimediale

2 Affect, emotions and technology Affect plays a crucial role in human experience Technologies are significantly present in our everyday life Emotional experiences have many repercussions on our body

3 New devices Designed to be emotional and empathetic

4 Affective computing: what is that? MIT Media Lab researchers intend to create computers that can recognize and interpret affect and then give back empathetic human-like feedback Affective computing is computing that relates to, arises from, or deliberately influences emotions. (Picard, 1997)

5 Four categories of affective computers IVIIIIII Cannot express affect Cannot perceive affect Can express affect Can perceive affect

6 An ideal affective computer Is something like a trusted assistant and not a clone IsautonomousIsautonomous Tries to learn the user’s preferences Provides personal feedback Works through the user’s intelligence, perception and sensitivity Builds a positive and constructive experience

7 Emotion classification RecognizableRecognizable MeasurableMeasurable Few states, quickly and reliably distinguishable Real World Data Collection EMOTIONEMOTION

8 The limbic system Emotion and reasoning are strictly connected One single emotion can elicit a large number of different reactions Before giving an emotional response, our brain carries out an evaluation process

9 Affective wearables Wearcam Affective earring

10 FacialExpression Facial Expression Facial features tracking points

11 Vocal Expression Signal processing No standardization Features evaluation Classification

12 Posture Expressive avatars

13 Multimodal detection Multimodal Detection Facial Expressions Posture Voice

14 Affective learning

15 Embodied Conversational Agents I II III IV (no feedback) Parallel empathy Neutral emotional expressions Reactive empathy Relevant emotional expressions

16 Conclusions CRITICALITY RecognitionRecognition ClassificationClassification Human reasoning inhibition PsychologyPsychologyEthicsEthicsBiosensor Scientific method SupervisionControl

17 Conclusions Affective and empathetic computers will contribute to carry out more and more potentials to our minds and our bodies.

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