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Grandfather’s Journey

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1 Grandfather’s Journey
By: Allen Say Journeys Theme 1, Selection 2, Day 1 Taught By: Mr. Williams

2 Author’s Viewpoint Author’s Feelings
The authors feelings about the topic are an important aspect of Author’s Viewpoint. Remember to describe both how the author feels and clues from the text that show the author’s feelings. Author’s Purpose The reason the author chose to write about a topic is also very important to Author’s Viewpoint. To Entertain, (Laugh) To Persuade, (Convince) To Inform, (Teach) Clues The author’s word choice can help determine the Author’s Viewpoint. Look for information that they author writes as well as information they leave out.

3 Around the World in 20 Days
Comprehension Skill: Author’s Viewpoint How does the author feel about watching balloons lift off and land? How do you know? How does the author make ballooning sound fun and adventurous? Do you think the author admires Jones and Piccard? How can you tell?

4 Decoding Suffixes -ly & -y
What is a Suffix? -y Made up of snowy sappy foggy -ly In a way that is bravely happily quickly

5 bewildered

6 homeland

7 longed

8 marveled

9 reminded

10 surrounded

11 Key Journey Vocabulary
bewildered marveled Greatly puzzled, confused Filled with surprise or wonder homeland reminded Country where one was born Made someone remember longed surrounded Wished for, wanted very much Put all around

12 Grandfather’s Journey
Viewpoint Clue Investigation After reading each page, write any clues that show the authors feelings or purpose from what you read. At the end of the story put your clues together in order to write an inference of what you think the Authors Viewpoint was in the story. Make sure that you are describing both the authors feelings, purpose, and support your inference with details from the story . When finished go back and reread this week’s selection in order to improve reading fluency.

13 Grandfather’s Journey
By: Allen Say Journeys Theme 1, Selection 2, Day 2 Taught By: Mr. Williams

14 bewildered

15 homeland

16 longed

17 marveled

18 reminded

19 surrounded

20 Key Journey Vocabulary
bewildered marveled Greatly puzzled, confused Filled with surprise or wonder homeland reminded Country where one was born Made someone remember longed surrounded Wished for, wanted very much Put all around

21 Grandfather’s Journey
With your partner, discuss questions 1-7 on page 76 of your text. You may look back in your text if you need to. When you're finished begin thinking about the following questions. What challenge did the main character face? Where did the challenge take place? Why was the journey important to the characters? What do you think the main character learned from his experience?

22 Comprehension Strategy: Author’s Viewpoint
Using a Frame and Arrow Map, sequence what you think at the five most important events of the story.

23 Alphabetical Order in a Dictionary

24 Grandfather’s Journey
By: Allen Say Journeys Theme 1, Selection 2, Day 3 Taught By: Mr. Williams

25 Key Journey Vocabulary
bewildered marveled Greatly puzzled, confused Filled with surprise or wonder homeland reminded Country where one was born Made someone remember longed surrounded Wished for, wanted very much Put all around


27 Extreme Partner Reading
First Step: Read the story summary quietly to yourself. If you finish before time is up, read through it again. Second Step: Now that you have read through the story summary, go through it again using hand gestures as you read. If you finish before time is up, read through it again with gestures. Third Step: Turn to your partner and take turns reading the summary with lots of expression. Fourth Step: With your partner, take turns reading with passage with lots of expression and gestures. Last Step: Using your best expression, ask your partner three questions about what you have read. When you are asked, be sure to answer with intense expressions.


29 Grandfather’s Journey
By: Allen Say Journeys Theme 1, Selection 2, Day 4 Taught By: Mr. Williams

30 Decoding Suffixes -ly & -y
What is a Suffix? -y Made up of snowy sappy foggy -ly In a way that is bravely happily quickly


32 Key Journey Vocabulary
bewildered marveled Greatly puzzled, confused Filled with surprise or wonder homeland reminded Country where one was born Made someone remember longed surrounded Wished for, wanted very much Put all around




36 Haiku: Just a Moment! With your partner, read pages from your text using the skills mentions in the yellow column on the left of page 78. When you are finished discuss these questions with your partner and write your answers in complete sentences on a piece of lined paper.. 4. Find an example in “Grandfather’s Journey” in which Allen Say uses just a few words to paint a grand picture. What words did he use and what kind of picture did he create? 1. What image do you get from the line ants on parade? 3. What subjects do all of these haiku’s have in common? 2. Does the haiku about the firefly give you a good mental picture of fireflies? Why or why not?

37 Grandfather’s Journey
By: Allen Say Journeys Theme 1, Selection 2, Day 5 Taught By: Mr. Williams

38 Weekly Skills Test Make sure your name, date, and assignment are written clearly on the top left of the paper. Turn your test paper to me and put your answer key in the reading basket. Finish your Mountain Language. Finish any other unfinished work.

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