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EESTONIA open government in practice Nele Leosk 3 April, Tunis.

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Presentation on theme: "EESTONIA open government in practice Nele Leosk 3 April, Tunis."— Presentation transcript:

1 eESTONIA open government in practice Nele Leosk 3 April, Tunis


3 Estonia

4 eEstonia

5 How to achieve sustainable use of ICTs to support open governance?

6 Balanced e-Governance

7 e-Parlament e-Identity e-School e-Health e-Banking e-Energy e-Factory x-Road Center

8 E-Government infrastructure Electronic Identity: Authentication of a user by digital certificate imbedded in the ID card or SIM card Digitalized information: Information systems and databases in all levels of government Formalized exchange: X- road - the connection of government databases by a data exchange service layer

9 Parential leave benefit claim Example of so-called complex or integrated e-service …. 18 data requests between 5 information systems + calculation = 7 documents in real life = 3 minutes data input +1 mouse click

10 Government-Citizen interaction


12 Principles Access to the information shall be ensured for every person in the quickest and easiest manner; Upon granting access to information, the inviolability of private life of persons shall be ensured; Access to the information shall be granted without charge unless payment for the direct expenses relating to the release of the information is prescribed by law

13 Obligatory content Statutes of state or local government agencies job descriptions of state and local government officials; salary rates and the procedure for payment of additional remuneration Budget, expenditures etc information concerning unfilled positions in state or local government agencies drafts of policy documents and legal acts lists of the members of political parties

14 Tools for accessing information Request for information Websites of public institutions (by 2001, 2002) Document registers of public institutions Free access to Internet in public libraries (by 2002)

15 Request for information

16 Open data Database Act (1997) integrated into PIA in 2008 1997: This act provides the procedure for the possession, use and disposal of state and local government databases...., and for release and use of their data (incl. raw machine-readable data) EU Directive on Re-use of Public Sector Information (2003) All-governmental open data portal: Open data green paper

17 What happened in parallel?




21 Open policy making

22 Open policy making – one stop shop approach

23 Conclusions NOT TECHNOLOGY but stable and well functioning organizational setup for coordination; Management and leadership Clear planning mechanism and decision meking process; Fixed info-political principles; Political commitment Capacity (administrations, citizens) Awareness Decision-making process should be defined more Precisely Dialog with citizens need to be integrated in the work-flow of civil servants

24 Thank you and welcome to Estonia


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