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Presentation on theme: "The Institute of Navigation GOVERNMENT FELLOWS PROGRAM OVERVIEW."— Presentation transcript:


2 ION Government Fellows Program  What is the ION Government Fellows Program? – Congressional Fellow – Executive Fellow  What does a Congressional/Executive Fellow do? – Activities – Obligations – Experiences of Recent Fellows  Who is eligible? – Is this the right opportunity for me? – How are fellows placed in Washington, D.C.?  What costs are covered/involved?

3 Purpose of the Program “To offer ION members a unique educational experience while providing Congress (or the Executive Branch) a resource of technical experience and private sector perspectives that will help foster effective public policy on the issues that affect our society and our profession.”

4 ION Fellowship Opportunities  Congressional Fellow – Serves as a Science and Technology staffer for a member of Congress or a congressional committee – Outgoing Congressional Fellow can assist incoming fellow in identifying opportunities  Executive Fellow – Serves as a science and technology advisor in an executive department – There are known opportunities within the U.S. State and Commerce Departments

5 Fellowship Activities  Support a member of Congress, or department, or committee – Typically one calendar year – An extension of up to 3 months may be authorized by the ION Council  Activities include: – Providing unbiased advice on science and technology policy – Preparing for and attending hearings – Working on legislation – Preparing for and attending meetings and briefings – Conducting research – Corresponding with constituents and others – Preparing talking points for TV interviews and public speeches – Interacting with lobbyists, special interest groups, state visitors, etc.

6 Obligations of a Fellow  The fellow’s first allegiance is to the member or department or committee where he/she serves – You are an insider – You will not lobby in behalf of any outside agency, person or organization – You will protect confidential proceedings and discussions from untimely disclosure  Report to the ION: – At June and January Council meetings – Write a quarterly column for the ION Newsletter – Provide timely reports to ION and “heads-up” on pending legislation or executive actions of interest to the ION membership subject to confidentiality constraints

7 Previous Fellows PHIL WARD, 2001-2002 – Served with Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.) – Influenced policy on GPS “NAVWAR” and RFI attributable to UWB services CLARK COHEN, 2002-2003 – Served with Senator Carl Levin (D-Mich.) – Advised on “CAFÉ” policy – Investigated “Special Purpose Entities” established between banks and Enron, Inc.

8 Why Should I Apply?  “The most stimulating professional experience of my career.” – Phil Ward  “Could I ever forgive myself for passing up the opportunity for total immersion in one of the most important and powerful institutions affecting American life?” – Clark Cohen

9 Is This the Right Opportunity for Me?  Am I interested in public service?  Do I flourish when working under intense time pressures?  Am I adaptable in rapidly evolving situations?  Is this the right time for me to apply? – A sabbatical year for university faculty – Retiring from active military service – Financially secure self-employed (consultant) – Considering a career change – Candidate for a corporate sponsored IPA or equivalent support HOWEVER: You cannot represent the interests of that company

10 Who Is Eligible?  At least EIGHT YEARS responsible experience in navigation or engineering programs – Industry, university, consulting – OR six years + master’s in engineering or qualified science – OR three years + doctoral degree  U.S. Citizen  ION member when application is filed – Membership costs $75.00/year  Application filed by March 15 of each year – See ION Website for application forms  ION Selection Committee interviews – Before or during ION Annual Meeting – Annual Meeting held in June

11 Placement Process  Once approved by the ION: – Distribute CV to congressional members/committees or executive departments – Attend AAAS sponsored training session in Washington, DC during September – Interview for placement with a member of congress, or a congressional committee, or in an executive department – It is advisable that you be comfortable with the political orientation of your assignment

12 What Costs Are Covered?  Transportation, lodging, and tuition for the AAAS orientation session  Relocation to Washington, D.C. and return after completing service – Up to $8,000 for two-way expenses  Stipend of $70,000 (as of 2015) – One calendar year – Paid monthly  Travel, lodging, and registration fees for attendance at ION NTM and Annual Meetings

13 For More Information Visit the ION Website at: – All fellowship program details – Application forms – Reports from previous fellows

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