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CHICAGO-STYLE/TURABIAN CITATION WORKSHOP Welcome! Please take a seat and log in.

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Presentation on theme: "CHICAGO-STYLE/TURABIAN CITATION WORKSHOP Welcome! Please take a seat and log in."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHICAGO-STYLE/TURABIAN CITATION WORKSHOP Welcome! Please take a seat and log in.

2 BASIC TIPS  Cite your sources as you find them!!  Keep a copy of the abstract as you research  General information that you should include:  Author’s name  Title of the work  Publication date  Page #s  Web address  If any information is missing, it’s ok to leave it out, as long as anyone who reads your bibliography can easily find the source. Try your best to include as much information as you can!  Always keep a Chicago Style/Turabian manual handy

3 BOOK Author’s Name, Title (City of Publication: Publisher, year published), page #s. Book with two or more authors: Geyh, Paula, Fred Leebron, and Andrew Levy, Postmodern American Fiction: a Norton Anthology (New York: W. W. Norton, 1998).

4 BOOK (ONE AUTHOR)  Title: The Fiery Trial  Author: Eric Foner  Publication Date: 2010 Author’s Name, Title (City of Publication: Publisher, year published), page #s.

5 BOOK (ONE AUTHOR) Foner, Eric. The Fiery Trial: Abraham Lincoln and American Slavery (New York: W. W. Norton, 2010).

6 NEWSPAPER Author (or Newspaper Name if there is no author). “Title of Article.” Column Title. Newspaper Name (if not already mentioned). Month #, year.  You may also choose to add newspaper edition too.  NO page numbers  If the name of the newspaper is not well-known and does not include the city name, add it. Lichtblau, Eric. “Police Are Using Phone Tracking as a Routine Tool.” New York Times, March 31, 2012. The Stevens Point Journal. “Reduce your risk of falling inside and out.” Our View. March 15, 2012. (Alternate: The Stevens Point Journal. Our View. March 15, 2012.

7 NEWSPAPER  Title: Some Guy Wearing Packers Uniform Throws For 328 Yards  Newspaper Name: The Onion  Found online Author (or Newspaper Name if there is no author). “Title of Article.” Column Title. Newspaper Name (if not already mentioned). Month #, year. (accessed Month #, year).

8 NEWSPAPER The Onion. “Some Guy Wearing Packers Uniform Throws For 328 Yards.” Sports. September 18, 2008 uniform-throws-for-328-ya,6325/ (accessed April 9, 2012).

9 JOURNAL ARTICLE Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title.” Journal Title #, no. # (Date): pg #. (accessed Month #, year).  If journal articles found online are photocopied from a hard copy of the journal (like most of the sources on our library’s database), you don’t have to include the web address. Kreiser, Christine. "7 days that made Robert E. Lee an icon." America's Civil War 25 (2012): 50-55. Dorr, Robert F. "The German Aces Speak: World War II Through the Eyes of Four of the Luftwaffe's Most Important Commanders." Aviation History 22 (2012): 60.

10 JOURNAL ARTICLE  Author: John Ferling  Title: “100 Days that Shook the World” Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title.” Journal Title #, no. # (Date): pg #. (accessed Month #, year).

11 JOURNAL ARTICLE Ferling, John. "100 Days that Shook the World.” Smithsonian 38 (2007): 44-54. (Ferling 2007, 44)

12 VIDEO Producer/Provider. “Title.” Website Name. Type of file. (accessed Month #, year). Israel: The First Forty Years. Reuters Television. Films for the Humanities and Sciences. Films on Demand. Streaming video. New York, NY: Films Media Group, 1990. (accessed March 7, 2012).

13 VIDEO  Producer/Provider: Timothy Wolochatiuk  Title: Nazi Hunters, Adolf Eichmann  Found on Youtube Producer/Provider. “Title.” Website Name. Type of file. (accessed Month #, year).

14 VIDEO Wolochatiuk, Timothy. Nazi Hunters, Adolf Eichmann. Canadian Television Fund. National Geographic. Youtube. (accessed March 10, 2012).

15 BLOG Author. “Title.” Blog Name, entry posted Month #, year, (accessed Month #, year). “1674: Benjamin Gourd, the last bestiality execution.” Executed Today, entry posted April 2, 2012, the-last-bestiality-execution/ (accessed April 2, 2012). (Executed Today, blog posted 02 2012, April)

16 BLOG Geoffrey Elliot, The Abraham Lincoln Blog. (accessed April 9, 2012). (Geoffrey Elliott, The Abraham Lincoln Blog, blog posted 02 2011, December)

17 BLOG  Entry Title: Apocalypse on the Set  Blog Title: Damn Interesting  Author: Alan Bellows Author. “Title.” Blog Name, entry posted Month #, year, (accessed Month #, year).

18 BLOG Alan Bellows, “Apocalypse on the Set,” Damn Interesting, entry posted February 2, 2012, the-set/ (accessed April 9, 2012). (Alan Bellows, Damn Interesting, blog posted 02 2012, February)

19 Any Questions?

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