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The United States Government Lesson on the three branches of the U.S. Government. How the three branches work separately and together. For Eighth grade.

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2 The United States Government Lesson on the three branches of the U.S. Government. How the three branches work separately and together. For Eighth grade social studies students. by Alexis Mudd Bellarmine MAT student

3 Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Aliens have landed in your neighborhood. They are escaping a planet run by a totalitarian megalomaniac. The aliens want to settle on Earth. They have advance technology to share with the country in which they relocate. The U.S. government wants the advance technology but the aliens are wary of government officials. The aliens want to talk with regular citizens. The President has asked you to represent our country as an ambassador to the aliens. The aliens want to know about our government and how it is run. They have several questions for you to answer.

4 Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Your task is to explain to the aliens how the U.S. is governed. Explain the three branches of our government to the aliens. Explain the function and purpose of each branch. Explain how the system of checks and balances prevents any one branch of government from becoming too powerful. How your group completes this task and convinces the Aliens to stay here is up to you. A few suggestions would be to create a power point presentation, make a poster, perform a skit or sing a rap song.

5 Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion In order to complete your task and successfully convince the aliens to settle in the U.S. you will need to further your understanding of how our government works. Click on each word below to see a definition of the word. Then click to visit a website to learn more about each branch. ExecutiveLegislativeJudicial Checks & Balances Summary Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5

6 Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Students will receive a group grade rather than an individual grade. TasksAmbassadors 8-10 ptsEmbassy Staff 5-7 ptsEmbassy Intern 0-4 pts Application of Knowledge We applied what we learned and answered all the aliens questions clearly and fully. We provided examples of each branch and the checks and balances. We answered most of the questions. We gave examples of some branches of government and the functions of each. We did not apply the information from the lesson and answered very few questions. Presentation & Organization Our presentation is organized logically and clearly. Our presentation is mostly organized. Our presentation is confusing and not well organized. Collaboration Everyone in our group participated in the entire creation of our project. Almost everyone participated in creating our presentation. One or two students did all the work on our presentation.

7 Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Students should have a clear understanding, and be able to explain each branch of government and how they function separately and together. Students should understand and be able to explain our system of checks and balances. Can you think of a real life example of the 3 branches interacting recently? Hint: think about health. Here are a few websites to visit for more information, games and quizzes: has several videos on governement

8 Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher’s Page This Webquest should provide students with a deeper understanding of our federal government and synthesize the information on the three branches of government and how they interact and function. Students should have prior understanding of the U.S. Constitution. How the Constitution originated, it’s purpose and how it is used today. The Webquest addresses Ky Core Content for Middle School Social Studies for 8 th grade listed as SS-8-GC-U-4 for Program of Studies: Understanding, SS-8-GC-S-2 b for Program of Studies: Skills & Concepts, and SS-08-1.2.1 for Related Core Concept for Assessment DOK 3. This Webquest also allows diverse learners different ways to access and show what they have learned. Differentiated instructional strategies used are verbal, audio, visual, interpersonal, and logical.

9 Click here for information on the Executive Branch of our government. The Aliens have several questions for you. Is the President an absolute ruler? Does the President have limits to his/her power? What is the job of the President? How is the President selected? How long does a President serve? Is the President more powerful than the Congress or Supreme Court?

10 Click here to read about the Legislative Branch of our government. The aliens want to know the function of Congress. Why are there two “Houses”? How are the members chosen? What powers does Congress possess?

11 More questions from the Aliens, what makes the Supreme Court supreme? Is the Supreme Court more powerful than the President or Congress? How are the members of the Court chosen and how long do they serve? Does the Supreme Court makes laws? Click here to learn about the Judicial Branch of our government.

12 Click here for a description of checks and balances. What are the Checks and Balances? How can the Supreme Court check and balance Congress and the President? How does Congress check and balance the President and the Supreme Court? How does the President check and balance Congress and the Supreme Court? Why does the United States have a system of Checks and Balances?

13 Click on TV to view a video that summarizes our federal government.

14 Sources: Images: Test Tube Aliens. (2011) Undocumented Aliens Invade DC. (2011) -aliens-invade-dc.html Scales of Justice. (2011) content/uploads/2010/12/scales-of-justice.jpg Aliens in the Attic. (2009)

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