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The Iranian Government

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1 The Iranian Government

2 Why is Iran, Iran? Iran’s identity is the result of thousands of years of history Deep attachment to Islam Have always been an autocratic state Iran is structured as a theocracy Ruled strictly by religion Clerics (religious leaders) control the major industries in Iran

3 Developing Economy Significant player in the global market
2nd largest oil producer in the Middle East 4th largest in the world The oil is controlled by the clerics

4 Legitimacy The Supreme Leader is accepted as the heir of Islam
Shiite belief Power is derived from the Constitution of 1979 Mixture of theocracy and democracy Sharia Law Jurist’s Guardianship Up until 2005 giving more power to the people was highly debated

5 Government Structure Theocratic Democratic Supreme Leader
Heir to Islam (Imam) Guardian Council Can veto any legislation Can disqualify candidates for public office Expediency Council President Assembly of Religious Experts National Assembly Legislative Body

6 Levels of Government National Provinces Districts Sub-Districts
Local Areas Each level has elected officials Appointed governors advise each level of officials

7 The Supreme Leader The head of the theocratic component of the Iranian government Life long appointment Primary interpreter of Sharia law Controls presidential candidates Can dismiss the President (and other administrators) Declare war (Commander in Chief)

8 The Guardian Council Responsible for ensuring that the democratic component of the government adheres to Islamic beliefs Consists of 12 members 6 are appointed by the Chief Judge and approved by the Majles 6 are appointed by the Supreme Leader

9 The Assembly of Religious Experts
Directly elected by the people every 4 years Appoints the Supreme Leader Can dismiss the Supreme Leader if necessary Similar role to the Guardian council Charged with interpreting Islam Sometimes considered to be the Upper Legislative House Not Official

10 The Expediency Council
Appointed by the Supreme Leader Charged with mediating conflicts between the Guardian Council and the Majles Can produce new legislation to be voted on Considered the most powerful people in the Iranian government

11 The President Chief Executive and highest state official after the Supreme Leader Directly elected every 4 years, two term limit Charged with: Budget Economic Matters Proposing Legislation Signing treaties and laws Appointing lower level administrators

12 Dual Executive Branch Supreme Leader The President Head of State
Is not involved in day-to-day politics Has final say in all matters Head of Government Manages the cabinet Cabinet does most of executive work Answers to the people and the Supreme Leader

13 The Majles Responsible For: Enacting and changing laws
Interpreting legislation Confirming 6/12 of the appointed members of the Guardian Council Investigating complaints against the government Approving actions of the President

14 The Judiciary Headed by a Chief Justice
Responsible for the Supreme Court Appointed by the Supreme Leader for a 5 year term Appoints all lower judges No equivalent of “Judicial Review” exists in Iran

15 The Military Revolutionary Guards
Created by the Supreme Leader after the 1979 revolution Paramilitary to the Regular Army, Navy, Air Force Elite military force, commanders appointed by Supreme Leader Basij are a component of the Revolutionary Guards Loosely-organized military (Militia)

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