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Government Owned Vehicles Westchester County. Westchester County Cars County cars are being underutilized. County officials can only use county cars.

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Presentation on theme: "Government Owned Vehicles Westchester County. Westchester County Cars County cars are being underutilized. County officials can only use county cars."— Presentation transcript:

1 Government Owned Vehicles Westchester County

2 Westchester County Cars County cars are being underutilized. County officials can only use county cars. Why can't private agencies use underutilized county cars if their drivers are licensed and trained? o LIABILITY- Drivers, who are not county officials, are not under county insurance. Any possible solutions?

3 Bee-Line "Taxi" Service A pilot program, combining private contractors with government services, which serve as an alternative to the paratransit bus service in White Plains. Taxi service provided by Intrepid Taxi Fee is $4/ trip Increases availability of Paratransit Bus service for others Saves taxpayers money o average cost = $8-$10/person/trip (compared to average cost =$50/person/trip for paratransit van)

4 Bee-Line "Taxi" Service Taxi drivers benefit from government reimbursement for their services Increase flexibility and convenience for passengers o Pick up and Delivery are not limited to certain time schedules Travel limited to the White Plains Area Could this program be extended to other areas?

5 Possible Solution to Lack of Government Owned Vehicles Rural Transportation Assistance Program (Nonurbanized Formula Grant)-section 5311 o Goals  increase access to health care, shopping, education, employment, public services and recreation for people who live in non-urban areas.  assist in the development, improvement, maintenance, and use of public transportation systems in rural and isolated areas.  to encourage and facilitate the most efficinet use of federal funds through coordination of various programs and services

6 Possible Solution to Lack of Government Owned Vehicles Eligible Recipients o Any county, city or regional transportation authority within a non-urbanized areas o Third party for-profit or non-profit operators may participate through subcontracts with a local public entity. Eligible Purposes o Operating assistance - The maximum Federal share is 50% of the net operating costs. State operating funds (STOA) may be used as federal match. o Capital assistance - The maximum Federal share 80% of the eligible project cost. New York State provides 50% of the non-federal share (up to 10% of project cost). Local funds must be used for the remaining 10% share.

7 Possible Solution to Lack of Government Owned Vehicles Section 5310 Assistance Program o Provides capital only funding for transportation needs of the elderly individuals and the disabled. o Funds, available every fiscal year, are used to purchase accessible buses for not-for-profit organizations throughout New York. o Material needed for Application Process:  The description of financial capabilities and local match required Issue- Local governments lack funds and will have to rasie taxes in order to match federal funds, causing much unrest amongst the struggling general public. Solution- Title III B of the Older American Act provides funds that can be used to match requirements for programs admistered by the Federal Transit Administration (20% of funds can be used toward access services (transporation, outreach, etc)

8 Possible Solution to Lack of Government Owned Vehicles Material needed for Application Process:  The description of project services and explanation of need,  The performance measures provided,  The justification for federally funded equipment that will serve elderly individuals and individuals with disabilities and description of management capabilities,  Meeting the federal requirement of project involvement in a locally developed, coordinated public transit-human services transportation plan, either through the local Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) or through a County level process (for areas without an MPO).

9 Possible Solution to Lack of Governement Owned Vehicles Material needed for Application Process:  Involvement of private-for-profit operators through public notice.

10 References transportation/specialized-transportation/5310 transportation/rural-programs/5311 &thid=138107483e1391b0&mt=application/vnd.openxmlformats- officedocument.wordprocessingml.document&url=https://mail.googl 26th%3D138107483e1391b0%26attid%3D0.1%26disp%3Dsafe%2 6zw&sig=AHIEtbQ7UPr-YzrzKbgSKNIerafYzJtWFg&pli=1

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