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-Complete your reading journal if you finish a book. Don’t forget to log in your books. -Make sure you are up to date with your spelling journal. Practise.

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Presentation on theme: "-Complete your reading journal if you finish a book. Don’t forget to log in your books. -Make sure you are up to date with your spelling journal. Practise."— Presentation transcript:

1 -Complete your reading journal if you finish a book. Don’t forget to log in your books. -Make sure you are up to date with your spelling journal. Practise them at home. -Literacy homework – research your favourite author. Part 1 - I want you to think about who your favourite author is. It could be an author from your home country if you wish. Create an information booklet about this author. -Make sure you have a balance between content and design. It should look like a professional information booklet; one you might buy in a museum or shop. However, the information inside should also be well researched and well written in your own words. Do not copy and paste directly into book. -Information you can include: (THINK ABOUT CHAPTER HEADINGS – You should have a contents page so I know where to look for specific information) -Who is the author? Why are they your favourite author? -History of the author – where, when, etc… Pick out key events from their life. -Why did they start writing? What were their influences. -How do they write? Style of writing. Common themes? Do they write using similar ideas throughout all their books? Are there other similarities between their books? -Why would you recommend this author to other people in the class? Why are they worth reading? -This book will be read by other people. Is it interesting to look at and read? Is it accurate? Does it make sense? All of this will be reviewed by other people in the class. Part 2 - Choose a favourite short extract from their book. I want you to choose an extract from one of their books which you really enjoy! Learn this short extract (preparation for the production) and PERFORM it to the class. -It should be interesting to listen to. People should enjoy your performance and want to hear more. -It should INSPIRE people to read more of their books!

2 -Stages to think about: -Information gathering – -What information can you gather about your favourite author? -What books would be useful? -What websites might be useful? -Are there websites which are aimed at children? -Will you make a resource pack of information to use in your research? - Research – -Now you have gathered the information, you now need to make sense of it. You need to begin to understand the information you will be writing about. -Take notes from your information. Pictorial notes? Brainstorm? Traditional note taking? -Try to make sure you know what you are reading about. If the information you are reading is too difficult to understand, try to find information which is easier to understand. Remember, you can always ask me for help if you get really stuck. -Planning and writing – -Plan carefully the different chapters. What different chapters will you use? What will go in each chapter? -Write carefully in your own words what you have learnt. -Make sure you think about design – is your booklet interesting to look at? Will people choose to pick it up and read it if they saw it in a shop? Would they continue to read once they had opened it? -Make sure you check your booklet carefully for mistakes. -Drama Monologue – -Select carefully which extract you want to perform. Remember, you should learn it by heart. It should be at least 1 minute. -Select your favourite extract. Remember, you will be learning it for a while. Try to choose one you will enjoy reading again and again. -First learn the words. Once you have learnt the words, spend time thinking about how to perform it. Look at examples on my website from last year. -Don’t leave the drama till last. Learn the words first and then practice it regularly during the week

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