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To reproduce the main idea of a passage without rewriting most of the piece.

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Presentation on theme: "To reproduce the main idea of a passage without rewriting most of the piece."— Presentation transcript:

1 To reproduce the main idea of a passage without rewriting most of the piece

2 Look for  the writer’s purpose…why are they writing?  the controlling idea  the major supporting points  important terms

3 Mark any strong statements which show what the author thinks

4  Jot down questions about what the author says or means  How are ideas in the passage connected  Use your own symbols to mark up the passage (circling words you don’t know etc.)  Make notes in the margins

5  What does the author believe that is not obviously stated?  Read between the lines  What tone does the author take?  How does the tone tell you how the author feels about his/her subject?

6  Use the author’s entire name in your first sentence, but in later sentences use his/her last name only  State the name of the article in your first sentence  Use quotes around article/chapter titles, and italicize publication titles  Use present tense verbs with the author’s name. Write: Manning says; Payton explains, etc.

7  State the main idea early in the summary  Show the connections between supporting ideas  Use your own wording and your own writing style

8  Use quotations effectively to support and show  Don’t overdo it  Make a quotation part of a sentence  In Johnson’s “Way of the West,” he argues that the myth of the cowboy as a “self-made man battling the elements by use of his survival instincts” does not tell the whole truth (44).

9  Do not change the author’s meaning in any way  Repeat the author’s name from time to time for transition  Keep the summary short--- about ¼ the original

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