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Using Literature Resource Center Literature Resource Center (LitRC) is a complete literature reference database designed for college and university student.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Literature Resource Center Literature Resource Center (LitRC) is a complete literature reference database designed for college and university student."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Literature Resource Center Literature Resource Center (LitRC) is a complete literature reference database designed for college and university student as well as the sophisticated casual user. Rich in biographical, bibliographical, and critical content, the Literature Resource Center is the premier Internet resource for information on literary figures from all time periods, writing in such genres as fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, history, journalism, and more.

2 Using Literature Resource Center Other features in the Literature Resource Center include over 5000 explications and overviews of prominent literary works links to 5100 websites focusing on major authors & their works over 6500 timeline events, to help place literature in its historical and social context 2300 author portraits a guide to writing a Modern Language Association-style research paper and more.

3 Using Literature Resource Center Begin your research in LitRC on the JCC Library home page. Click on this link. Click here.

4 Using Literature Resource Center LitRC is provided by JCC Library’s partner institution, the Jackson District Library (JDL) Click on the link to log on.

5 Using Literature Resource Center You will need an active JCC/JDL library card to use this resource. If you are using a computer that is not part of the JCC network, you will not be able to link directly to Literature Resource Center. If this is the case, log onto the Jackson District Library web site to begin your research:

6 Using Literature Resource Center From the JDL web site, begin using LitRC in this link.

7 Using Literature Resource Center The Databases page will display. You may wish to familiarize yourself with the resources available on this page.

8 Using Literature Resource Center Click to begin your research.

9 Using Literature Resource Center Use the barcode number from your JCC/JDL library card, and the PIN you selected when you got your card.

10 Using Literature Resource Center Get familiar with the features on the home page. It is also often useful to any new searcher to explore the topics available in the Help files.

11 Using Literature Resource Center Take some time to browse the Help topics.

12 Searching Literature Resource Center Several search paths have been designed to facilitate the literary research process. With a data set as vast as LRC, search paths geared toward specific literary interests are essential to assist the user in locating desired information. The following search paths offer the user various approaches to discovering literature- related information:

13 Searching Literature Resource Center Author Search Title Search Keyword Search Advanced Search Authors-by- Type Search Literary- Historical Timeline Search Encyclopedia of Literature Search

14 Searching Literature Resource Center Author Search enables the user to find biographies, bibliographies, and full-text criticism of an author's works and literary career.

15 Searching Literature Resource Center Title Search enables the user to locate a reference to a work of literature within author biographies, bibliographies, critical essays, and work overviews.

16 Searching Literature Resource Center Keyword Search enables the user to conduct a broad search against targeted fields in each document.

17 Searching Literature Resource Center Advanced Search enables the user to design a more complex search using such criteria as Author name, Title, Critic name, Keyword, and Full Text.

18 Searching Literature Resource Center Authors by Type Search enables the user to identify an author or list of authors using a variety of classifications, including genre, literary movement/time period, nationality, ethnicity, gender, date of birth and/or death.

19 Searching Literature Resource Center Literary- Historical Timeline Search enables user to target a specific date range for literary figures, movements, and historical events.

20 Searching Literature Resource Center Encyclopedia of Literature Search enables the user to find entries for authors, works, literary landmarks, literary and critical terms, mythological and folkloric figures, fictional characters, literary movements and prizes from the entire 10,000-plus- term resource.

21 Searching Literature Resource Center Let’s conduct a sample Author Search. Enter the name and click on Search.

22 Searching Literature Resource Center You may get more than one set of results for an Author Search. Click on a name to review the information. For this sample search, you are looking for the author of Memoirs of a Geisha

23 Searching Literature Resource Center A page of results will display. A set of tabs is shown, depending on the amount of content available on a specific person. If your search does not find any results for a specific data type, the tab will be "grayed out" and will not work.

24 Searching Literature Resource Center Notice that the link provides a profile of the author's life and works. Click on the link to begin examining the information about Arthur Golden.

25 Searching Literature Resource Center Your results will display. Scroll through them, skimming for mention of the title Memoirs of a Geisha

26 Searching Literature Resource Center This is not the author you are looking for. Return to the top of the screen, and click on Current Results. This will send you back to the previous screen.

27 Searching Literature Resource Center Once returned to your screen of results, you can make another choice to examine.

28 Searching Literature Resource Center Review the results on the screen as you did before. Click on the link for an article about the author.

29 Searching Literature Resource Center This is the author you are seeking. Click on the links to begin gathering information in more depth.

30 Searching Literature Resource Center Skim the material to determine usefulness to your need.

31 Searching Literature Resource Center Additional sources of information are included at the bottom of the screen. These may be available at JCC Library or through InterLibrary Loan.

32 Searching Literature Resource Center Return to the top of the screen to options for printing, emailing, or marking the item for later action.

33 Searching Literature Resource Center Some searches will provide more information than just basic articles.

34 Searching Literature Resource Center For example, this screen allows you to search for other authors that write in similar themes.

35 Searching Literature Resource Center In this sample search, notice that the Additional Resources tab is on top. Mousing over the other tabs will show in yellow which are active and ready for use.

36 Searching Literature Resource Center Sometimes the name you enter is not the “official” name. The system will find both your entry and the name that it’s indexed under.

37 Searching literature Resource Center Here is an example of the features of an Advanced Search.

38 Searching Literature Resource Center Your Advanced Search results will display. Work with them as you did for an Author Search.

39 Using Literature Resource Center A useful link for researchers is provided at both the top and the bottom of the home page.

40 Using Literature Resource Center The Research Guide walks you through the literature research process, helping you to achieve a better result. Consider using this guide before you search.

41 Using Literature Resource Center For additional information on citing LitRC sources, you may also want to consult this link.

42 Using Literature Resource Center Please contact a Reference Librarian for help or guidance while using LitRC: Phone 517-796-8622 Email Fax 517-796-8623 Visit the Library in Walker Hall

43 Using Literature Resource Center Atkinson Library

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