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> 1 EndNote v7.0 Faculty of Health Alan Grace. > 2 Overview  What is EndNote?  What is an Add-In?  How do you call up EndNote?  How to go from Word.

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Presentation on theme: "> 1 EndNote v7.0 Faculty of Health Alan Grace. > 2 Overview  What is EndNote?  What is an Add-In?  How do you call up EndNote?  How to go from Word."— Presentation transcript:

1 > 1 EndNote v7.0 Faculty of Health Alan Grace

2 > 2 Overview  What is EndNote?  What is an Add-In?  How do you call up EndNote?  How to go from Word to EndNote  How to choose APA format  How to go from EndNote back to Word  How to open an existing EndNote Library  How to start a new Library  How to edit a reference and add a new reference

3 > 3 What is EndNote?  EndNote is a database for references  Each database is called a library  You can set up a new library for each research area of interest  Or you can have all your references in one library  See Alan’s pages to get EndNote for free!  EndNote will format the citations within your assignment and create a list of references for you in APA format

4 > 4 What is an Add-In?  EndNote is an Add-in to Microsoft Word  This means that you can get from Word to EndNote from within Word and vice versa  You can also call up EndNote independently from the Start menu (why would you want to do this?)

5 > 5 How do you call up EndNote?  From Word you can call up EndNote by:  Using the Tools menu  Using the EndNote toolbar

6 > 6 How to go from Word to EndNote  In Word click on Tools, EndNote 7, Go To EndNote  Or click the ‘Go To EndNote’ icon in the EndNote toolbar (second from left)  Or press Alt+1 (this won’t work automatically in XP) (hold down the Alt key and Tap the number 1)

7 > 7 How to open an existing EndNote Library  When you first go to EndNote (Alt+1 is easiest from Word), EndNote will ask you to Create a new library or Open an existing library (choose one of these)  If you want to open an existing library, click the Browse button (if the name does not appear in the box), and locate the library you want to open, then click OK

8 > 8 How to choose APA format  EndNote contains information about a large number of ‘styles’- we want to use APA format  In EndNote 7, to choose APA format, Click on Edit, then Output Styles (before version 6, this will be in the File menu)  If you can see APA on the list, click on it  If you cannot see APA immediately, you will need to Click on Open Style Manager, then put a tick in the box alongside APA 5 th, then close the Window (click on the ‘x’ at the top right of the Window)  This puts APA on the list- This puts APA on the list- you will need to again Click on Edit, then Output Styles, and then Click on APA!

9 > 9 How to go from EndNote back to Word  If you want to go back to Word without doing anything, press Alt+1  If you want to cite someone, click on a reference to highlight it (see next page to open a library), then press Alt+2  If you want to select more than one reference (for the same citation), click on the first reference, then hold down the control key (Ctrl) while you click the remaining reference(s), then when they are all selected, press Alt+2

10 > 10 How to start a new Library  If you want to start a new EndNote library, Go to Endnote, click on ‘Create a new EndNote library’ and click OK  Give your new library a name  Add your references (see later)

11 > 11 How to edit a reference and add a new reference  To edit a reference double-click on the reference, make any changes you wish, then close the window to get back to the list of references  To add a new reference click on References, New Reference (or press Ctrl+N) and choose the Reference type from the list in the box  Add in the information about the reference, then close the window to get back to your reference list- see next page for typing in the name(s) of the Author(s)  Remember that it is EndNote’s job to put all this in APA format- not yours!

12 > 12 Author Name(s)  You have two ways to put in the name of an author: either Firstname Lastname (with a space between) or Lastname, Firstname (with a comma after Lastname)- the choice is yours!  If a reference has more than one author, put in each author separately and press the Enter key after each of the authors  If the author is an organisation (say Auckland University of Technology), put a comma after the name of the organisation (so that Endnote doesn’t think it’s the firstnames then the lastname of a person- why is this important?)  Check out the Paleo.enl sample library (under Examples in the EndNote folder on C: ) to see how other details are entered

13 > 13 Good Luck!!!  Remember to look in Help for more information!  This presentation will automatically repeat unless you tap the Esc (Escape) key

Download ppt "> 1 EndNote v7.0 Faculty of Health Alan Grace. > 2 Overview  What is EndNote?  What is an Add-In?  How do you call up EndNote?  How to go from Word."

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