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Tips for Publishing Qualitative Research Sandra Mathison University of British Columbia Editor-in-Chief, New Directions for Evaluation.

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Presentation on theme: "Tips for Publishing Qualitative Research Sandra Mathison University of British Columbia Editor-in-Chief, New Directions for Evaluation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tips for Publishing Qualitative Research Sandra Mathison University of British Columbia Editor-in-Chief, New Directions for Evaluation

2 See Yourself as a Writer Write early, write often… Read the current literature. Attend conferences and present papers. Contact journal editors/conference program chairs and ask to be a reviewer. Write book reviews. Work as a contributing author in a study with faculty or graduate student colleagues. Always ask for advice (authors, editors, etc). Write for yourself.

3 Tips on Writing Good writing takes time! Take time/make time for writing. Write, re-write, write some more. Get feedback from colleagues. Be direct and simple. Stay on target. Avoid cliches. Use metaphors. Use active verbs/voice. Explore genres. Find your own voice. We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospection. Anais Nin How do I know what I think until I see what I say. E. M. Forster

4 Choosing a Publication Venue Who is the audience? Journal or book? What kind of articles does the journal publish ~ reports of original research; theory into practice; “how to” articles; conceptual or empirical research? Is a book a better fit for an extensive, in-depth qualitative study ~ who has a list that might be a good home for your work?

5 Choosing a Journal or Publisher Prestige? Discipline or field? Refereed? Acceptance rate? Recent changes in editor or editorial board?

6 Prepare & Submit Your Manuscript Once you’ve chosen a journal or publisher, review the “author guidelines” and follow them. Talk to the editor ahead of time. Align your manuscript with the norms for length, readership, reference and editorial style. Submit your ms in the required format.

7 The Review Process: What to expect Ms or proposal reviews usually take between 6 weeks and 6 months—wait at least 2 months before status inquiry.

8 The Review Process: Criteria for Judging Manuscripts Design Conceptual Framework Coherence Content Clarity Format Audience

9 The Review Process: Decisions Accepted (in press) Accepted with revisions Revise & resubmit Rejected (think of it as “returned”)

10 What Does Revise & Resubmit Mean? Revision process as important as initial writing. Send to another journal? Resubmission should include cover letter explaining revisions made; your reasoning (well- reasoned exceptions are okay). Separate what the editor suggests from what MUST be done in revision. Typically resubmission will be sent to original reviewers w/ copy of your cover letter.

11 Dealing with Rejection & Criticism Anticipate critiques. See reviews as a way to improve your work. Read responses; put away for a few days; separate your emotional response from comments of reviewers; re-read in detail reviewer comments; return to your ms.

12 References on Writing Writing in general Qualitative writing specifically Style manuals Autobiographies of writers

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